the lost battle? pay 2 win.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Midnightmare, Jul 7, 2014.

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  1. Midnightmare

    Seeing as the first solid steps was made towards pay2win with the implants...........Now with the attachements being next..........I can only imagen rest is coming in a very near future.

    Planetside seems to have gone full ******.

    Personally i think thats a last coffin nail for me......But i would like to hear others opinion about the whole deal.
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  2. Luminiouscow

    Wrel explained that it's pay for convenience. And seeing how much experience he has in the game and how good his arguments are, I have to agree.

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  3. Zenanii

    One and a half year after release, this is the only realistic way for new players to catch up to veterans.
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  4. GaBeRock

    eh. The only thing really p2w is resource boosts after the resource revamp, and I'm hoping something gets changed regarding that.
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  5. Goden

    Maybe they can stop releasing questionably balanced weapons for 1000certs/$8 ???
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  6. Midnightmare

    I can follow that way of thinking.......but i had a premium account in a few other games :p

    And seeing how i could triple my Experince from day to day with that buy.
    about 9 month after release......Im just not sure i can agree.

    And Planetside having very very high prices.....this just becomes even less true if you live in less fortunate country than lets say norway.

    If you lived in hungary most people wont really have money to buy this "convenience" making it 100% pay to win.
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  7. Midnightmare

    Heheh yea.

    Sidegrading was the word SOE came up........and then forgot completely! :p

    Pretty sure the initial idea was that it would not matter if you had 1000 hours on the hood or 10 mins it was the skills.
    Not the gear.

    And just isent true anymore and havent been for a LONG time.
  8. Patrician

    PS2 can only be described as "pay2win" if the items available for purchase using RL money can not be obtained by playing the game; as they are, PS2 is not pay2win! End of!
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  9. Chipay

    or, you know, reduce cert prices on items that have been out for more than a year?
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  10. SteelMantis

    It's true that resource boosts are by far the worst P2W in the game, if they take the opportunity to remove all resource boosting and make all players gain resources at an equal rate it would be a huge win in "the battle" against P2W.

    The attachments are hardly more then a small bump in the road, as part of a larger trend they are troubling to be sure, but by themselves they are hardly worth mentioning.
  11. CHC999

    I disagree that upgrades trumps skill. I got bored the other day and created a new character VS on Emerald (I main on Briggs). Using the default medic gun (Pulsar) with just the red dot and default loadout (I pumped every certs into Medical Applicator for faster revives), I proceeded to curbstomp almost people I engaged and usually ended up in the top 15 in the base leaderboard most of the time (yeah, leaderboard is a bit flaky sometimes, being medic also helps getting more scores = higher leadboard placement). Got my first hackusation within 30 mins of character creation too.

    All the default guns of every class in every factions are really good (with the exception of TR and VS infiltrator. semi-auto snipers for new players *scoffs*). Now that every new players are handed a shotgun by default they generally have everything they need to be competitive right from the get-go. As long as you have good aim (seriously aim for the head), you can reliably beat "older" players quite easily. What get most new players killed is not skill or the weapons but knowledge of the game (standing in front of enemy spawn room, not taking advantage of high grounds and cover, lack of knowledge in base designs etc)

    Heres the character:!/5428224050368564945/stats
    6 hours played, 200-ish kills, 40-ish deaths, about 5 KDR, BR 21.

    I average around 3-3.5 KDR on my Briggs characters so I might just have a lucky day or something but what I am trying to say is that new players gets everything they need right from the start. Most weapons and attachments are really just refinement on the player's particular playstyles, I don't see how paying SC for attachments/weapons will suddenly vastly improve a player performance when you can do pretty darn good with the vanilla weapons already provided at BR1.
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  12. Ronin Oni

    Anyone crying that buying attachments is P2W is out of their ever-loving mind.


    Really people? You're going to make a big deal out of attachments.

    First off I can't understand who in hell would actually even consider buying these things... unless maybe they get like 1-2 hours to game every other week or so cause they're too busy making FAT BANK so dropping a couple bucks to quickly get a character "up to par" instead of spending 3 months of game time grinding for it would make sense.

    But seriously, thanks to this new obnoxious glitch of any adv foregrip/lasersite weapons resetting to default no attachment gun on half my characters, I've come to realize just how bloody good the stock Trac5 and Carv actually are.

    All these attachments & guns aren't really needed at all. The basic infantry equipment is perfectly fine. certing up your tool, armor, and ability slots are all worth it and make far more impact in gameplay, and seeing as they remain the #1 motivator behind buying and using XP boosts (or membership) I really don't see them putting them up for market and killing their boost sales.
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  13. Regpuppy

    ^ This, both the boosts and the membership resource bonus need to be removed.
  14. GhostAvatar

    He may call it pay for convenience, I call it pay to advance. It is essentially the same thing. In a game where any power progression that does exist outside of side grades. That power progression is capped at a finite limit and can and will be achieved by free players, thus bringing balance back in line. Yes the paying customers will get there faster and have an advantage in the interim. But that advantage will only exist for a small period of time until the rest catch up. Which in the case of PS2 that has been out for so long. The catch up is actually the paying customers and not the veteran free players who are already fully certed. This is a good thing as it always new players a way to bridge the gap between them and veterans, plus add more revenue to the game to be developed further.

    At the end of the day, the majority of people throwing around the P2W argument. Are just high level players that are worried that they might actually get challenged by new players, instead of being fodder for their farm.
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  15. Jerox

    I'm so tired of all the 'this game is pay to win' stuff..
  16. JorgeSarcos

    Well... go ahead and play other free2play games, im sure youll come back defending the pay2win aspect ;)
  17. DrPapaPenguin

    P2W is like PSA - a concept people keep misusing. Right now there is nothing that you can buy for real cash that you can't get for certs that gives you an upfront advantage. Implants are perhaps the stupidest arguement for P2W out of the bunch - they drop so often and the energy chargers are so abundant that you never EVER have to spend a cert to run them, not to mention SC.
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  18. Wyll

    If the OP considers the implants and attachments "pay2win", I question their skill level or experience with implants and attachments.

    Pay to Win for me would be more along the lines of using cash to half the capture time of facilities or automatically flip points or disable enemy spawning for a set period of time in a given area.
  19. JOups

    So please tell me how exactly is it pay to win?
    As a BR 100, even as a BR 50 player there is nothing i could buy, to get stronger gear? Those Stationcash buyouts are only helping people who are willing to pay to get the "important" starting gear closer together...
    Even if they would let you BUY Certs, it wouldn´t be pay to win, just skipping time, which is missing those buying guys on expirence..
    I will admit, that this game is PAY2WIN if a player who pays gets a real advantage, ak better weapon, more health etc.
    Pay 2 invest less time, thats the term.

    saying attachements is pay to win is just utterly ********, reading such kind of stuff is just annoys me...
    I wonder what kind of people sit behind their desk and making this kind of stuff up?

    what he said.
  20. dohh

    I'm goin the free to play route for the most part besides cosmetics, and I'm srry, I've never had any trouble with people with implants, and it's not that hard getting attachments anyways.
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