Slug ammo question

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Amnoon, Jul 7, 2014.

  1. Amnoon

    I have been testing the slug ammunition with my barrage and my uppercut and i don't understand them at 100%. I notice the more low rof in my barrage but, it affects the uppercut (pump action shotguns) too? and the most important question, how they affect the bullets behaviour and the spread pallet? are they better in the pump action shotguns?.
  2. EGuardian1

    don't ave exact numbers, but Slug Ammo lowers damage potential in exchange for range, but if you can't lead well with a slow moving round then it's very very hard to use.

    The drop is insane, it's basically one large bullet flying out and hitting with about 60-70% of what damage you WOULD have done with a normal shot. Pump Actions are ONLY a OHK if you manage a headshot (once you get some practice it's actually hilarious to snipe people with a 3.4x scope on a Pump Action)

    In no way is it extra effective, but it's a good way to get more kills with shotguns when you're trying to Auraxium and don't want to get too close. The only slugs I'd recommend fully are NC Max slugs, but my Bruiser/Claw slug 'poor man' sniper rifle has brought me many laughs and rage tells.
  3. Kriegson

    Worse in pump action IIRC as the damage is set to something like 500 regardless of what weapon it is used in.
    You fire a single shot rather than a spread of pellets, so it is easier to hit with "All your damage" but that said you still have damage falloff, and accuracy is not perfect.

    So between doing 500 damage a shot, requiring 3 shots to kill if they have nanoweave, you suffer from dropoff, they get healed, it's an HA with shield....

    It's not very good.
  4. Amnoon

    Thanks for your replies, i think that i will use them just for LA. I don't see the advantage to use it in a normal situation.
  5. Pikachu

    For regular shotguns the damage is 500. For PAS it's 800. Slugs have huge drop and damage falloff. PAS slugs can headshot within 20m, but for most ranges the STK is 3 with both regular and PAS.
  6. Iridar51

    Read about slug ammunition here.

    You can see slug damage on this picture.

    Edit: and no, slugs do not affect rate of fire.