Anti-Vehicle NS sniper rifle

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by CARunner, Jul 6, 2014.

  1. CARunner

    Why not have one for infiltrators?
    The class needs some defense against Ground vehicles.
    The NS AV sniper rifle fires a large explosive round that does some damage.
    The rifle gets a 1 hit kill on any infantry.
    But this sniper also has disadvantages.

    Pros : Vehicle damage
    One hit infantry kills
    High Velocity scope
    Multiple attachments available including : silencers,compensator, scopes,forward grip.

    Cons : Slow and cant be fired from Hip.
    You have to deploy this rifle like you would deploy a turret.
    2 shot Magazine.
    very Loud
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  2. PastalavistaBB

    No, thanks. We have more than enough AV weapons in the game already. Actually too many and too strong. So no. And a Sniper Rifle OHKing Infantry on Bodyshots will never happen.
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  3. Akuzimo

    Scope doesn't affect velocity. Velocity is the speed at which the projectile travels. That's a design limitation.

    The Infiltrator's job is not to fight vehicles. Its way to fight vehicles is near perfect invisbility. Do infiltrators get C4? I don't ise them enough to know but If they do then there's one of the most powerful AT weapons in the game.

    Having an anti-tank rifle is not good stuff especially since the drawbacks on the weapon aren't nearly enough to compensate the damage its supposed to do. One hit kill on infantry implies at LEAST 1000 damage.

    If it was given to a heavy assault in place of a rocket or theie shield I can see that. But not an infiltrator. That's not its job.
  4. Souleater

    Have you not unlocked the NS-86 Phalanx Turret yet?

    It's awesome and practically free! :)
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  5. Inex

    Wouldn't it be cool if the AV Mana turret could cloak and had a 700m/s projectile velocity?
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  6. Vostogon


    You crazy loon.
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  7. _itg

    Giving infiltrators an effective weapon against vehicles is a bad idea, since the tanks can't reliably spot us, but it's a little insulting that infiltrators are the only class without an AV option at all (explosive crossbow bolts don't really count). I'm hoping the devs do something interesting with vehicle hacking to fill that role. Maybe you could hack a tank to steal it, but only if the driver is out of the vehicle. Maybe you could "overload the tank's reactor," causing it to blow up in 60 seconds unless an engineer stabilizes it.
  8. Moz

    I like the idea of an AV Rifle, they have been used before in games and work well (see H-AVR in BF2142).

    If you had a rifle that changed out your main to make you AV only, with a damage modifer to make it realistic against infantary (NO ohk) this could really be a good option.

    In this game however im not so sure it fits correctly on the infiltrator, maybe it should be on the Heavy or the Engineer.
  9. PastalavistaBB

    It's indeed very insulting to vehicle users that every class except the Infiltrator gets AV weapons. Only the HA should get AV weapons tbh. Not every peasant and his dog should be able to mancharge tanks to get easy XP.
  10. Flea6.8

    OK, You win idk what with this is but i want it. Killing people with a scope to the face just seems great. Though i request the scope remain protruding from the face and the death camera both zoom in and swivel around said scope.

    Nah but really, we already have this. The Lancer. I wouldn't necessarily be opposed to this as long as infils lost the ability to cloak when equipping these rifles.
  11. _itg

    I can understand the frustration, but you can't have tanks be actual tanks and have them be so cheap and widely available. If every peasant and his dog can have a tank, every peasant and his dog needs to be able to fight back against tanks.
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  12. LordTankT9

    Yeah right.... So infiltrators could:
    1) Snipe people
    2) Stalk them with SMGs and pistols
    3) Capture stations and plant mines
    4) Fight land, air and MAX???!!! (anything that is good against Tanks - will be shot at air units)

    Of anything infiltrators should be nerfed to hell!
  13. PastalavistaBB

    Tanks are the single most expensive unit in the game. They are definitely not cheap. And MBTs can only be pulled from warpgates or major facilities if your faction owns a Techplant on that continent. If you don't know what you are doing with your tank and didn't heavily certed in it, you'll die in seconds. You have to be afraid of "every peasant and his dog" because they have a weapon that can instagib your tank and you can't do anything about it.
  14. Shadowstorm

    This is the most stupid and gamebreaking idea i've ever heard of, maybe you should try balancing some mods on a game before suggesting ridiculous ideas like this...

  15. Merakov

    Infiltrator is an anti-infantry class we can kill with one shot at max render distance no other class can do that...
    Cloak gives us the ultimate flank ability to bypass the front lines in to the back and reck havoc among them.
    This not an RPG(Role playing game) if you want to be Anti-Vehicle just switch to a Max, HA or Engi.
    If you are obsessed with Infiltrator cert a Flash with a cloak and anti-vehicle weapon and there you have a Invisible anti-vehicle turret.
    Dont know what more you want you have all the tools to evade tanks
    I was the same I also cried about tanks killing me all the time but when I started playing the game properly now tanks cant even find me as Im constantly moving after few shots
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  16. TheAntiFish

    I genuinely enjoy the uselessness against vehicles. It's pretty f&%ing exciting when you're suddenly surrounded by Magriders and you can do nothing but hope your cloak lasts long enough for you to hide behind a tree or something.

    The majority of my heart-in-throat moments are due to our ineffectivity against vehicles.

    (Besides every other class has some sort of AV irritant, leave the big explosions to less effective randoms. Good infiltrators can be a lot more useful to the side than yet another spawn&repeat kamikazee rocket fetishist.)
  17. Xocolatl

    I do agree that Infiltrators should be able to do something with tanks. But it should not be shooting it.
    Hacking is an idea. Or plain old having your recon darts stick to it instead of floating in midair after the tank moved works fine too, I think.
    Maybe even make it so I can cert to have "detected" target being locked on faster than normal to encourage teamwork.
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  18. Draegor

    I agree with the above...mostly. What I think infiltrators should have is a minor ability to damage armor and ac with their bolt-action. Something like the Parallax for VR etc.. Nothing game breaking, but the velocity of those guns should count for something!
  19. SevenTwo

    I think it's a bad idea.

    Now, giving the infiltrator a vehicle deterrent might be more appropriate, something like allowing EMP grenades to lock down vehicles for a short duration, but decidedly giving Infiltrators a dedicated AV weapon is completely out of the question.
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  20. Byron28

    Yeah, it's a nice idea, but also would break the game. Tanks have a rough time as it is TBH; Libs rip them to shreds if they leave the zerg or go out into the open.
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