Sucks how every server is getting merged

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Luminiouscow, Jul 6, 2014.

  1. Luminiouscow

    But Briggs isn't.
  2. sindz

    Yes, cause every other server is getting merged.
  3. Luminiouscow

    Well every server has a chance to get merged. Helios and Connery, check. Waterson and Mattherson, check. EU servers, chance of happening. Briggs and ?????, nope.
  4. SpcFarlen

    Australian server has no where to merge into, unless you want want terrible lag into Connery. The problem with Australia connected to anywhere in the world is that their infrastructure to off continent communications is saturated. The reason why log in times were so bad was because there were packetloss issues with Australians connecting to the player server in the US. SOE did what they could to ensure packetloss was limited, thus reliving some of the problem. But your data is still fighting for bandwith with any other Australian trying to get to a US server (no matter what it is).

    However you still have the physical distance to worry about as well as over saturation of pathways to transmit and receive information from a US based server. So game playability will be an issue. Dying around corners will be a norm, TTK will appear to be much shorter than it already is. Your reaction time is less of "can i return fire" and more of "can i see who killed me". Players closer to the server (ie US ones) will get bullets killing them from you after they killed you, kill trades. Motion prediction of your player will make it very jerky and unnatural.

    It sucks for Aussies, but there is no good solution.
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  5. z1967

    Briggs would cream Connery if they ever got merged with us. Please keep those super aussies on their own spider infested continent or whatever. I don't want lag wizards killing me seconds after I killed them please and thank you :|
  6. FateJH

    Briggs seemed to really like Connery, enough that many people stayed here even after their server woes were done. I don't think a formal merge between them would be poorly received.
  7. EliteEskimo

    I"m very happy with the new Emerald server. Fights all the time, new competition, large fights, and more filled continents. It's similar to Mattherson at launch, except with only a small fraction of the toxicity.:)
  8. Udnknome

    Briggs and that Korea server that no one can get to.

    Not every server is getting merged...... since release, only 2 merges have happened.
  9. Paragon Exile

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  10. Pikachu

    Only 2 merges?

    Februrary 2013:
    LithCorp -> Cobalt
    Mallory -> Ceres
    Genudine -> Helios
    SolTech -> Mattherson
    Jaeger -> Waterson

    May 2013:
    Helios -> Connery

    June 2014:
    Mattherson -> Waterson

    You make it sound like it was possible.
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  11. Chipay

    Game started with 33 servers, only 14 were ever used at release, we're down to 7 right now and people want EU merged to 2 servers, leaving us with 5 servers in the near future.
  12. Pikachu

    Why did they have 33 servers before release? :confused:
  13. Solidpew

    If you wake up with that spider on your face, it was probably eating the annoying fly that's been buzzing around you as you slept. Mutual benefits, right? :D
  14. Posse

    Probably your fault for living in a country in the middle of nowhere :p

    But seriously, what would Briggs merge with? That's the problem

  15. Chipay

    They weren't "active", just available.

    Correction, 32* servers, 8 for each region (yes, even Australia). The list I'm looking at seperates Emerald from Mattherson although they both have server ID 17.
    They aren't exactly servers, just server ID's. Up until now I've only see them rename server ID's but not create new ones. I guess they just made sure that if PS2 would become super popular they had the means to support it. They will probably be used for the PS4 though.
  16. 3punkt14159

    Are there any Servers in Asia, is there any support or comunity in asia? I mean,.. most of the people of the world are living in asia.
    When the get more people there, the can place a server near or in australia and try to get the server full together wiht asian players.
  17. Pikachu

    There is some secret China server.
  18. Adinatore

    According to a friend who translated this while we watched it, this might be the Chinese trailer for Planetside 2.

    I've heard somewhere that Planetside didn't go over well in China since a large majority of players, roughly 70%, picked TR. Could be wrong though.
  19. Zamfwo

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  20. Phyr

    For once, the guy deserved it.