Should the Emerald VS start switching over to their TR alts again?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by IberianHusky, Jul 5, 2014.

  1. Frostiken

    This is a complete load of crap. The map breakdown on Hossin last night had the VS pushed all the way east right up to Zotz Biolab, which is the farthest east base. The NC never stepped foot in Zotz. They didn't help warpgate the TR. We were actually concerned because we had completely cut off the ability for the NC and TR to fight each other. The plan was to leave Zotz alone, let the NC push north to it and both sides, being stupid and terrible, would zerg Zotz and we'd take everything else. Well the NC never pushed on Zotz so we decapitated the TR by taking Halcyon / Abomination / That Other Base. Abomination Point was the only base connecting the rest of the TR territories, and we just walked in with 12 players and took it, and the TR never did anything about it until twenty minutes later.

    The NC had nothing to do with your loss.
  2. Nerp

    This pretty much sums it up.
  3. TopkyA


    Eu Acho Que Voce. resumiu: Tudo o Que Acontece ágora com UMA População TR. Ninguem FAZ o Seu Trabalho, ninguem Ajuda ninguem.
  4. OldCuban

    I think the OP has it backwards.

    Most of those VS players started off as TR. :p

    Too bad there isn't a way to track that kind of thing. I still recall how for most of the first several months or so after release the TR completely owned the NC and TR.

    Then the 4th factioning began.....the rest is history.

    I'll bet VS weapons like the Orion and the PPA are the primary reason the VS have such high pops atm.

    Most players will always choose the faction with the easy mode weapons.

    Not to say all VS players are clueless, far from it. As of matter of fact, since the merge, I'm noticing a lot more coordination on the VS.

    I always preferred a challenge!

    Game on!
  5. SpcFarlen

    It is what i did. Right now though... omg. VS why do you enjoy sending platoons vs 3 TR? I just look at the map and laugh, its double XP weekend and there are SO MANY ghost caps.

    Edit: A map of the fights. It currently fairly even on pop, but as always players always go agaisnt the weakest faction rather than ganging up on the strongest.


    Though if anything, TR are doing pretty well for holding back both factions as much as they can.
  6. KoS-1

    From what I've seen. Most TR have an attitude problem. Too self-centered and selfish. Seems more people put in greater effort TKing people than fighting the enemy.

    And it doesn't help when a outfit member does it and other outfit members shrug their shoulders. Or better yet if it's brought up in their teamspeak. and all you get back is negativity. I'm pointing fingers at VG and AoD.

    I'm at the point now I don't want to help the TR. Almost rather switch to VS and kick TR *** while it's down.

    I've been rather disgusted with the merger overall. More people is fine, just wish they were better!!
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  7. Frostiken

    Go to any fight with the TR and all you're going to see is constant whining and complaining in /y.

    The NC are completely silent. The TR just sit in their spawn room and write walls of text about how the only reason the VS are winning is because of the PPA and life isn't fair and waah waah waah.

    If the TR could weaponize whine, they'd destroy Auraxis itself.
  8. OldCuban

    AoD is a joke.

    They ARE the zerg being led by the zerg.

    Whenever I switch to one of my alts they make the easiest targets.

    They used to be good, imho, right after release. Hell, I was even in their outfit for a few months. But then they started going down hill. I mean, this may offend some, but they even had a kid with " mental issues " running an entire platoon almost every night during primetime. You could tell by the way he spoke that he had serious issues, but they let him lead regardless. That was the beginning of the end for them imho.

    You wanna join a strategic TR squad/platoon? Join one lead by WOLV, HYNB, or even on occasion 903.
  9. Bape

    Guessing u haven't been on at night VS 41% tr 30% NC 31%
  10. WyrdHarper

    While I know some of our other leaders don't like leading public platoons as much, I'm going to be trying to do them a bit more. Had one going today, although it was a bit stymied by my lousy internet and dying mic :C
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  11. Sardaukar

    Could you get some pictures of a 40-tank GOKU zerg? Thanks in advance
  12. Bape

    There is no need for a picture they do bring a lot of tanks and numbers that a fact.
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  13. Sardaukar

    Yeah but I want to make a gallery and I haven't had any luck finding some
  14. IamDH

    You need The Enclave

    As much as you all hate to admit it, its true
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  15. DQCraze

    Ive been helping out now and then. Skill gap is to big to overcome so TR must zerg to compete. This hurts them even more because they dont have the numbers.
  16. Littleman

    I was actually happy to see BuzzCutPsycho playing one day after the merge I think it was? What's that say about the TR's situation my opinion of Emerald/Mattherson in general? Then again, once I went Connery, I only look back when when the stars align such that no zergs are really fighting on Connery.

    To be clear, my beef with Mattherson/Emerald is that the VS have these super organized outfits that can easily roflstomp their enemies by redirecting entire armies over a pin drop (Tactics? Strategy? Not with redeploy as a mechanic!) The NC have the sheer numbers to put enough people on multiple fronts that the VS actually have to get picky and choosy. Any front the TR are on however, those outfits need only throw every guy they got at it and the TR just crumple under foot.

    One need only to ask themselves why one of the most populated servers bled players in the first place.
  17. Serevn

    I regularly switch from my TR main to my VS alt for the Orion/SVA-88 and magrider.

    Its true, playing TR when the enclave was around is very much like how the VS is currently described. Besides the helpful answers part. TE loves to troll.
  18. Mustarde

    I might have left hossin before what you described happened.

    Either way, the NC pushed up the east lane and collided with the VS, as there was almost no TR territory left to fight for. But lets be real here, nobody really cares what happened on the server last night. It's old news, the maps will be completely different when I log in tonight, and who knows which warp gate I will even be at.

    I'm not sure why you bother to debate our own recollection of the events since the point is simply that Hossin became a bad place to fight if you were TR. But fortunately the server is large enough now that I can simply go to a continent with favorable populations and even battles and fight there, which in last night's case was Indar.

    And I make that point, because I still had options for good fights as a TR. A TR relief effort isn't needed when there are still good battles to be had - it's completely different than how the TR were on Mattherson last year, where we would log in, be warp gated on all continents and outnumbered on every front. Players would simply leave and not even play under those conditions. We are very far from that dismal state, for now.