Question: How to perform better situational awareness

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jur270, Jul 5, 2014.

  1. Jur270

    I really dont know, how you can do it, if i am in a fight i the first who get killed, the 1st who get killed in a ghost base, etc magnet bullet, and alot of deaths in a row, so how do you improve, i know l2p but how?
  2. Phyr

    Pay attention to hit markers. Watch the minimap. Don't run around corners. Stick together.
  3. Thagyr

    Walk, don't run, when you expect there may be enemies nearby. If someone catches you sprinting then you are giving them half a second more time to shoot at you. Typically I only sprint when I need to travel somewhere and I know there aren't enemies, or I need to get into cover.

    Listen, and use the minimap. NS vehicles like Lightnings may be shared across all factions but only friendly ones show up on the minimap at all times. If you hear Lightning weaponry being fired by nothing on the map, then there is enemy armor somewhere. You can apply this to the noise of Flashes, Sunderers, LA jetpacks and infiltrator cloaking too. Gunfire from faction weaponry can give you a good idea where the enemy is, as well as their voice callouts. Learn to recognize the faction specific voices. Many times I've found hidden infiltrators since they keep spotting my team-mates.

    Keep that in mind when you are using call-outs as well. The enemy can hear them.

    Dead teammates indicates danger around the area where they got killed. If they are clustered around a doorway expect that the enemy is set up guarding that entrance and you probably won't fare any better going in alone.

    Firing discipline. Typically don't fire unless you are sure that you can kill your target. Firing puts you on the enemy's minimap and shows your position to enemy snipers from the tracer rounds if you engage outdoors. This becomes mute if they have motion trackers or scout radars, but the general idea is to kill the enemy while you have the advantage of server initiative, and deny your enemy getting initiative on you.
  4. Frostiken

    Avoid Hossin. Or bring an IR scope with you.
  5. LibertyRevolution

    Use good headphones. Turn music off. Turn in game sounds to max. Listen for your enemy.
    HS/NV scope.
  6. DrPapaPenguin

    One word: minimap. Its the best tool you could possibly have. Other than that - learn the base design, learn to constantly spam the Q button (remember - YOU mightnt see the enemy, but he may still be in LoS) and generally dont go out in the open unless you need to. Oh and another good practice is to look on the large map to get the direction of the enemy advance and place a target marker over it so that you have a point of reference while you play.
  7. Prudentia

    automate everything.
    hardcode recoil control into your muscles
    automate Combat Dancing
    now you have spare brain power to analyse your surroundings. the second you think, you lost, because someone else was faster than you.
    note that i don't want you stop thinking. don't zerg like a sheep. think with your instincts. they are always right. your subconciousness sees morr than you do and when you activly think you override your instincts.
    basicly, if you think there is someone around the corner, don't discuss with yourself if you should check. don't even "check" go around the corner and shot the guy. if there was no one, nothing lost, reload, kill the next guy. if there was someone:
    install recursion stat tracker
    Bath in "Ragequit"s
  8. Codex561

    ^ wow I feel quite the opposite to this guy.
    I say run around corners since it will break LoS to any enemies and you will have the jump on the person (if any) around that corner. Also sticking together is often a death sentence.