Every time I log on, TR is underpop on Emerald

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nerp, Jul 5, 2014.

  1. Casterbridge

    Do you have stats showing TR weapons underperforming across the board?

    I'm not trolling, I would like to see them. Again I know you have some real issues with a couple of weapons.
    Striker is pointless cause of the Annhilator currently, before it was to strong now to weak, needs a redesign.
    Vulcan and Marauder are both in need of tuning, like the NC your main secondary tends to be the halbred (though NC can make use of enforcer at least which is at best a sidegrade).

    Outside of those three though, Prowlers and Mosquitos seems to be doing well for their role, MCG is quite nice right now and the rest of TR infantry weapon seem to be about on par you have some gems and you some junk, TR ARs and Carbines to me are particularly good.
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  2. Ranik

    You've already listed most of the main issues. I'm speaking mainly to the Empire Specific items not the infantry weaponry. Otherwise it comes down to infantry weapons which are basically carbon copies of each other at this point. My main point being. Infantry weapons are mostly the same. But where there are differences TR suffers, so why would a pubbie play TR?

    Mainly things like Max weapons, HA secondaries, MBT secondaries etc etc. As far as faction flavor goes. TR lost most of it's appeal.
  3. CDN_Wolvie

    The only way I ever found to avoid leadership burn out (or just burn out with a Outfit in general) was by using these three methods together:

    1) Leadership Is A Team Effort: You can't micro manage a Platoon (PL) and not expect to get drained. Set up your 4 squads in particular roles (Defensive Infantry, Mobile Infantry, Ground Vehicle, Aircraft) so that the Squad Leaders clearly know their role, then give them objectives but don't micro how they get it done, leave that to them figure out. Then the PL can focus on the big picture and the SL can focus on the dirty details on the ground, then all they have to do is inform you that its going well or they need reinforcement so you can change up the objective for another SL if need be. And if you are getting tired as the PL, switch off with one of your team mates, keep a good rotation and don't second guess their decisions or you'll never have anyone who wants to switch off with the PL because they don't need the burn out stress either.

    2) Silly Time: After an intense fight for a 2 hour Alert or something, do something that has no strategic or tactical value whatsoever, like having a Flash Death Race or Skydiving LA Drifter Competition or Rave Party @ Warpgate. Give your Outfit a chance to blow off steam, laugh, socialize, and just have some silly fun. And hand out vocal recognition for MVP and recall a fun moment where everyone's character got wiped to laugh about without ganging up on any one player.

    3) Consistent, Short Training Sessions: Once every few days (because people's schedules are crazy), have a Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS) objective for showing what you expect of a particular role, repeat twice, finish with a cool trick using the role and then stop. This should be no more than 30 minutes tops, 15 minutes ideally, and if you can do it in 5 minutes you're the best. Don't make it a job, don't drill, don't criticize - we're gamers after all. Then, have your best student be the trainer next time.

    I've consistently seen Outfits either excel using those 3 methods or break up because they stopped using the 3 methods. Burn out is inevitable no matter if you are the winning or losing faction, you gotta anticipate it and nip it in the bud or just give up on the big team play aspect of PS2.
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  4. WyrdHarper

    While I don't think the TR's equipment is particularly underpowered at the moment (except in a few certain cases where it's generally acknowledged that the equipment underperforms), we do certainly lack ES equipment that is...exciting, most notably the Striker and Marauder. It's sort of been the eternal problem of TR that when it comes time for new and exciting ES equipment, we get an NS mechanic with a few tweaks. This does cause balance issues (it's generally always going to be better/worse than the NS equivalent since it fills the same role), but more importantly it causes "fun" issues. Lancer nests can tear up infantry and armor, Phoenix missiles can cause all kinds of trouble from weird angles for both infantry and armor, but the striker can only be used against armor and uses one of the (arguably) worst mechanics in the game in terms of fun.

    Of course, that's not the only issue. I know both 903 and BWC have been mentioned here, but we're certainly not the only outfits out there. However, we work well together and have been carrying the faction on Mattherson for awhile, a fact which most people will acknowledge. I'm not sure if BWC is doing public ops at the moment, but I know 903 typically isn't because we're focusing on training for CC extensively (doing scrimmages and focused training sessions every week), which is also one of the reasons Shep doesn't want to do the publics as much since he's managing the CC stuff.. We're also trying to be more selective and get more organized internally after running public operations for a few months. We always have people who want to join us (we're closed for recruitment, but still have a number of applications and we brought in a number of new members over the past month or so without doing public ops).

    I've been away from the game for six weeks because of my coursework, and I'll probably try to do some more public operations for us now that I'm coming back, but there's only so much we can do. I don't like running multiple platoons without the Company interface (once we get that I'll happily run 16 squads) because people don't like being separate (we're a very close-knit community). Typically even when we run public platoons people STILL whine about us not doing enough because our public platoons close up quickly (at times, less than 10 minutes before we're full) and so don't show up on the list for long. We've also had issues with people joining our platoons just to troll and TK us, especially going after our more well-known members. Nothing spoils the mood of an operation like someone joining our platoon to C4 our own squads.

    I'm willing to do more public operations and try to do our part to help out, but even if I have 48 people, there's only so much even we can do, and I'm here to make sure my outfit members have a good time above all else. When public operations start being miserable because people want to mess with us, we don't do them. From what I've seen, when we run public ops, a LOT of those members are already in outfits, which also annoys me. If you guys can't run operations, then do those people a favor and disband. If your outfit isn't giving you what you want, don't stick around out of some misguided sense of loyalty or fond memories, leave. There are a lot of good outfits still out there who I would love to see grow, including us, and any of our groups would be very happy to take on the talented, team players we so often saw among the TR public players.

    People may whine about our pubbies, but most of them are pretty solid, and the real issue is that many of them follow orders TOO well. TR players are funny, they like being ordered around and yelled at a bit, and they really do trust their platoon leaders a lot; however, they don't always have the sense to to realize when a PL is being bad, and sometimes they're too patient with leaders because they're new, and let themselves get led into bad situations. I really enjoy leading public platoons--even if they're exhausting, I've never had one where I thought "wow, those guys were terrible," even if they're AOD members. Take any TR public player and give them a good leader and they'll do well. Give them some training and a good outfit, and they're unstoppable.
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  5. Furluge

    This is the closest you'll find from the oracle of death stats tracker. http://imgur.com/a/m6tlC Definitely not across the board but there's some abysmal key categories there.
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  6. IvanDrago

    HSTL (jaeger/waterson) has been trying to help improve some various TR outfits in recent weeks, with ammathor's training sessions and multi-outfit platoons. Our main focus is on squad-level strategy, and making platoons actually be made up of separate squads rather that being some mega-squad abomination that they typically become. We've had some success, but I don't know how well it would translate to larger outfits like AOD.

    Regardless, Waterson TR's smaller "pro-fits" certainly know what they're doing, but we're too few in number to make a widespread impact. Hopefully if we manage to propagate the way NUC used to do things to enough outfits, TR will see more success.
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  7. Elrobochanco

    Care to share which categories for people who don't care to slog through pages of text?
    Because my glancing at most of them show TR in the top 3 in most categories along with the other factions, aka some actual balance there. And even on the rest aside from some outliers like the PPA being best for infantry killing, not exactly showing TR performing poorly.

    That said just taking in averages of users and KPU isn't really a good way to determine much beyond which number is bigger Since the game is somewhat asymmetrical, but the categories are very static it doesn't show anything resembling the actual balance of the game.
  8. Sagabyte

    TR Underdogs 2014!

  9. z1967

    Odd, similar for Connery except pops constantly shift. So someone ends up at the bottom of the pile every few months lol. Right now its TR but I am gonna guess NC is next.
  10. WyrdHarper

    It's been TR for almost a year.
  11. Maer

    There is no place in this game for large outfits anymore.


    If you run one, disband it and let them filter out into one or two squads of dedicated people who actually want to accomplish things with efficiency.

    Keyword: Efficiency.

    There are a limited number of people playing the game, and sometimes even a limited number you can cram into a continent. What wins battles, alerts, and wars is every single person being utilized to their fullest.

    A zerg is an entity to work alongside with as a smaller outfit. It's not something you want to promote or create.

    This is a numbers game, and people (even me, once upon a time) fall into the trap of thinking the way to win is to provide those numbers. So they recruit a bunch of people, sometimes of lesser quality, and just throw them at bases. The problem is, those numbers will be somewhere whether they're in your outfit or not.

    The better plan is to let the pubs be pubs. Don't try to turn them into something they're not. Maybe with enough hands on experience they will develop into something better, but you carrying them with 3 other squads does not a good player make.
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  12. Furluge

  13. Revel

    Just came back after taking a month off. Already feeling like taking a month off again. TR population was fine on Waterson, and now with the server merge its routinely in the 27-28% WW pop range.

    Also, base design on Hossin is atrocious. Didn't we learn from tanks shelling bases and that is why they put up huge walls on Esamir? Now you just have giant hills so magriders can zoom up and shell right into the bases again. Someone needs to be fired.