Every time I log on, TR is underpop on Emerald

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nerp, Jul 5, 2014.

  1. Nerp

    Be it Prime time, early afternoon, late night, or even right now. We have BARELY ANY TERRITORY ON ANY CONTINENT!

    It sucks. Everyone's disorganized, no body goes for capture points, no body goes for sundies. It's one big zerg, usually versus another big zerg that knows what the **** they're doing.

    I don't know if it's still like this, since I didn't even bother to log on past the first few days, but it's impossible to fly because there is enemy air - GOOD enemy air - EVERYWHERE ( Or at least, outside our warpgate )! It seems TR has pretty much no air force.

    I can't fly my mossie, libs suck, the ground zerg makes me want to rip my hair out. The only time I'm ever having fun anymore is when I'm A. on my Flash, or B. Playing another faction that isn't so ******* ********.

    I don't know how, but please, fix this mess. Maybe force new players to go TR on Emerald, or promote TR with goodies and xp or whatever.
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  2. T0x1s

    Welcome to Planetside 2 :)
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  3. Maer

    Welcome to Vanu on Jaeger/Waterson for the past year and a half.

    But seriously. This is just what happens when your faction's best players are all in terrible outfits.


    But.. you are overstating the issue. Underpop does not mean unplayable. Adapt, like everyone else.
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  4. Moridin6

    everytime i log on TR have Amerish locked and most of the territory elsewhere.
    i log on several times a day, btw.
    so yeah, not sure what youre talking about
  5. Phyr

    TR is probably just tired of fighting VS
  6. Plunutsud pls

  7. Frostiken


    SOE refuses to take any steps towards punishing overpopped factions. The NC needs to be nerfed not because they're overpowered, but because they're overpopulated. A complete and total 2.5% reduction in effectiveness of all weaponry and health across the board until their population balances out. Or a system that bans the ability to make a new NC character until you have a BR40+ of a different faction on the same server.
  8. Nerp

    It's not just the smallest faction though, It's a disorganized cluster ****. I played VS for an hour yesterday and had much more fun, simply because we weren't getting steam rolled from stupidity.

    I'm not having any fun at all playing TR on Emerald, which really sucks, because I love the TR more than the other factions. We have absolutely nothing 'better' than the other two factions. No air force, no 'good' outfits ( Debatable, I Probably just don't know of them/they're too small to make a huge difference ). Our zerg is the equivalent of the old NC zerg on Waterson.

    Playing TR on competent was fun, we actually had a chance, even under popped. This is just ridiculously sad.
  9. Moridin6

    look im from Waterson where we VS had the lowest pop Always and Forever and we still got sht done, man up and squad up
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  10. Plunutsud pls

    Seems TR can't win without BCP and his zerg.
  11. Dead soldier

    It's not that bad, it just seems that TR are weird on when they have lots of Population.

    I logged on a week ago and it was 29% TR, 35% VS, 35% NC. I log on the next day and it's 35% TR, 34% NC, 30% VS. It usually is balanced throughout the week but they shift al ot.
  12. Ranik

    This is what happens when you nerf everything empire specific an empire has. People will move to the easy mode factions to remain competitive.
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  13. Vertabrae

    TR has long been the underpop faction. Many of our best players left for the VS during their heyday, and with the surge in NC pops, newer TR head over their to be on the side with the largest pop.

    As for TR being disorganized, sweet jesus, mary and joseph!!! IDK what the hell is wrong with TR. Maybe its the whole more dakka dakka mentality, but lately TR seems dumber than normal. Had a huge biolab fight with the NC on hossin last night. Probably a good 75% of the TR on the cont were there. We lost the 1 sundy we had early on, and I asked in region chat for someone to get another. Nope, nobody bothered. So I ended up pulling one which lasted just over 20 mins, then I pulled another which lasted about 30 mins. 50 mins in which nobody else pulled another sundy so we could assault the other pad. Wasn't until I pulled my thrid sundy that finally someone had pulled one for the other pad.

    A good 85% of TR only care about whats in front of their gunsight, medigun or repair tool. No thought to bringing up more than one sundy at a time. 30 people in spawn while 9 VS or NC cap our base because nobody wants to die and mess up their kdr or whatever. 48+ TR sitting on a point wondering why its not changing color because the VS capped the base behind us, which was quickly followed up by the rest of the cont. All while the TR flop around like beached whales and then retreat to the forums to complain.

    I love the TR. I know not all TR are like this. We have some good outfits. We have some awesome players. But they are by far the minority. The rank and file TR simply want to run around and blaze away. Meaning that until we get our act together, we are going to be the low pop faction. Why play TR when you could play with the larger NC pop or the more organized VS.

    That said, I'm gonna gut it out, and keep soldiering on for the republic.
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  14. AMW1011

    You guys are missing the real issue. VS on waterson held their own with the constant underpop because they had decent outfits and really good pub platoons. There are no good TR outfits left on Emerald after they've all left for other games or factions, and the pub platoons are a joke. People seem to give this AOD outfit a lot of grief, but they are literary THE ONLY ones who consistently talk to their pubs. What does it say when the organization that's supposed to be a joke is the only ones even remotely close to doing what they should be?
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  15. Regpuppy

    Then TR outfits need to get together and talk it over. Make mergers and soft-mergers happen where necessary, do combined multi-outfit platoons to bolster each others manpower, and overall just start communicating as a faction. Especially since the stakes have been upped with the merger.

    This is what Waterson NC had to do to compete with TR overpop way back and what Emerald NC has to do again to compete with VS. This is particularly difficult if a lot of your experienced players are spread out into tiny little outfits, like NC's, but it's something you sort of have to do.
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  16. Moridin6

    who keeps caping Amerish then? lol
    damn things almost always red, and i want my half price c4 :(
  17. Megaman3300

    The good outfit part is not true, at all. 903rd, BWC, VG, DOG, WOLV, and even AOD on outfit-only nights are all extremely competent outfits who understand combined arms and know how to move troops around in a crisis. Actually, crisis is a bit too small of a term; crises would be more applicable due to Emerald TR's unfortunate status as the gang **** target of the combined forces of the VS and NC. The major issue is that almost all of our leaders, myself included, are slowly burning out under the strain of quite literally dragging the TR to victory, with the TR seeming to kick and scream and whine the whole way through.

    But unfortunately, these outfits only make up a small fraction of the TR's available forces, most of whom are incapable of seeing the larger picture, and refuse to do anything other than farm. As a leader, these instances are EXTREMELY HIGBY-ING FRUSTRATING (HEY DUMB****S, GET YOUR 5/1 ODDS OUT OF XELAS AND MOVE TO NC ARSENAL, WE'RE LOSING IT), and are made only worse when the person who's in charge of the operation comes on to leader chat and starts berating everyone for actually trying. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, it get !!fun!!.

    AOD gets a lot of grief for one reason, but it's a very good reason in my opinion: they absorb around 60% of all new TR players who come into the server. And because AOD is extremely impersonal by its very nature, these new recruits by and large become extremely disillusioned, and leave. See the problem?
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  18. Megaman3300

    This is already happening, and has been happening for quite some time. BGE (and its precursor BGM) are alliances that were formed between the major Mattherson (now Emerald) outfits, and during battlegroup ops nights, we tear **** up. As in, win biolab alerts while down 10% pop tear **** up. However, coordinating forces on this scale, pitting them up against players who in many cases have no equal in terms of raw skill (looking at you, DA), all the while winning battles, keeping 15 ears to 20+ different voices and command styles, while giving your own ground-pounders the attention and direction and moral boosting that they require to get the job done, is extremely stressful. Seriously, try even running a single squad sometime and coordinating it with other outfits; it's like juggling feral cats while on a unicycle.
  19. Regpuppy

    You may not see it from the outside, but NC is doing the same exact thing and has been for awhile. It's especially difficult since a lot of NC is separated into a lot of tiny outfits that want to keep their individual identities. Not saying we have it as rough as TR does right now, but we were there at one point.
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  20. SeanFree

    This guy is 100% accurate. I used to run a 700 man outfit, it was an absolute nightmare. Eventually you get burned out and don't want to herd cats anymore. I hope Emerald TR can pull it all together cuz the poor SOB's have to go against the 2 best factions in the game :p