Nerf Tross and give TR some better shet.

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by J.C Simonetti, Jun 2, 2014.

  1. Moz

    Wait isnt the Tross an NC gun?

  2. Solidpew

    Personally, I'm holding off my certs until the NC gets the truly OP medic guns: the Gull, the Pelican and the Penguin. :rolleyes:
  3. Moz


    A lot of my outfit would be very happy with a gun named after a Penguin! :p
  4. Majorpaynekills

    I have to agree with Epic high five. I am a strict TR player and i myself and killed platoons with the Torq-9 and some of the were using the Tross. check your ping or network cause sometimes it seems they kill you in one shot but on there screen they put like 10 bullets into you. Wrel also did a video on it.
  5. Valok

    You do know that the general consensus (read: True/Fact) is that the Reaper is a better weapon than the Tross right? (There are several topic's showing in detail why, take a look if interested.)

    Meanwhile the TORQ-9 is wiping the floor. Resistence is futile.

    You know what, forget it. I'll buy you a Tross + 1000 certs and you gimme a TORQ.

    It look's "ok", but "SOUNDS BEAUTIFUL"?! Nope! To me it sounds like a peashooter honestly, which does not make much sense considering it is a 200 damage weapon - it needs more Boom imo. I don't know what the sound designer was thinking.
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  6. Epic High Five

    Well yeah, it's just ASSUMED that the TR are going to get the absurdly OP stuff. That's why we are too polite to bring it up, it's why the Vanguard and Magrider get compared so much despite them being total polar opposites.

    The Reaper is also a fine gun. Maybe it's better, but I don't rely on consensus (consensus said the Reaper was the worst AR for the NC before this, remember) and instead I just go by how I use them. To me, the loss of DPS is fractional compared to the boost in accuracy and - here's the biggest thing - the totally over the top ridiculous damage per mag for a 2.1 second reload.

    I told myself I'd go back to reaping full time after the Tross aurax, but I just can't. It's got a bit more oomph but...the Tross has got more staying power, and more oomph overall. It's a tough one to give up.

    More pertinently, I've given the recommendation for a Tross over a Reaper to two outfitmates thus far and they are IN LOVE with the Tross. It's just NC as all hell
  7. Moz

    If you are stood a little distance from someone firing a Tross it sounds like a Vanu gun! Craps me up all the damn time!
  8. Certs-For-Days

    TR's getting a full auto pistol, VS gets a 4 round burst pistol, and NC gets a shotgun pistol.
  9. Iridar51

    That's kinda a month old post. At that time new pistols were not even on the PTS.
  10. NCDaniel

    Tross is only good if you're experienced with headshots. TR has the laserbeam of a Torque. I don't need more "shet".
  11. Lightwolf

    It's been tested and shown that if you can deal with the recoil the reaper is weirdly more accurate.
  12. TheKhopesh

    Yeah, the tross is nothing short of a downgrade in every possible way thanks to the Reaper's superior accuracy and DPS (Even with HV on the DMR, it's still more accurate than the Tross without HV).

    The Tross should have the same exact accuracy stats as the Reaper.
    Give the Tross the hidden stats of the Reaper and it's a good, unique weapon.

    Without the accuracy, the Tross is only helpful to those who aren't as skilled with the 200 damage automatic NC weapons.
  13. TheKhopesh


    Someone else who is actually good with the Reaper.
    So far, SirCerealBox and myself are the only ones I've seen that know the Reaper and Tross intimately.
    It's good to see someone else who's not just of mediocre skill with these weapons, and realizes that the Reaper is superior in every aspect to the Tross.

    Personal opinions on the audio and model aside (The stalk on the Tross is wrong. It's a thin little thing that is something you'd NEVER see on a range oriented weapon.), I have compared every hidden stat the Reaper and Tross have, and in every department the Reaper is better.

    And the worldwide accuracy stats for both weapons to date reflect that.
    The Reaper has a massive accuracy lead for the recorded combat accuracies (5.7% more lifetime accuracy, and the Reaper existed back before the VR. So people would blast countless rounds into walls to get a feel for the accuracy that wouldn't have been counted for the Tross, thanks to the VR) over the Tross.

    Most weapons with models this similar only vary by 0.2%-0.5% TOPS.
    And the Reaper/Tross gap varies by over 5.5% in favor of the Reaper (Who not only predates the VR testing, but also had considerably lower accuracy before the buff on December 17, 2013) yet it's still a solid 11 times higher in accuracy variation compared to the weapon intended to be worse up close, but better at range.

    Heck, the accuracy difference is so bad, if you put the 6x scope, compensator, and adv. grip on both, then add HV ammo to the Reaper, the Reaper will still be able to hit more rounds on target than the Tross (And faster).
    (Provided both players are actually high skill with the Reaper/Tross. Obviously, if you're out there with one of us using the Tross against some guy who's never used either in his life, he's going to get his a**cheeks served to him on a bun with cheese and a dill pickle.)

    If the devs want to fix the Tross so it properly fits it's ranged roll, they only have to change the accuracy to that of the Reaper.
    Just copy/paste the hidden stats from the Reaper to the Tross.

    That's all!
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  14. Dtswiss

    If you copy / paste the cone of fire and recoil of the reaper towards the Tross which already have 30 bullets and faster velocity, what is the point of the reaper? The Tross would outclass the reaper in everything but a few DPS. The Tross is fine as it is except the sound it'smuffle and weird. (needs more kick to it)

    The tross is still a decent weapon, just not a MLG weapon. Let me try to explain.

    If you play in small fights up to medium size, the reaper is the better gun simply for accuracy, reload speed and dps. You don't need to constantly have that extra 6 bullets to safe your behind all the time. This is specially true if you want to use a 200 bullet gun in a competitive match (12v12), accuracy and dps is all that matters (exceptions are sniper riffles and shot guns as they are not allowed in Pal tournaments or the weapon is too specific to be effective).

    If you like to play more in huge zergs, bottleneck fights, where the actions and targets keeps coming, this is where the Tross would shine more as you can lay more damage per clip when waves and waves of enemy come at you. You can kill more people without reloading basically. In this type of fight, accuracy and dps take the back and you trade it up for more continuous damage over accuracy because you are getting swarm by people shooting at you.

    Now, no one is saying you can't use both weapons in both situation, I'm just saying each one has its own place in the 200 damage category.

    I personally prefer the Reaper as I tend to like medium and small fights over platoons vs platoons therefore I love the reaper for its accuracy, competitive dps, and reload speed. Last I check I was still the number one with the reaper, almost 26 500 kills. I think I've played enough with both weapons to understand where one might shine in a specific situation. My opinion is that reaper is better weapon for most situation except when its like 3vs1 then Tross will shine more.
  15. Epic High Five


    But for reals the lower FSRM on the Tross on top of the RIDICULOUS damage per mag is what pushes it past the Reaper for me. Is the Reaper like 5% more accurate in some situations? Maybe. Does it have 6,000 damage per mag and laser accurate burst fire and a 2x200 burst mode? Nope, and these things will matter to a lot of people.

    They're both great guns! But I prefer the Tross and I'm a man who knows my 200 damage tier weaponry
  16. TheKhopesh

    The Reaper is easily 50% more accurate after just the 4th shot.
    A 2x burst mode at 469 RPM would take about 2.13965 seconds to deal out enough damage to kill at max range (That's w/o HV ammo causing a major loss of accuracy on that second round).

    The Reaper, however, can hit using longer bursts at the further ranges, and fire faster. And then, you take off HV ammo.
    (Because the Reaper can equip HV ammo and still be more accurate than the Tross without HV, as well as fire +6.6% faster.)

    The Tross is only a better option if you're either not very accurate with your weapon (then those extra 6 shots may save you), or you have a 100% accuracy rating with it (Which has yet to occur for anyone who owns the weapon and has over 500 kills. I say the part about having over 500 kills because I've found DasAnFall's weapon history tracker to be amazingly accurate, and is the only one I know of that updates anymore. They don't display results for those who have under 500 kills the given weapon, to avoid cluttering up the stats pages when you sort by percentage accuracy.)
  17. cruczi

    I'd actually prefer the Tross just for the flash suppressor. The only way to hide your flash on the Reaper is to use an actual suppressor which further hurts its velocity and damage... while Reaper can fire 600m/s rounds (of course, faster with HVA) with no flash.
  18. TriumphantJelly

    I like the Zenith...