[Suggestion] Reduce the galaxy's ability to farm

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Wezdor, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. dstock

    I dunno what to say besides, 'LOL'.

    On a side note, I'd trade in both my Galaxy Bulldogs, on all 3 factions, if I got all the certs back, and I could put Walkers in their place. A 3xWalker Gal w/ Drake on the Tail? Yes, plz.
  2. Wezdor

    I'm certain it was entitlement when people claimed libs are too good as well, right? And entitlement got them nerfed? Surely it wasnt balance...

    Oh, ok. So it's the player's fault when something is OP. Great reasoning there!
    It's entirely SOE's responsibility to balance the galaxy against ground targets. The vehicle is too strong and has to be toned down against infantry. Tanks have been and so have been ESFs, Harrasers, Libs and Lightnings. Why should the galaxy be an exception?
  3. Scr1nRusher


    is now QQing about the galaxy.....

    This forum community needs to stop destroying its own game.

    its getting discussing.
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  4. Icedude94

    Alright here's the flipside argument. My lone squad and I can't hope to galaxy drop a base and capture it with this game having turned into re-deployside...without the galaxy staying above the base and bombing anyone who leaves that spawn room.

    A liberator would be more powerful and better at killing troops, but it doesn't have enough staying power when bursters can shoot at it in the spawn room and 1 or 2 rocket hits could destroy it. The 30 seconds you leave station to repair could mean the death of your squad on the ground.

    One bulldog can't fully do spawn suppression, but it can at least thin the herd enough for ground troops to mop up.

    The bulldog is also key for keeping a landing zone clear so that infantry that respawn in the galaxy don't have to drop in the middle of a bunch of enemies.

    Lastly, small fights get ruined because the attackers can't spare people to protect their sunderer from the lone light assault/engineer/ tank. A galaxy can stay mobile and out of harm's way.

    More so because the majority of people think they need perfect aim to hit a target as big as a galaxy with a rocket launcher and therefore don't even bother shooting at it. In my experience as one of those galaxy pilots, the reaction of most people, if they can be bothered to fight back rather than complain on the forums, is to pull burster MAXes which I just laugh at.

    The good outfits that have people shoot at me with dumbfire missiles or the 1 tank that shoots AP rounds at me...those people I fear the most.
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  5. axiom537

    I don't consider it OP. There are so many counters to this situation it isn't funny. But I will not waste my time explaining them, because the desire to dumb down the game is strong in this thread...
  6. axiom537

    That's novel coming from you...
  7. Morti

    Because it's taken until now for SoE to nerf everything else that's been OP.

    Used correctly the Galaxy is a farming tool for two players against small 12-36 player fights. I concur with bulldog nerf but would like to see buffs towards the Galaxies intended role. i.e increased seat capacity to 24.
  8. Leftconsin

    This thread is ridiculous for two reasons.

    1. The battle Galaxy is not oppressive with only being able to point one bulldog towards a fight at a time.

    2. The nerf OP is asking for IS ALREADY IN PTS PATCH NOTES!!

    Similar to the adjustments made with the Liberator belly guns, we are making adjustments to tank primary weapons, rocket launchers and the bulldog to make them less effective against infantry.
    For the bulldog, blast damage is being adjusted so that the weapon requires more accurate shots. The air version will see a reduction in velocity, making it identical to the Zepher in that regard.
    • Blast damage reduced from 600 to 500
    • Inner blast radius reduced from 2 meters to 1 meter
    • Outer blast radius reduced from 6 meters to 5 meters
    • Air version only: Projectile speed reduced from 250 to 200 mps
  9. Champagon

    Well nothing is wrong with the GAL, so there is some reason you posted this thread ya know?
  10. Wezdor

    You have just listed all the reasons why the galaxy is, in its current state, too strong. It flies, can sustain massive amounts of damage, can stay very mobile, has lots of firepower and laughs at its designated counters (AA maxes, Skyguards and Lock-ons).

    Please tell me how that is a balanced vehicle, please? The size of it does not mattes since it can move and maneuver almost as good as an esf (minus the reverse maneuver) or a lib. You can dodge a rocket long before it reaches you with it's pitiful 80m/s speed.

    If you had read the thread, you'd see that i'd like the galaxy to be destroyable with 4-5 hits from a dumbfire / ap cannon... There is indeed a problem with it, which is, it's too strong for the firepower it carries.
  11. Mxiter

    I hates every kind of free farm tool, but imo the gal isn't OP.

    It's really slow and large (much more than a lib) and can be easily hitten by any source that can damages vehicles (other than C4 and tank mines).

    Also it's A2G weapons can't hit the same target, that limit the groundpounding quite well.

    Also a solo lib can destroy it in 2 TB volley
  12. Wezdor

    It's far from slow, it flies at 220 KPH at stock chassis. That means that by extension, it's quite hard to hit it with any weapon that does any meaningful damage to it (dumbfires). Therefore, hitting with those should be more rewarding by doing a significant amount of damage. The Gal can outrun a dumbfire without any problems whatsoever.
  13. Champagon

    GALS are probably the easiest things to hit in this game. its HUGE, if you can't hit the galaxy..........
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  14. Scr1nRusher

    whats that supposed to mean?
  15. DK22

    next time I kill one I'll just mark it as failure on my part then. :)
  16. Stormsinger

    Personally, I want a Nanite Systems Marshmellow Cannon - chances are, it will be better then almost anything else in a bout a year, at this rate of nerfage.
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  17. Hasteras

    When did we decide that if a vehicle is killing infantry, it is 'farming' and is therefore inherently bad?

    Nah, the truth is the Lib was overnerfed versus infantry and the battle Gal is no where close to overpowered.
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  18. Scr1nRusher

    Forumside is going crazy again.

    Forumside please stop before you turn the game into a smoking crater.
  19. MorganM

    Come on dude... try a little.

    I scare them away by myself with a single skygaurd all the time.
    Pull a liberator; ideally with a gunner. Shredder owns the galaxy Higby style. Even the nosegun will tear up a gal.
    Decimator sucks; use your primary default launcher. Very easy to hit gals with it.
    Pull an ESF and hover far enough back... just keep working at them... they will move on or die.

    Sometimes getting them to leave is the best you can do... and it's possible even solo. You have to think outside your spawn room box. Quit spawning right by them, running outside, and wondering why you are getting farmed, Redeploy, pull something effective, and flank them.
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  20. Drumsticks617

    Let me see if I can help with some of these.
    • ever since the lib nerf, battle gals are being used a ton more. I see them everywhere now. Just because they haven't changed at all recently doesn't mean we can't perceive an issue with them now that they're being used commonly. The absence of a recent buff/nerf does not take away a player's right to make a suggestion regarding balance of some aspect of the game. Still, you have every right to disagree with that suggestion.
    • I don't think it depends on the map layout. The OP mentioned Esamir and Hossin. I was in an organized squad yesterday and we got farmed by a battle gal on Indar that had no place being at that corner of the map (vanu gal farming a small TR/NC fight). I don't really think it's the continent that matters as much as it is the size of the fight that matters, which has been a huge point in air/ground balance discussions for a long time.
    • Flak should not change. the reason that this suggestion calls for vulnerability to tank rounds and dumbfires is to punish skywhales for coming in close to the ground to farm. I'll go more into this in a moment.
    • Again I'll address this later.
    I personally like this suggestion, although the OP might have gone a bit too far with some of the figures he used. I do a pretty good deal of flying and I understand the age-old predicament of aircraft ruining small fights but being useless in 48/48 fights. The idea of launchers doing increased damage will help infantry in small fights defend itself while not making a big impact during bigger fights. The scenario that I previously mentioned included me and a squad of about 10 others fighting some TR at Indar Comm Array while everyone was on Esamir and Hossin (alert on Esamir+Hossin being Hossin=empty Indar). Then a vanu battle gal comes in right above us and shells with bulldogs. We respawn and pull some bursters and some lock-on heavies but the gal can simply dart behind mountains and buildings breaking locks and bursters can't do enough damage to take down a gal before it flies away. If we could all just aim some dumbfires at it and chase it away that would be a much easier way for us to handle that situation. If we're in a 48/48 fight and that battle gal shows up, all the flak will focus it. If the pilot is smart, he's not going to stay in the area very long and certainly won't be getting close to the ground, and thus dumbfires and tank rounds won't be a factor.

    Again, I fly an ESF so I know that every aircraft and AA unit will focus that gal as soon as they see it, so i don't want want to hurt the gal's effectiveness in those situations. But a galaxy's role is a troop transport and an airborne spawn point. It has no reason at all to be flying low to the ground except to farm, and it should be punished for doing that. I think this suggestion does a pretty good job of allowing squads in small fights to defend themselves better while not making skywhales any more vulnerable in big fights. The values that OP threw out could definitely use work but it's a good idea regardless.
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