Weapon attachments for SC = Win

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bruno Puntz Jones, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. Bruno Puntz Jones

    Good changes, and welcome ones. Thanks much. That is all.
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  2. phreec

    Yeah I don't see the big deal. Buying 100 cert stuff with SC is just dumb in my opinion, be it guns or attachments...
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  3. Plunutsud pls

    What about dual ext mags for MAX?

    You can buy them now SC now too, that's 1000 certs worth of straight upgrade material.
  4. dstock

    Time to get extended mags for my Bursters.

    Cross-faction unlocks are delicious. Bursters are the same on all factions, this will be one spot that's really cost-effective to just buy the extended mags, instead of farming 1000 certs per character.

    Also nice to hear my TR is going to get over 1k certs back on refunds for advanced laser / foregrip unlocks.
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  5. Inex


    A lot of people have forgotten that the big reason "Pay-2-Win" is bad is the inability to "Play-2-Win". If I've got a problem with the extended mag upgrade, it's that it is an upgrade at all. Most weapon options at least put in some sort of downside so they can pretend to be a sidegrade and not just pure power for veterans.
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  6. Plunutsud pls

    inb4 Burster nerf :eek:
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  7. phreec

    Fair point. But I'd still argue it's not any more P2W than the business model already present in the game. Membership and resource boosts are far worse.
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  8. dstock

    Can't wait to put an 84-round / reload Burster in the back of my Harasser with max Ammo Ranger.

    Get Flak'd!
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  9. Goretzu

    I think they'll sell a LOT of those.

    Which only makes buyable armour and other upgrades more likely (of course, there is already someone at SOE with that all mapped out, I'm sure).

    If they start selling NW and Flak upgrades for SC (and vehicle upgrades too, of course) they'll rake in an absolute $$$fortune$$$ in the short-term (long-term probably not so much).
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  10. TazumotoGames

    I honestly wouldn't give a flying f**k if you could buy every single item with real money. Idiots and their money are easily parted.
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  11. Inex

    Depends on how transferable it is. Getting the Burster upgrade account wide is great because it applies to every character. But if you buy NW5, does it apply to just that HA? All HAs on the account? Every class?

    It's like with the Optics. 50SC to unlock IRNV on every weapon is a great deal. 50SC to unlock IRNV on just your Carnage AR? Not so much.
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  12. DK22

    I've bought a number of things with SC, alot actually, you know just because I can,
    but can't say any of it has made me better a player.
    So its just paid to play. its fun so we're all happy.
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  13. dstock

    Oh, definitely. I'm also curious if all of our NS weapon attachments are going to be refunded. Unless I'm mistaken, the laser-sight on my Commissioner, and the fore-grip on the NS-15M (two NS attachments I know I have on at least one char) are not currently account-wide, if purchased with certs.

    As long as they stick with attachments and optics, I don't have a problem with this. Attachments and optics are mostly QOL upgrades. I don't think you can actually kill an ESF with a Dual Burster w/o extended mags currently (going to test this), but for everything else, you're not getting a significant advantage over people that don't want to pay. I like iron sights, on almost everything. If people want to spend money on optics to have a better chance at killing me, fine. I mean, c'mon, they cost 30 certs: that's like 1 hour of playtime or less for almost everyone that plays this game (who can't make 125 spm, besides completely new players.) Likewise, most weapon attachments cost 100 certs, ie not a big time investment.
  14. MorganM

    I think SOE is shooting themselves in the foot here but it's good for customers. It was a pretty clever system to have people buy a gun with SC then have to play and pay for upgrades on that gun with Certs. This promoted more gameplay and less pay 2 win. I forsee more pay 2 win whiners now.
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  15. Jalek

    I just got the extended mags too.. :rolleyes:
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  16. Goretzu

    It's not just bursters, most NC MAXs get a serious boost with extended mag (some VS and TR MAXs do too).

    Basically NC MAX are balanced around having extended mags.
  17. NinjaTurtle

    So is buying that 2nd burster. That is 2x the DPS against air, that's 1000 certs of upgrade

    There is no difference. People are making a big deal out if this for some reason. Either weapons and attachments should or shouldn't be allowed to be bought for SC but not one or the other

    This allows new players to catch up a little if anything. Are old players scared of being owned by new players and their slight weapon improvements?
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  18. Plunutsud pls

    It's just a shame that people can now buy their way through 1000 certs worth of an upgrade (dual ext mags) that's only been available for certs until now.

    This is a big step down a slippery slope, even Smed admits it.
  19. NinjaTurtle

    But attachments are only a small advantage and most have a drawback as well. Ext mags re one of the few exceptions and should maybe be given a big disadvantage double reload speed example.

    Weapons offer the same power boost to certain play styles. SMG's for CQC infiltrators are a bigger advantage than buying a forward grip.

    They are also mostly 100 certs or less so buying them with SC is really not worth it. If people want to buy them then that is overall good for the game. This game needs more money.
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  20. Plunutsud pls

    Totally agree that ext mags should take longer to reload.

    This game does indeed need more money, but all because it has failed to attract and retain enough players. Additional monetization will push away more old players than attract new players.

    If they want more players and money, they need to stop being so greedy and stop nerfing the PS2 team so they can hurry up and make this game all it can be.