NS-11A Platinum (needs unlocking)

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by GoTDirt fromMAG, Jun 26, 2014.

  1. GoTDirt fromMAG

    My NS-11A Platinum has only ever unlocked for use on the one character that I entered my code initially with originally. I would like to use it with all of my medics. Do I need to create an in-game ticket for this?
  2. GoTDirt fromMAG

    Thank you for the summer reward.
  3. VexTheRaven

    No, it's only a single-character unlock, but you can use the code an unlimited number of times, so just redeem the code enough times for every character.
  4. asdfghjkl

    Hello I have a question What s that code? I ve known about it can you tell me that code? Im new :\
  5. Ribero

    or if that doesn't work, try it in all lowercase instead.
    • Up x 1
  6. asdfghjkl

    Thanks so much:D
    • Up x 1
  7. Ninave