Thanks for hossin, I'm out (Hit registration)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by -MJ12-, Jun 29, 2014.

  1. -MJ12-

    First of all, I like hossins design and the continent-lock system.

    Unfortunately, the hit registration has become so horrible that I refuse to play this game anymore.
    I put half a Flare magazine in an enemy from 20m distance, I see almost all hits register, they turn around and kill me. I empty a full Zenith magazine into the chest/head of an enemy, they look up and kill me.
    Its no use summing it up, I guess everyone already experienced it / heard about it / saw videos about it.

    What good is a brand new continent if the core mechanics of the game do not work? Its a joke.
    People have been complaining and reporting this for months, SOE does not even bother to confirm there is a problem to be investigated.

    I was thinking, actually thinking to spend money on this game after the hossin release. I spend it on some steam summer deals instead. I will look up this forum from time to time to see if the problem is fixed, until then I see no reason to play anymore.
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  2. Jerox

    I also noticed some possibly bad netcode.
    A few times when I got into a close quarters fight with someone and I died their shield wasn't even affected even though I clearly landed about 3 to 8 shots on the guy. It's really frustrating and started happening since Hossin release.
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  3. Caserion

    Yea, i think we all in some way experienced it, if we know it or not.

    I also had a horrible lag moment. One dude was standing still in a hallway, thinking he was AFK i quickly aimed for his head and knifed. He pretty much died instantly. After that, i reloaded while moving up some stairs and suddenly i get hit and die. Killed by the person i killed 5 seconds ago. It was hilarious how much lag that guy had.

    As for hit registration, nothing worse than hitting a guy with 20 bullets only to see him kill you with not even his full shields gone...
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  4. Corporate Thug

    His connection probably dropped for a few seconds, but not long enough to be kicked.
  5. Randomplayer11

    I agree that hit detection is some kind of joke !!!!
    You start shoot at someone he turn shoot you in one moment and you see you even dont damage hes shield WTF ! is this is he hacker?
    You think this wos meybe lag they you look your ping 60 ms ? so it wos no lagg .
    So you go to fight and you get shoot you run to cover and bamm he shoot you whne you wos behind some cover WOW what is this ????
    Then this hapends few times and you go mad at broken hit detection , and you stop play game !!!
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  6. SeanFree

    I'd agree but my hit registration got about 15 times better with the Hossin patch.
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  7. Xocolatl

    I thought that was just me having pretty nasty latency. Guess it's a lot of other people as well.
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  8. kirinohana

    Sorry to say my hit registration has gotten quite a bit better since patch. It feels like I am superman now being able to kill things again. I feel your pain though, had problems previously since lib patch.
  9. Predator01cz

    It's a balance feature
  10. SeanFree

    This is pretty much my experience. My original post sounded a bit dickish but it does suck to have terrible hit reg, I hope SOE can bring it back up to were it was before January (right around when they f-ed it up).
  11. libbmaster

    The fact that I have not experienced this must be due to the fact I get between 80-200 ping connecting to emerald.

    Seriously though. I guess I'm really lucky. o_O
  12. Kunavi

    It's getting out of hand for a lot of people actually. Was in earlier asking about it and enough people notice it for SOE to do something drastic and fast. Come on... D:
  13. DK22

    I wonder what the killer guys are thinking.
    'no problem here'
  14. Rayzr

    Been having the exact same problem since hossin and the waterson/mattherson merge its putting me off even playing infantry anymore
  15. LT_Latency

    I thought they said it was server lag and there were looking into it
  16. Mekeji

    Yeah I am experiencing it as well.

    Also I have killed people who I saw shooting at me and I didn't take any damage.

    It is far worse than it has been in the past.
  17. Pirbi

    I put a full mag from a razor into guys and they seem to turn around and two shot me with equivalent weapons. And the death screen seems to indicate they didn't take any damage. Plus shooting people that aren't looking at you yet still dying to them. Not to mention getting killed behind cover. It all kills the immersion. At least it doesn't happen all the time... yet.
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  18. Bankrotas

    The only time I had issues like that was when I tried to play without an ethernet cable, having ****** wi-fi card does not help... Nor any other ****** network card either.
  19. Konstantinn

    I haven't felt any difference concerning hit detection lately(Emerald). If you see someone shooting at you, and you're not taking any damage, it's most likely not a bug or some grand conspiracy... they're missing their shots. If you're shooting at someone and not doing damage, you're probably missing too.

    Haven't you guys seen Pulp Fiction?
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  20. InoxGecko

    Flawed hit registration is actually a thing? And here I was thinking that my aim just sucks.

    It's kinda funny and rage inducing at the same time, when I empty 30 rounds from the MSW-R into a HA and he turns around and insta gibs me...check the death screen...I mean surely this guy is down to a sliver of, full shields

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