Outfit Browser : What is wrong about it

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by xxxSPIKExxx, Jun 27, 2014.

  1. xxxSPIKExxx

    I am Very sad to see that the current Outfit browser is missing a lot of stuff :
    according to this post :

    There are a lot of info/filters missing !

    - The outfit rating : From now on the more you have players the more you will be able to recruit peoples, it's kind of sad because the best outfits are left on the bottom of the list ! it's only promoting Zergs Outfits and to me it's wrong !

    - The Average Battle Rank : It's as important as the outfit rating, filtering good outfit from the others.

    I hope these will be corrected quickly. I also hope that new features will be added :

    - Custom Outfit Decals : I'll take the example of Wow, you had the possibility to buy a Guild Emblem, this one was displaying the Emblem of the guild you were currently in, and it was completely blank if you where not part of a Guild. So why not taking the same process, allowing the outfit leader to set up a Custom decal for the outfit ?

    -LANGUAGE Filter : It is from far the most important filter that is missing ! I know that the devs are all from the USA but there is servers in Europe too ! It's a shame that they did not consider the other languages ! so give the ability to tag your outfit with a language or a flag, it's not that hard ?

    - The browser : When you type a word in the search bar, it's only searching for a match in the outfit name, it should be taking the description title, or the description itself.

    Even if I know that SOE don't give a damn ... I still hope for a change
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  2. Bortasz

    You have +1 from me. Especial on the language part. Sorry SOE you have customers from other countries than USA. It will be good to help them.
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  3. NinjaTurtle

    Average SPM
    Average k/d
    Average BR
    Primary language

    I love me some stats
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  4. xxxSPIKExxx

    It will also be nice if it will have a dedicated button on the sidebar on the bottom, I think it's too hard to find for the new players.
  5. xxxSPIKExxx

    I also clearly regret that nobody is paying attention to this thread
  6. RHINO_Mk.II

    1) Look at outfit list.
    2) Go to stats.dasanfall.com
    3) Do your homework.
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  7. Bortasz

    1 People are lazy.
    2 Dasanfall have limitation on registration. You need a link.
    3 People who know about Dasanfall don't need outfit advertisement. This is about newbies.
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  8. xxxSPIKExxx

    Then the outfit browser is nothing but useless ! On the first place it was made to give people information about the outfits.
    What's bothering me is why it's not looking like the preview they posted on the Roadmap ?
  9. RHINO_Mk.II

    Dasanfall stats is available to everyone, and has been for the past 6 months or so.
    Newbies don't need to see a billion stats when looking for an outfit to join. More importantly, if K/D and BR were listed, everybody and their mother would be trying to join the top small outfits on their server who don't actually want more players. It's a hassle for everyone.
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  10. xxxSPIKExxx

    I don't think so because small outfit are recruiting !
    the FOOL outfit (#1 on the game) is recruiting ... and the KD doesn't matter ! but the numbers of members online per week
    or the outfit rating, is something VERY important ... yet it's missing !
  11. Solidpew

    Afaik custom decals are supposed to be implemented, but I recall seeing some unique ones already. (Is this one unique? I'm not sure; taken from reddit)

    I'll agree with the most general point you've made: languages should have some form of recognition other than throwing them into the outfit description. There could be a primary language option, or perhaps a way of indicating the languages most commonly spoken by the outfit. Communication is important for encouraging players to be more active in an outfit, so I think one extra filter could help with this.

    I like this one above the rest because throwing too many numbers at players is overwhelming and unnecessary. If a newer gets curious about an outfit from joining squads/platoons but sees a high BR average, there's a chance this person will feel discouraged from joining because a number is sending mixed signals. Let the player make the decision by only presenting what they should expect from the outfit, not what stats matter most. (A sentence like 'we are experienced veterans who welcome newer players' does this eloquently)
  12. Frostiken

    Median would be far more useful than mean. If an outfit has 25 players, 20 BR10s and 5 BR100, you get an average BR of 28. The median would be... BR10, accurately reflecting the outfit having a pretty **** roster. Zergfits with a thousand or more players would have median BRs extremely low.

    Also K/D wouldn't tell you much when you're spreading it across a hundred or more players. It would probably be the same amongst most all outfits, and have some weird sniper outfit at the top.
  13. xxxSPIKExxx

    I think you are misunderstanding what I suggest.
    The only thing missing is the choice ! now you only choose outfits depending on the count of members. You should be able to filter them and to sort it for any informations, member count, name, rating etc...

    Just look a the picture ! they almost did it ! it's so sad they did not kept this version !
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  14. xxxSPIKExxx

    does someone know if there are considering changing that ?
  15. Codex561

    SPM and KDR are irrelevant.
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  16. Codex561

  17. Bortasz

  18. xxxSPIKExxx

    It's not obviously newbies ...
    But seriously if the browser is missing at least Language AND average BR, and showing just the count of members it's useless !

    No matter if you're an average player, or a newby or an hardcore gamer, you can't choose properly your outfit from this tool !

    Nobody still cares about this **** ... too busy reporting about Hossin's fog and Hossin LAG and Hossin locked ...
  19. NinjaTurtle

    I dispute k/d being irrelevant, it is very relevant for certain classes and play styles.

    Other players also like to use it as a gauge so for them it should be there for applicants and as an overall average for outfits

    And as I said I love me some stats
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  20. Codex561

    Ok I agree, kdr CAN be relevant at times but how do you separate people who farm in libs all day and infantry players?
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