[Suggestion] Add spawn queues (omg!)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Frostiken, Jun 26, 2014.

  1. Frostiken

    So new rule:

    - Base spawn tubes spawn a single player every five seconds.
    - Sunderers spawn a player every six seconds.
    - Galaxies spawn a player every ten.
    - Warpgate excluded.

    Bases are given more spawn tubes to accomodate the number of players they 'should' ideally expect to have. Major bases like Biolabs will be loaded up with spawn tubes. Towers would have several, and minor bases would have just a handful.

    When you die, you select your spawn point and enter the queue (players can see the queues just by clicking to see where they can spawn the fastest). After your minimum death penalty expires, you either spawn, or your queue level ticks down as other players spawn.


    Okay first of all drama queen you would almost never be waiting thirty minutes. The reason for this is simple, let's use an example.

    Let's say a giant zerg of a million billion enemies are attacking a minor base from their own minor base. The bases each only have a handful of spawn tubes. There's already quite a number of defenders there.

    The attackers will be forced to bring multiple Sunderers with. They no longer will be able to just spawn endlessly out of a single Sunderer. Not only will this help spread forces around, but it would also hopefully cut down on that situation where one guy is getting all the spawn XP since he got the 'closest' and everyone else's Sunderers get nothing until his explodes.

    By needing more Sunderers, this will help benefit the defenders considerably as every Sunderer they destroy reduces the ability of the enemy to channel their forces. Remember, under the current model, a single Sunderer can literally handle an infinite number of players spawning all at once (well, theoretically). It doesn't matter if they have one Sunderer or a hundred - they will all just spawn as quickly and can easily overwhelm you from one vehicle. With a spawn queue, you will reach a point of diminishing returns and it's better to bring more Sunderers. Perhaps introduce a mechanic of 'region queues' where you don't have to hunt for the shortest queue, it'll automatically put you in it.

    Now, let's look at this from the other side - the defenders. So the defenders are under attack from a huge force with lots of Sunderers. Now, there's a bunch of defenders, but their base's spawn tubes aren't really up to snuff with handling their high playercount. So they do what anyone would logically do - bring Sunderers of their own to bolster their spawning.

    And where do they have to park them? Outside the base. And what is outside the base? Vehicles. Enemies. A whole plethora of gameplay that current does not exist, because defenders have no reason to ever leave the base's walls, as vehicles outside can do nothing to affect the base itself. By having to bring Sunderers of their own, suddenly fighting outside the walls becomes more important.

    Finally, it looks like the defenders are getting overwhelmed! So like the cowards they are, they cry on command chat and a platoon of 48 BR100s say that they'll come help. They hit U and prepare to spawn-bomb the base.

    Except... guess what - now you have 48 players clogging the spawn queue, on top of all the defenders that were already in the base. It would take them quite a long time to all trickle out. Suddenly, spawn-bombing is no longer very effective, as you're only clogging up the queue of players who were already defending. You aren't going to be able to magically multiply your forces at the base unless you all stand in the spawn room waiting for the queue to empty to regroup.

    The platoon would be forced to spawn at the nearest major base, and hike from there via Sunderer or Galaxy. Bam. Redeploying is no more. Suddenly the game doesn't play like crap. Well, it takes a long time to spawn everyone in a Galaxy too, so they'd be forced to land to pick everyone up - you know, like in the good old days. And Galaxies could no longer be used as orbital Sunderers due to the extremely slow spawn speed. Now spawning in a Galaxy is just a convenient measure for a straggler, instead of the primary method of getting your troops inside. But at the same time, Galaxies can deliver 12 troops INSTANTLY, instead of slowly through a queue, making it the better choice for last-minute defensive maneuvers... AS IT SHOULD BE.

    Since this idea requires strategy, foresight, and NOT being able to instantly spawn anywhere because your ADD makes you unable to pay attention if you haven't fired your gun in more than twenty seconds, I expect everyone to complain about how this is the worst idea ever. Go.
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  2. Jeslis

    Good ideas here.
  3. USD

    Galaxies should not ever be able to spawn anyone, ever.
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  4. Dictatorfish

    It's a shame I can only "Like" the original post only won. Otherwise, I'd give you my entire daily allowance.
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  5. Gorganov

    I live the spawn tube idea. However, Sunderers should remain the same since attacking a base is a pain because people still refuse to pull enough...
  6. Lord_Avatar

    Unable to respond coherently... Haven't... fired... gun... agghhh...
  7. Tzizimitl

    I think there's a simpler solution, honestly: Simply make it so that no contested base(connected via the lattice to an enemy-held location, spawngates excepted) can spawn soldiers in its spawn room. Suddenly, any base that's contested needs both attackers and defenders to come in via galaxies, sunderers, harassers, spawn beacons, etc. and there's no longer any need for camping the spawn room to keep defenders bottled in(making it more fun for attackers) and the defenders' fight no longer consists of swarming out of the spawn room in droves hoping to overwhelm the attackers(making it more fun for the defenders).

    I think it would deal with a LOT of the huge swarm issues that currently exist, which are mostly that on some bases, if enough people are spawning in, it's simply not possible to kill them off fast enough to take the damn place.
  8. maxkeiser

    Just makes no sense. The defenders should ALWAYs have the large inbuilt advantage. They have the nanite respawn facility within the base. The base is a fortress to defend.

    Defenders should always be able to spawn at their OWN bases.
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  9. NinjaTurtle

    It would certainly make it easier to camp an AMS if only one person could spawn at once.... mmmm...... I agree my k/d needs an more easy to camp AMS
  10. FateJH

    Couterpoint: when the attackers finally take the base and force the defenders out, the defenders' ability to eascape down the lane to the next base to defend will be compromised because the said next base will also have these spawn limitations for them.

    This will distribute any kind of force that might want to defend across various other bases and across (spawn) times. Meanwhile the attackers of the previous base, because they are have natural mobility, just have to roll across to the said next base. In fact, pushing into the next base early allows for locking down the spawn easier since there will never be much more than a trickle of displaced defenders showing up at a time. The attackers can have all the time they need to crop up in groups, cap the point, and set up stands.

    In practice, this may address the concept of mass redeploy across the continent; but, the individual ecologies of bases will see a significant impact as setbacks by the defending party will always result in delays of getting back to fighting force become significant. It'll take some time for that same group of ousted defenders to all manage to relocate in the field again and that'd be like gifting the attackers the next base or two down that lane. If they don't just go somewhere else. Even the "redeploy to another base and fight back in from the outside" strategy that people often cite is compromised because the previous-mentioned hard spawn will limit the regroup effort.

    This will also negatively affect attackers if they are properly repelled, inconveniencing them in their own base should the previous "defenders" choose to go on the offensive. At some point, you might reach an equilibrium as two forces ping pong back and forth between two adjacent bases. Then a massive reinforcement descends from one side and sets up a cascade that becomes difficult for the other side to address.

    And, otherwise, a lot of people will stand around in some spawn room as they slowly build back up their platoon's ranks.
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  11. Stromberg

    actually, the exact opposite would be better. spawn ppl in waves like every 30 sec but then all at once. this is basic tactics really. and smart outfits do it already. don't go one by one, go in waves. only this way you're actually using a numbers advantage.
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  12. Huxer

    So...You are a big fan of Gal drops from the warpgate? The very first question I would ask is how do I lock my sunderer so only people I choose can spawn there. Is this the direction you were heading?
  13. xboxerdude

    Stromberg has the best idea