Deal with the Emerald Population problem.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dagonlives, Jun 27, 2014.

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  1. DooDooBreff

    i have to agree wit this i was excited until 30 mins in wanted to get off hossin and saw that vs zerged the entire server.

    maybe the plan to bring back the lock whiners is going to alienate too many others? i hope theyre all paying your bills because i wont when zerging limits others play enough as it is. Now we're denied entire continents. the 4th factioners are gonna be on the rise too.
  2. NinjaTurtle

    Wow, just wow, the first part of a meta is finally live in game and people are still crying.

    You know I have been spending a good amount of time on Reddit over the last couple days. I can see why the devs go there instead of here now. This place is full of horrible people that never have anything good to say. It's all doom and gloom
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  3. Sagabyte

    Its really easy to lock a continent with a swarm of people. The vanu pulled it off because they can swarm everything with expendable orioners, PPA farmers, and other stuff like that.

    The pop imbalance needs to stop.
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  4. DooDooBreff

    the people who stuck it out are mad.

    the people who returned are mad.

    im so disappointed that i have a month left on my sub and will probably not log in again because i was hoping for tis patch to revive ps2 for me.

    but like some people on the forums are telling others..... ps2 isnt for me i guess..... although it was for over a year.

    this month ill take my 15$ to mcdonalds ill enjoy it and still have a turd the next day.

    also they never have any of their menu locked
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  5. novicez

    There's a new update rolling out later that will disable continent locking for Hossin only. Wish you and your outfit the best luck on trying to get in. ;)
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  6. Plunutsud pls

    Emerald pop looks balanced during prime time.

    Capping at 3 AM is way past prime time, when pop balance is irrelevant.

    But I do agree that cont ownership benefits of 50% are too high and should be no more than 30%
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  7. Sirisian

    I was on for 6 hours since I haven't played in like a month. It started out at 33/33/33. I was in a queue with like 200 people when I first logged in. It was even for the first few hours then TR started leaving. Then when the Amerish alert started they pulled a lot of their players to do the Alert. VS decided to stay for the Hossin fight since it was new. It was not intential to lock the continent, but NC and TR left and the VS has a lot of momentum. They could have easily stayed. The server only let in so many VS.
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  8. TotalNoob

    What I really can't understand is how ill thought through this whole thing was.

    New continent + continent lock patch. I wonder what might happen...

    It's equally as confusing as why a grown man would want to bite another grown man.
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  9. Bindlestiff

    Is locking continents not what continent locking is all about? Why are people surprised at this?
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  10. FillyFluttershy

    Half the problem was no one was opposing Vanu. When they conquered Hossin, TR was too engrossed in the Amerish alert to even fight Vanu and literally lost every single territory (didn't stop me from getting farmed by an M14 Banshee Mosquito, of course) and NC was putting up a fight, but heavily out popped on Hossin.What was most annoying was seeing a lot of NC still playing Indarside. As if they hadn't had enough of that in the last 18 months!

    TR and NC on other continents needed to come to Hossin and fight Vanu. But I can't totally blame them, fighting a Megazerg where if you have 48+ in the territory you're still at most 1/3rd of the total pop compared to Vanu is not fun and really sucks.

    To top it off you have some super mature VS players in the yell chat saying things like "stop looking at my spandex bulge" and "get **** on!" and generally bragging about their 50-70%+ pop Hossin capture. Gratz! In the end, you ruined Hossin even for yourselves. Hope it was worth 25% XP bonus. :rolleyes:
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  11. HadesR

    Locking should auto disable if the World Pop of one faction reaches 55%+

    Anything lower than that and the other two factions should be able to double team the overpop'd faction to prevent it ..

    Since Ghost capping a cont in the AM hours with huge pop imbalances isn't good for anyone ..
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  12. Sagabyte

    This. We need this.

    Also, we should remember that this is completely new to the player base. We should attempt to teach the player base that indarside is no more. We need to adapt to these new mechanics to PREVENT a snowball of one faction.
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  13. Bindlestiff

    That is a good idea, nice.
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  14. Linedan

    BTW, thanks TR. TR locked Amerish at 5:05 am EDT and that unlocked Hossin, so it's back on again.

    Even during prime time, VS at one point had 71% of the continent with pops at 33/33/33. They were capping everything in sight while TR was trying to warpgate the NC from the east and we were beating each other to a pulp up there around Ancient Clutter. Then again, this is continuing a tradition from Mattherson. VS have always been the faction that were most aggressive about "playing the game" instead of playing the game, if that makes any sense--winning alerts, capturing continents, etc. (Not a bad thing, don't get me wrong. It's just a playstyle difference between them and especially NC, who pretty much gave up on alerts for months because we could never beat the organized VS going balls-out at them.) So I'm not surprised they're getting into continent locking. Kind of a ***** move to do it to Hossin on Day One, though.

    If VS is back to having massive graveyard-shift (EDT) overpop again? This could suck with continent locking.
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  15. Negator

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  16. Phyr

    Population at 3am has always been extremely bad, it's nice that you've come out from under that rock.
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  17. Linedan

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  18. Nody

    It is disabling alert on Hossin; you can still grab it at 3am in the morning by taking 96% as they did.
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  19. TotalNoob

    Here we go again... the problem is compounded by the stupidity of the NC. They still honor their pact and team up against the TR despite the VS having 41% pop.

    You can see there's a couple of 1-12 enemy activity along the NC/VS border, but most of the NC have decided to help their VS allies by attacking the TS amp station. Meanwhile the VS push from the South. How about pushing the VS for a bit and not allowing the VS the lock again?

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  20. Negator

    Or, you could stop expecting handouts and actually lift a finger to help yourself.
    VS locked continents not because of population problems, but apathetic TR/NC.

    TLDR: Its YOUR fault.
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