New Player Looking for server

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DarkZeak, Jun 26, 2014.

  1. DarkZeak

    Hey guys. As the title says I'm a new player. I have played a few hours on Connery and have enjoyed it so far. However, I would like to play on a heavy pop server to be in big battles. I don't care about pop distribution, or the fourth faction thing (I will prolly put all 3 of my slots on the server, but I'm the type who fights with the underdogs as that's more fun to me), I just want LARGE battles. Which US servers have the highest pop, or highest pop on at anytime. I work nights and tend to be on at random hours. My GMT is -6 if that helps any.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. Plunutsud pls

    Emerald is the biggest server by far with 2500+ people online during prime time.

    Connery is much smaller and the other servers are ghost towns.
  3. footjam

    I was playing at 5am EST on Emerald this morning and we had a nice little 24v24 going on between Vanu Archives and Crossroads. It stayed 24v24ish for about 90 minutes and then I had to go to someplace called work.
  4. Aander

    Emerald's currently got the highest population.
  5. DarkZeak

    Emerald it is then. I hear the TR in Emerald is bad (I've been reading the forums since every time I try to launch the game it just freezes and takes a pc reboot to fix) so I will be joining them. Can't wait till I get enough experience to no longer be considered part of the Zerg. I don't play FPSs much, but I play the hell out of strat and tactical games lol. Either way I will have Loads of fun.

    PS: Validation fixed my problem (took bloody forever). Joined Emerald as the TR. Names DZEzeal if any cares :p
  6. Diodeone

    Careful which server and side you choose because Higby's forumside clan has made it impossible to get the server transfer tokens that were promised over a year ago.
  7. DarkZeak The heck did they do? Anyways, I already made a TR and a NC on Emerald. VS is too overpoped so left my VC on Connery.
  8. Yaesu

    Then again, closest server means better pings. With the terrible hit detection in this game, you NEED good pings.