[Guide / Video] Hossin Update OVERVIEW

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Yamiks, Jun 26, 2014.

  1. Yamiks

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  2. Pikachu

    Nice green Hossin in those pictures. We get new beige Hossin. :(
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  3. dingdonyourdead

    when is hossin coming and how long will the servers be down. any ida?
  4. Alizona

    Hossin isn't finished? None of the continents are finished!!!! Have you seen the kind of changes they've been making to the other 3 continents?

    This whole game will never be finished... it's an eternal work in progress. And there's nothing at all wrong with that.
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  5. Plunutsud pls

    Hossin is officially a beta (according to Higby) so expect lots of bugs ;)
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  6. Yamiks

    1.5 h as minimum .. i would expect 3h for sure!
  7. Yamiks

    of course i know that.. it's a never ending process !
  8. Morsong

    It's a damn shame none of the continents look like they do in their concept artwork. Still excited though.
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  9. Pikachu

    The thing is a few days ago all of a sudden they decided to change the lighting on Hossin. It used to be green like in the pictures but now it's very light green that makes things looks beige somehow. The night time lighting went from teal to red and made brighter to please the eye damaged people.
  10. Yamiks

    on interesting note : to me an to others from my outfit HOSSIN looks like that swamp palnet in DEGOBA system .. STAR WARS (home planet of yoda!)
  11. FateJH

    I thought there was a Lattice connection between TI Alloys and Ceres. Am I mistaken; or, when did they remove it?
  12. squarebug

    that is sad the one thing i was looking forward to is jungle green Hossin and soe's art team blows it- wth