Magburner buff

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Uberclocked, Jun 21, 2014.

  1. Uberclocked

    Really? One Second of burst speed with 20 second of cooldown (at max) compared to other faction's abilities???
    Seriously, plox gib buff.
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  2. ShortRovnd

    Not only that but the extra momentum from the speed boost quickly evaporates for no apparent reason.
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  3. gigastar

    And it does nothing to help you get up in high places, unlike the Flash and Harassers turbo.
  4. Uberclocked

  5. Flag

    Feels like TR and NC are asking for VS buffs.

    So bizarre.
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  6. Uberclocked

    I play TR, NC, and VS. TR is my main faction though.:)
  7. EliteEskimo

    It's not hard to argue for buffs for an opposing faction when it's not even controversial hehe. Buffing the Magburner doesn't make the Magrider OP, but increases its usefulness, survivability, and fun aspect.
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  8. Flag

    It's still bizarre!
  9. x7xBillyDaKidx7x

    A faction having a tank that can go places that no other factions tank can get to seems a bit unfair to me !! The magrider can go places that no other vehicle can go . Why is that?
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  10. z1967

    it can bypass small rocks and occasionally get launched into the air but that is where the advantages end. Most places that a mag can get I can get in a Racer Lighting
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  11. Van Dax

    Any place a mag can go, a vanguard can also go. It may take more work though.
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  12. Alarox

    1.) That simply isn't true. Not even close. The Magrider can traverse slopes that a Vanguard/Prowler/Lightning can't even attempt since it has better "traction" and can use the Magburner for a boost.

    2.) The Magrider can't get there. It isn't a case of the Vanguard's climbing ability being better, it is a case of it being thin enough while still having the thickness to get over the railing/stairs. Likewise, there are some other places a Magrider can't get to while the other MBTs can.

    I'm all for a Magburner buff, but I have to set the record straight on what each MBT can/can't do.
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  13. Van Dax

    tonk plus galaxy, traverse any terrain. It is most definitely more work, but it can be done.
  14. Alarox

    What the hell is a "tonk"?

    Are you saying that you can use a galaxy to get anywhere? Well obviously, but we're talking about where the vehicles can individually go, not where you can get to with infinite time/resources/people.

    It is kind of like arguing the Magrider is the fastest MBT because it has Magburn. The Prowler is obviously the fastest; the Magrider is faster for 1s every 20s.
  15. Alarox

    Because the MBTs are asymmetrically balanced and this is one of the few areas where the Magrider shines, and it is a thing central to the Magrider's viability.

    Why can't the Magrider Anchor? Why can't it powerslide? Why doesn't it get 275m/s velocity on its AP? Why isn't it able to get into the second floor of a Tech Plant while the Vanguard can? Why doesn't it get to have a turret?

    You can't just focus on what your enemies have rather than what you have.
  16. Van Dax


    I said it can get there it just requires more work, nothing more.
  17. Alarox

    My problem is that you're not treating it like a fringe scenario, which means you're giving it equal validity. It isn't nearly significant enough to be a factor. Being mentioned is fine of course.
  18. Van Dax

    I consider that the magrider getting someplace where "no other vehicle can" a fringe case itself. There are very few "mag exclusive" places actually positioned where its useful and of those its usually so impractical due to the decreased maneuvering area you now have, secondary not having an angle on the enemy (if you do, prepare to be ganked by air), reduced movement speed from being on terrain, and total vulnerability to the fickleness of planetside physics(leaving it very unreliable).

    So in reality the potential to rarely, through extreme maneuvering, get that crazy angle on the spawnroom (on a base that is practically lost already) is such a minute occurrence that I consider it equal to things like gal dropping a tank.
  19. Calisai


    1.) You are right, we can use the side of a hill where any of the other vehicles would start to slide down. I'm not talking about going straight down or up a hill, but horizontally at an angle. If you want, we can make a few videos pointing out the differences. It does gives some advantages in maneuvering and flanking (using a ridge as cover, etc)

    2) Did I misunderstand and think you said a Mag can't get to the balcony of a tech plant? I must have. It's not easy, and the chances of death on the stairs are much higher...but can be done. However, yea... there are certain places that I can't follow a Vannie or Lightning through (smaller spaces)... Not many, but a few.

    Just as long as they don't **** the Magrider further while "buffing" the Magburner. Whenever SOE decides to "buff" something... it scares the hell out of me. Playing since tech test.... "PTSD (Post traumatic SOE disorder)"

    Quickest --> Magrider Fastest --> Prowler

    There is a difference between Quick and Fast.
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  20. Pikachu

    Yes buff. Big buff.