Server Smash is Over!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GaBeRock, Jun 20, 2014.

  1. Undeadfred

    Do you deny the stakes were Server to win decides the name?
    Do you deny that (even by a slim margin) Mattherson won?

    It was well fought no one denies that. But we rightfully won our prize. I'd like to collect now.
  2. Elrobochanco

    Hi, I fought tooth and nail all night, and it's a great name. Plenty of ups and downs on both side, but easily the most exciting shooting game experience ever. What did everyone learn (at least the ones not crying about some perceived slight to their single squad/outfit)?

    It was that Mattherson and Watterson can stand toe to toe at the top. We are the best. Both of us together.
    Emerald, we are the crown jewel.
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  3. TheShrapnelKing

    First off: I don't think anyone can deny there were externalities that could have affected the outcome. Pops going out of balance and the timer being 'lost' for several minutes and the time being guessed when it was put back up are the two that come to my mind.

    The second fact is that Mattherson won literally by 1 second, if I counted right. Literally as soon as the VS capture decal showed up on screen, the Waterson started flipping the points.

    This implies two things:

    1) Given those externalities, a 1 second win is too close to say that Mattherson definitively would have won no matter what. In fact, I think it is literally impossible, and I don't see any way you can justify saying, that they would have. I thus attribute Mattherson's technical win to chance.

    2) Even if we exclude those externalities and say Mattherson won purely because they held the points for one second long enough, I don't see any way you can reasonably argue that such a miniscule difference in timing implies superiority. Thus, though technically a win, in actuality whoever won literally came down to Waterson hitting their deploy buttons just one second too late or...well, whatever else might cause you to wait for one second. Literally anything at all can contribute to that and most of it probably has nothing to do with skill. If you're seriously full of yourself enough to think that implies Mattherson is superior to Waterson, I must inform you that you are delusional.

    Another point:

    Had the match ended after exactly 2 hours, Waterson would have won. I've seen Waterson people use this to justify that they won in spirit. However, I think to say that diminishes the accomplishment of Mattherson's counterattack that pushed us into overtime. Like the 1 second cap at EMC, claiming that you would have won in regulation and that makes your server superior is just trying to get off on a technicality.

    Conclusion: Even if the conspiracy theories about Emerald being the planned name all along, I think we can safely say the following about the skills of our two servers. Allow me to use some math, which clearly I am better at than the INI cast people:

    Mattherson >/> Waterson
    Mattherson </< Waterson
    -> Mattherson = Waterson

    And honestly it's better this way. I can only imagine that if one server had clearly been better than the other and clearly won via their own skill, that it would cast a permanent, undesirable, gloating-fest shadow on the future of US East play that would not be a good experience for the losing server, and bring out the very worst in the winning server and make everyone hate them even more. It would just produce a community more toxic than Mattherson's BCP Enclave days or Waterson's TotalBiscuit TR Horde days.

    Instead, the SS showed we have found our match and it is each other, and let me tell you: when they merge us, no server in existence will be able to stop us. We will dominate. We WILL be the Emerald Master Race.

    We are the best of Planetside.
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  4. m44v

    Honestly, I can't see this result as nothing else but a Waterson win. Given all the trash talking of Matterson players I expected them to do better than win by one point.
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  5. TheShrapnelKing

    And I'm saying winning on a technicality rather than clearly through your own skill means you don't deserve to have the server named Mattherson any more than we deserve to have it named Waterson.
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  6. Maelthra

    Nah, you're giving Briggs too much credit. I imagine it more like:

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  7. TorigomaSET

  8. Mekeji

    It depends when you call the match. Once the timer ended? Waterson won. Once the over time ended? Matherson won.

    An outfit basically disappeared from the waterson side for the last bit of it due to them not knowing about the OT.

    Too many things went wrong for a definitive answer of who won. In the end all we can say is that the majority of it was even fighting with a slight edge on water.
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  9. TheHotStuff

    If anything, I'd rather have the new server be named Connery East.
  10. Mekeji

    Emerald has quickly grown on me. Emerald is something you can see and imagine. When you say Matherson or Waterson they are just names in the lore.

    With Emerald we can try and beg SOE for emerald decals and camo. I would gladly buy them to show my acceptance of the new identity.
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  11. TorigomaSET

    True that. I'll be the first to admit that I am biased towards Waterson, but I'll also be the first to agree that to say anything other than Matterson and Waterson are as equally matched as can be possible in that game, would be ridiculous. I am personally looking forward to the merge, and the awesome fights that will result.
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  12. Badname707

    Whatever the result, Waterson had a better afterparty.

    Video credit goes to Waffleownedyou
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  13. Mekeji

    That is boring. Emerald gives us something to rally behind if we do a server battle between emerald and conery.

    SOE could let us emerald folk buy emerald camo and decal to show our new unity.
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  14. Ronin Oni

    Beacause there's barely 1 fight everytime you log into Waterson/Matherson outside 2xp? o_O

    Ghost towns....
  15. Elrobochanco

    I can't imagine anyone who actually participated feeling anything at the end aside from "good fight".
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  16. Kunavi

    Cool story bro ;)
  17. Ronin Oni

    They should name it Jaeger
    *pay no attention to the TR character below*

    I think we can all agree it was obviously the best name.
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  18. Killbot

    Go ahead open up your anus and **** on planetside history. The servers fighting on the serversmash both had outfits made and tempered on the bloodshed of almost 10 years on Emerald in ps1. I for one am happy that it will be called Emerald. A nod towards the past of this great, long, and storied game and the outfits that make it happen. Ao1, Kotor, and D2A may be gone, Taco and his man crush on Smed may be gone, Links to Samhaine's original quitting post may be gone, but some of us remember. Calling it Emerald is a nod to all of that. I do not expect steam f2p band wagoners to understand.
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  19. Koldorn

    We, are Emerald.
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  20. Shanther

    If you are not Emerald you don't Meld (son).
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