Server Smash is Over!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GaBeRock, Jun 20, 2014.

  1. Verviedi

    Call it Skywhale.
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  2. Regpuppy

    Eh... which one? Don't say Donatello or you shall be shunned
  3. Thurwell

    New server name: US East.

    OMG we are dramatherson though, we even had an outfit get ******** and fight for the other side.
  4. gzero

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  5. Verviedi

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  6. GrandpaFlipfox

    As a viewer, things went downhill once the overtime rules came into effect. Things got real weird real fast and I had no idea what was happening anymore. It stopped feeling like an exciting competition and more like a legal battle near immediately.

    I'd prefer it be called a draw honestly. Especially with that 460 man lag filled render issues mess of a final battle.
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  7. Badname707

  8. Mekeji

  9. TheShrapnelKing

    Just go with Emerald goddamn it.

    After how badly the specifics of this were ****** up, you are going to piss off a LOT of people if you declare either way.
  10. NinjaTurtle

    Michelangelo of course, I like delivering pizza's

    The OT rules were BS. Even if both sides agreed to that at the beginning it was not explained once until the end. No one watching knew what was going on.

    It should have been a simple as soon as the timer is up he bases you own are counted, no blurred lines, no BS, just plain and simple
  11. Titan6

  12. Nerp

    Jaeger or Emerald. No more sons please.
  13. Regpuppy

    I was thinking Raphael, but Michelangelo is an acceptable mascot.
  14. ajma

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  15. GaBeRock

    Hell yeah, even as just someone watching the stream, cheering for mattherson, even when it seemed like waterson had won I still felt that was the most inanely awesome thing I ever watched.
  16. K2k4

  17. EGuardian1

    Ugh, I wanted Waterson to win, but with the indecision and the recounts and the "Dur Rules?" I'd prefer neither.

    JeagerTech FTW!
  18. Maljas23

    So is it official that Matterson has won or are they doing another recount of the recount of the count?
  19. Alizona

    Bring back Helios, I don't understand why they got rid of the coolest server name (and not just because that was the one I picked)...
  20. Verviedi

    I was rooting for Waterson until the Great Indecision. The new server's name will be Skywhale.