My take on the new ES Pistols

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SharpeShooter, Jun 18, 2014.

  1. Outreach

    Ok smartguys, one the beamer storm is a placeholder that was around back in beta. With almost the same exact stats as the beamer. Just looking at the pistol, you can see it's not even finished yet. The sound is off, it's missing textures, and if that somehow didn't tip you off that it wasn't finished, the model is incomplete. All these people claiming VS whined themselves out of anything, need **** off. The few VS who are crying about it don't represent or speak for the VS as a whole. Starting to get real tired of idiots forcing this.

    Now people are suddenly going to act like unfinshed stuff hasn't been put on the pts before just so they can say "vs whined"? What a joke, thanks Higby just what we needed as a faction more ignorant fuel for forumside masses.
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  2. Ronin Oni

    It will single shot like a beamer, and charge up to burst fire (which is even worse than charge up for a single powerful shot :rolleyes: )

    Because Charge Up
  3. Ronin Oni

    I don't know about the rest, but I certainly know the difference between "On PTS/planned" and "deployed to Live"...

    however, when we can clearly see that there is going to be an issue with what's planned, it's reasonable to expect some outcry. The entire idea of making a scene about it is to attract attention to the fact that those changes, if pushed live, would be harmful to Live gameplay and populations.

    Higby's response was, while funny if coming from just another NC community member, irresponsible coming from the Lead Gameplay Designer.

    I also think it's funny he thinks Mag's were being "buffed" by the velocity changes.... Hardly. Just nerfed slightly less. (and, oddly enough, Mag HE got nerfed while TR/NC HE got buffed... lol wat? ). Furthermore, at least 3/4ths of the complaints by VS about the proposed changes (which we're still concerned about canon stability being shared across factions without mags being tweaked in some way to compensate btw) also noted that the Enforcer nerf was also ridiculous and uncalled for.

    EDIT: er, Started responding to a segment of a quote and went off-topic.... carry on :eek:

    Shotgun pistol doesn't look like it will be OP as feared, though still... I suspect that Stalkers will use the heck out of it.

    We don't want an OP tank. We want tank balance. For ALL factions.

    It's pretty reasonable to conclude that, if you take 1 sides biggest advantage, share it to the other sides, and offer nothing in return to the side losing their unique advantage (which, again, even Mag drivers have supported turret stability, it's just silly the way it is on Live ATM) that things will become imbalanced.
  4. Scr1nRusher

    BTW guys...... in july.....

    SOE is adding in new knifes that do 625 damage.
  5. FateJH

    So the TR are importing the PS1 common pool Automatic Machine Pistol? I can live with this.
    You know, tradition.
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    You obviously have little idea what you are talking a out. Go use a magrider on test servers then go hop into a vanguard. The hailstorm is the least performing rotary. The jackhammer has a higher kdr and score per minute than the lasher. Just stop. The magrider hasn't Been a spider tank since January of 2013. Hellfire pods on the mosquito is performing better than the ones on the scythe. Go on PTS and play other factions for a little bit before you start saying our crap weapons are decent.
  7. Quiiliitiila

    -_- Can't tell if you're serious… But I feel like killing myself if what you say is true…
  8. SharpeShooter

    /sigh Yes headshot+knife = kill but with the Mag Scatter a chest shot+knife will kill!
  9. SharpeShooter

    Really? The TR screwed themselves out of the bandit! and we ended up with the crap cougar!
  10. NinjaTurtle

    They should just have redesigned the Cerberus to be that pistol as right now it is a pointless weapon

    This new weapon should not be that weapon, they should be using their creativity to shoot for the stars and creating something truly unique and interesting. It's a sci fi game set 800 years in the future and the VS the technological master race get a pistol that firs bullets in a small burst.... WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?

    Pushing the boat out I see
  11. Belacossa

    It's kind of sad that the art work looks so much better on the old AMP.
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  12. TorigomaSET

    Again, As I said before;
    Headshots with these weapons are easier and more reliable that even body shots with Scatter up close. you can not miss even a Single Pellet, no matter if you are going for a headshot or the Body/Knife combo. Which does not even happen every 3-4. Not only that, it is the ONLY thing you CAN do with the Scatter. At least the other ones have some Range option.
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  13. M2_Bradley

    1.The NC "pistol" needs slugs to be effective.I'd like to have an effective range of at least 5m,not 1.
    2.The TR pistol is OP for a secondary.A damage model very similar to that of the Lynx,only it fires at 750 rpm.
    3.The Beamer 2.0 seems like something a secondary should be.A CQC panic weapon that can be spam fired when you ran out of ammo on your primary.
  14. Nody

    VS as always will be the NS empire were the NS weapon will beat our ES weapons; nothing new there. To the person claiming it would be fast fire and a mini grenade you sir have completely missed the point. We already have 3 fast click pistols while NC and TR got rapid fire once instead as their ES versions; what we asked for was to get our FIRST rapid fire pistol to actually match what NC and TR already have (not even talking about matching the current round of getting something unique; that's how pitiful our pistol line is today).
  15. phreec

    NC: I'm NC but I think it's a good thing that it's borderline useless. Effective Cloaker+Shotgun combo would be too much cheese.
    TR: A bit sad that it overlaps Repeater's role but at least it seems like an effective 1v1 sidearm.
    VS: SOE still doesn't know what VS should get except for it to look cool...

    Give VS a burst/auto sidearm already...
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  16. Ronin Oni

    lmao I'm just guessing, kinda joking, but wouldn't be surprised if that's how it worked lol
  17. Rift23

    If only NC got the Commissioner, TR and VS would have whined until SOE nerfed it into the ground per Prowler and ZOE, but since it's NS, buying one just makes you a meta player :p
  18. Outreach

    I swear we're going to loose something that has the potential to be really nice because dummies keep crying about burst. Seriously if you don't like the idea of charge up, guess what? Don't ******* use it. There are plenty of other options for you use instead of needlessly whining and screwing over the people who do want to try something different.
  19. Garrett24789P

    amen to that
  20. BadAsElite

    Alot of NC weapons have burst settings, the Despo is a high damage per bullet burst weapon which fits the trait as it fires only 2 rounds at a time. And the TR's repeater pistol fires 3 round bursts at a much higher RoF, like their faction trait claims.


    OP VS LMGs and rotten Saw in my eyes.