[Suggestion] Bring back old certification page

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KratosAngel, May 22, 2014.

  1. Kayth

    I concur. It is kinda difficult to view everything that is available to a class right now. There should absolutely be a convenience page of all certs for a class.
  2. TheKhopesh

    I agree.
    I liked seeing the old page, it gave me a sense of accomplishment, and I know I'm not the only one out there.

    There's absolutely zero reason not to tuck it in some corner somewhere for those who want it.
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  3. Eaderout

    Bring it back
  4. Lucidius134

    PS2 Devs, you shouldn't have yanked it out if you were working on providing the same functionality with a different UI update but also WASN'T READY or you need to get working on something new to fix this or add the old page back ASAP.
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  5. Kornflaked

    I just spent the last half an hour trying to find the cert screen. I really used to enjoy looking at this screen to consider what to upgrade. Please bring it back or else my confidence in this game will be significantly decreased :(
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  6. VanuFTW909

    Unfortunately, the UI coders are presently working on nanite and consumable "improvements", in light of the resource revamp: https://twitter.com/xalorn/status/487779601637060610

    Hopefully, afterwards, their time can be devoted to returning the cert screen back to its former glory, which never should have been modified.
  7. Goliath Mk2

    I don't understand why, it was useful and it wasn't in the way, and unlike the implants tab which has replaced it I always used it whenever i wanted to cert something.
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  8. deep470

    It's really hard to understand why SOE removed something that worked well and replaced it with a huge blank space in the settings. Same with the medic tool. Why the heck didn't they leave the left mousekey for healing/reviving and added the right mousekey for reviving only?
  9. MadMelon

    Sometimes if u wanted to revive someone your pistole decided to not revive that guy. Instead your pistol tried to heal someone around u and this was very annoying. Now u can choose if u want to revive or heal somebody which makes it one of the better changes the Devs made.

    The opposite of this is what they did with the certscreen this change serves no purpose. It's just taking out something that worked well out of the game great work Devs! ( if u could use this kind of creativity to make proper updates the game would be sooo much better. )
    I heard that this changes has been made to make the UI more user friendly on console but don't know if it's true.

    Nevertheless it's a dumb change that needs to be reverted. NOW!
  10. deep470

    Yeah, I know that, my point was, that I never revived someone dead by accident, but often healed other players instead of reviving the dead. So it would have been an option to leave the reviving ability on the left key AND add the revive-only-ability to the right mouse key. Would have prevented a lot of noob questions, people not beeing ressurected by medics not reading the patch notes and giving the experienced players the pro version of the tool ;-)
  11. DorianOmega

    Please bring back Cert Page....
  12. KratosAngel

    Bump for justice, tons of things coming for "July", still no answer for that matter ...
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  13. ZenitHMaster

    They need to bring it back. It was the only way for me to understand the cert system when I was newer... They shudda let u equip things though. BTW its still coded in the game cuz leadship certs has the drop down button there, as well as some of the cert screen ui...
  14. Kornflaked

    Hey does Sony ever give responses? I was just checking back again to see if this was fixed yet. Hate to have to cancel but this is really bothering me.
  15. KratosAngel

    It gives no money as opposed to implants so they don't care ...
  16. Daikar

    They already said they are bringing it back.
  17. lawn gnome

    when do they plan to bring it back? this is awesome if true!
  18. Daikar

    Not sure when but higby talked about it on Higby pls!
  19. Irathi

    Really? nice.
  20. KratosAngel

    Where did they talk about that ?
    Could you link it please ?