[Suggestion] Delayed exp grant for revives

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ruvan, Jun 9, 2014.

  1. Ruvan

    Problem: the current experience system rewards Combat Medics that revive people that they know have no chance of survival. This is bad because it's frustrating for the person being revived and also bad because it rewards people with experience for doing something that is inherently not useful to their team.

    Solution: put a 5 - 10 second delay on the experience granted for reviving. If the person being revived survives this long then the Combat Medic is rewarded with full experience. Increase the experience for a successful revive somewhat to compensate for the overall experience loss that even good Combat Medics would take.
    • Up x 1
  2. Alopix

    Nah. I mean, you can see what's going on around you after you die. A lot of times, I'll get a revive and know I'm going to get shot again the instant I stand up, but I accept it anyway to give the medic XP. It's not his fault I was out of position.
  3. vanu123

    Or you could just DECLINE the revive. If anything revives and heals should be encouraged not discouraged.
  4. Ruvan

    You are dead. Yes, you can remove your interface and look for a very short distance around your corpse, but you can't have a comprehensive look around the area for any threats. Looking around the area is a Combat Medics job.

    And this would provide an incentive to revive, Combat Medics that revive in the right situation would probably getting more experience.
  5. Mekeji

    Not really considering almost everyone I ever revive immediately charge right back into the fight and often get gunned down.

    Also no matter where you are downed if there is a spot close enough for a medic to revive you then you have time to go run into cover while getting up. It is extremely rare to be stuck in a loop and it takes at most two revives to get out of the way.
  6. Atis

    Even if you get killed 1 sec after revive, you usually can make at least 1 step to cover. Few more revives - few more steps, and you are safe. If can be crucial if nearest AMS is far and dead guy is key player. So repeated revives can be actually useful.
  7. M4gn1

    Reviving usealy happens by hand. The range is 4 meters. So I am 4 meters away from you as I will revive you, most of the time I will be in cover doing it. You can walk at least 2 meters before getting gunned down so 2 revives will get you to safety. The problem is people getting revived, look around for a bit first and then start moving. The only time the change of getting gunned down a lot is when I throw a revive grenade. But I won't throw that if there is not a lot of people to revive at once. So you should still be able to either run away or gun down at least 1 enemy as you will be revived en mass.

    Getting a grenade in the face right away can always happen but that is not the medics fault either. If you are not happy with the revives just don't take them and respawn somewhere else.

    Also, getting mowed down can help the team effort. When we charge a room with our platoon we normally have around 3 - 4 medics outside the room chugging res grenades in. You will die fast the first two grenades but after that most enemies are in reload, ran away out of ammo etc so you should be able to finish the job. If you catch bullets you protect your teammate from harm. With that logic you will say that the first couple of guys running in a room dying straight away won't help the team effort because they didn't kill anyone. They helped there teammates getting in. The war gods demand bodies for progress.
  8. Desirsar

    I don't need a revive, I need COVER. Press 1 to pull your rifle and put away your medkit and start shooting something.

    5-10 seconds isn't long enough of a delay. 30 seconds, maybe double the reward, and a bonus if the revived player makes a kill or assist for the next minute or two.

    Edit - Alternative solution - revived players should revive next to the medic, not where they died. If that's too broken, give them an option to drag a dead body around.
  9. SpartanPsycho

    that sounds very wrong
  10. vanu123

    Like I said, just decline the revive if you're in a bad spot, no reason to punish the medic for doing his/her job.
  11. Desirsar

    The job is to revive allies to continue a fight, not spam their med gun aimlessly. They also have a rifle, which is also part of their "job".
  12. vanu123

    Healing and reviving is their main priority, if they want to just kill things play HA or LA. Otherwise healing and reviving should be their top priority and if you're getting revived in a bad spot, maybe you should decline the revive. Like I said there is no reason to punish the medic for doing what he is supposed to do.