Planetside 2 Running on Ultra on Playstation 4 At E3

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ElitePixel, Jun 9, 2014.

  1. ElitePixel

  2. Elrobochanco

    Did you seriously just make a three minute video for a off screen picture from a tweet, why?
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  3. Amundsenkalmah

    I remember last year when microsoft claimed they were running some game with incredible graphics on the xbox one, but it turns out that there was a PC hidden running it instead of the Xbox
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  4. Seuchensaal

    On ultra in 720p and 30 fps?
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  5. Jbrain

    I swear people who don't know anything about hardware and technology shouldn't post claiming such things... That PC was running the xbox 1 dev kit, they almost always use a pc running a dev kit when final hardware hasn't been released yet.. It wasn't like it was a super gaming machine running a pc game like some people seem to think..

    I know this is Off topic and I am sorry OP but I just couldn't take another stupid post bashing Microsoft yet again.. when the truth is there products are soo good we hardly even think about them they work so well.. its like remembering to breathe... you just depend on it and it works.. yet.. it seems to be the socially acceptable and cool thing today to bag on Microsoft about everything from windows 8 (which is really fantastic) to xbox 1 which is equally fantastic if you use it.

    I always get both consoles and my pc for gaming as do most gamers. Maybe its because I am older than the majority here.. I remember the old days, without Microsoft pc gaming wouldn't be nearly as great as it is. Wed all be stuck with 4-6k dollar macs that cant be opened without voiding the warranties. Im sure there are others who remember those days as well.. remember having to having to manually change IRQ's every time you added a new component to your pc.. Anyways
  6. Plunutsud pls

    wow, best 3 minutes 9 seconds of my life.
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  7. ElitePixel

    go read your info kids
  8. ElitePixel

    ikr XD
  9. Kunavi

    I can't be the only one who finds this("As good as Ultra on PC") to either be an exaggeration or evidence that the PC version is pretty much a badly optimized Beta, soon to be abandoned(MILK THEM CONSOLE PEASANTS)...
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  10. ElitePixel

    Thank you i feel the same way PC version is pretty much a badly optimized Beta
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  11. Seuchensaal

    This is one month old "marketing speech"... Is it really running on 1080p on E3? And more important, will it get its 30 fps in large battles with more than the few users playing on PTS and without frame-drops?

    We´ll see...

    But if they make it, i´m happy for all PS4-users to be able to play a high-quality version of Planetside. And after that it is far beyond time to make another performance update on PC immediately. Especially this bad hit-detection that is haunting a lot of people at the moment. ( )
  12. Paragon Exile

    "As good as Ultra on PC!"

    At 720p with a silky smooth 25 FPS.
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  13. ArgumentumAdPopulum

    my bad it is better then pc why Planetside 2 isn't a GPU-heavy game, it relies on the CPU more, so your processor may be crappy. PS4 has an 8-core CPU and a modified Radeon 7870 with 8GB of GDDR5 RAM, which can't be achieved on PC.
  14. ArgumentumAdPopulum

    Like i said 100 Times Planetside 2 isn't a GPU-heavy game, it relies on the CPU more, so your processor may be crappy. PS4 has an 8-core CPU and a modified Radeon 7870 with 8GB of GDDR5 RAM, which can't be achieved on PC.
  15. Seuchensaal

    Does not change the fact that planetside is performing bad on some rigs far more powerful than this setup. ;)
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  16. Elrobochanco

    That is true, but the playstation 4 is a singular rig, it has a specific spec and only that, there will likely never be a change (short of software updates in the future) to make it behave differently. If you don't have to care about a half-decades worth of cpu/gpu posibilities, firmware versions, windows version, memory amount/speed across ddr2/3.... basically optimization is significantly easier to do and easier to be 100% replicate-able.

    If the devs said PS2 on PC has minimum requirements of a i7 3770k and a GTX 560, and will only work on that exact system. No better or worse systems allowed, no differences, only one singular machine spec, then we would all be playing at a much better framerate.

    tldr it's a lot easier to cook a meal that will definitely feed everyone when you know how many people are showing up beforehand.
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  17. ElitePixel

    It is very likely that the PS4 will receive either a private or public beta before launch which could potentially be released in the next few upcoming months. Currently standing even the higher end PCs are struggling to run Planetside 2 without performance and frame-rate issues and so it comes as a shock when the PS4 can deliver 60 fps and 1080p (The equivalent of ultra settings for the game on the PC). The developers have assured us that the PS4 can handle the specs and that it is easier to for them work with as a platform, but without a Beta, bugs are incredibly likely and a game of such a large scale.

    What does this mean for PC? well if the PS4 can run the game on ultra settings, then the PC issues are likely going to be fixed. The PC is a more powerful machine and so when the performance issues are eventually patched, the experience will be all the more enjoyable and most people will be able to run the game in full settings. If the new continent is released this year, it is likely that it will be released in correspondence with the PS4 release.
  18. Seuchensaal

    There were assured a lot of other things in the past, too.
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  19. ElitePixel

    But You guys still should be happy becuz if this work out for the PS4 it could fix the pc ver really good
  20. ElitePixel

    Not really