The Sun is OP

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Eyeklops, Mar 25, 2014.

  1. FBVanu

    Just wondering what that looked like from the pilot's point of view, or the bomber, if he had one..

    it just proves that the Lib is totally OP, with all that maneuverability and all....
    • Up x 3
  2. Traxiconn

    This was quite a few updates back, I just never got around to editing it until now. The view was. Um. Well. Blurry fast and for the motion sick, sickening.
  3. Konfuzfanten

    Holy mother, thats a great sig.
  4. WarmasterRaptor

    DAT SIG!!
  5. Traxiconn


    (Done within a minute in paint. Probably bad :p )
    • Up x 1
  6. Arkenbrien

    All rights reserved.
  7. Yasa

    VS have the best night camouflage. Nerf pls.
  8. Revengitali4

    Shh, we don't want Nick Cage to steal the sun!
  9. snowking

    xD loved it.
  10. Taemien

    Is it just me or has anyone else noticed it was a VS that wants the sun nerfed?

  11. GamerDJ

  12. CrazyCanadian24


    Well, looks like I've found the origins of your sig...

    I want your sig too, but I don't have any room left in mine :(

    In other news, yes pls nerf the sun.

    Otherwise I'll have to go into maximum praising.