Has anyone gotten regen 3 recently?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by current1y, Jun 9, 2014.

  1. current1y

    I play....a lot. I have yet to get a regen 3 crafted in the nano-cycler. I've gotten every T3 implant multiple times yet zero regen 3's. Bad luck?
  2. Alarox

    I haven't gotten one either.
  3. Casterbridge

    Never gotten one, finally got a tier 2 regen.
  4. Arkenbrien

    I was killed by someone with a regen 3 last night... Does that count?
    • Up x 1
  5. SharkSpider

    I have it, but I noticed that it took unreasonably long to get it, something like 35 T3s before I saw it, despite there being only 10.
  6. M4gn1

    I got a couple of them. Can't trade them to you though...
  7. minhalexus

    T3 regen is my first and only T3 implant.

    I was hoping for something else though, like holding breath.
  8. SiosDashcR

    I have all the T3s except Safe Landing III. Regen 3 came to me when I fused 3 T3s to re-roll.

    I had Rangefinder, but I gave that up to fuse to try to get Safe Landing. Still haven't yet.
  9. NDroid

    I have 2 of them, still missing a lot of the others though.
  10. DK22

    5 T2's + beer, works every time.
  11. dezusa

    I got 3 T3 Regens which i used for crafting ultra chargers.. the only Implant worth using for me is the T2 marker :[
  12. Konstantinn

    I just destroyed it to make 24k energy recharge. I probably made like 5 or so T3 implants so far (all disasembled). It's 6.67% regen per second. If you think about it kind of worthless for the amount of battery power it eats. I'll always keep T2 or T1 going on most of my loadouts. It's out of combat regen after all, not much difference between 4%, 5% and 6.67% per second.
  13. current1y

    Outfit members say they have them so I know they have been able to be crafted in the past. Just wondering if something broke and they can't be crafted anymore. While its just a guess I would say I've gotten right around 30-40 T3 implants so far but no T3 regen.

    I pretty much am only ever going to use it when I'm playing repair ***** for maxes but it would still be useful.

    If any one has gotten one recently please post up.
  14. Frotang

    It was the first T3 implant I got, and it's actually the only T3 I've bothered crafting at this point, doesn't seem useful though as you still have to wait for your shield to start regenerating before your health starts. Plus it uses too much energy, T2 Regen is plenty good if you're into using implants at all that is....I've got one or two loadouts with them.
  15. Axehilt

    Yeah, me too!
  16. Axehilt

    While their effects are minor, all the comments about intentionally choosing not to use implants seem silly to me. A trivial quality-of-life improvement may not win you fights, but it's completely free so there's no reason not to use them.

    For me the biggest downside is that the quality of life improvement comes with a slight quality of life decrease too (because holy crap I have a lot of loadouts and setting implants in them all is clunky and time-consuming.)
  17. Tommyp2006

    Its just bad luck I think, I got it as my 5th one. Yet before they came out, when I was testing on the test server, it once took me about 20 tries to get it.