id like to see this added for engineer.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jbrain, Jun 8, 2014.

  1. Jbrain

    Hi guys, I was playing supreme commander the other day and the idea hit me. Something we could do to help sunderers be more like mobile/stationary battle wagons... let me explain further..

    When we attack a defending base we always need sunderer for respawn and to keep up the pressure. I can tell you as someone who tries to get a sundy out as routine that they die so easily from any flying light assault with c4 packs and can be hit with missles with a small amount of effort from the ground units. Now imagine this.. your team deploys a sunderer and say 2 engineers minimum has to be there to make a forcefield generator that makes a certain radius around the sundy that acts like the kind of shield around warp gate... cant fire into it and cant fire from inside it.. but it stops enemies from suicide mine flasher runs and fly c4 packs and gives the spawn area much needed protection.. now.. for the sake of balance across the board the shield can only last 20 minutes at a time before having to be rebuilt again.. the build time is 2 minutes. What do you guys think ?
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  2. KnightCole

    Sounds cool. It would be even more fun if the Sunderer could become the center piece of a deployed little fortress. A couple of panels deploy out and form a sort of bunker around the sundy haha.

    Increases redeploy and undeploy times by like 5seconds, but makes it more defensible.

    I like ur idea though...would make it easier to attack somewhere.
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  3. TopVanuTroll

    My issue with this idea is that it will lead to even more spawn camping compared to what we already have. Defenders will pinpoint where the attackers are coming from and just sit there until the shields run out.
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  4. Jbrain

    Hi topvanutroll,

    If the attacking force allows that to happen then yes it will happen however at least the attackers had a fighting chance before it got to that point.. basically no different from what happens right now in the game except with the shield system I proposed you would at least have 20 minutes to concentrate on strategy in breaking down defenses and control points instead of seeing a sunderer disappear after the first minute and half of the battle from flying c4 and flash c4 suicides.. it also keeps snipers spawn camping people trying to change their loadouts.

    If its to the point they are waiting on the shield to drop to kill you then the battle is over already and everyone should already be redeployed. This proposal is to add much needed defense to the sunderer spawn system while giving more use to the engineer at the same time. I think there is something good in this idea somewhere.
  5. Tuco

    I think that any exit point is has a "camp me" sign all over it, especially ones that are big circles and glow.
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  6. ronjahn

    I like the idea, but it needs so balancing. I don't like the idea of invulnerable enemies and sundies that can just sit there for 20 minutes without fear of being destroyed. Possibly make it a resist shield or a shield that is dissolved after it sustains a certain amount of damage. How about an infiltrator can hack it and turn it off?

    I'm all for reinforcing the strength of spawn locations, but not making them completely indestructible.
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  7. KnightCole

    Guys, he does say cant fire in and cant fire
  8. Dasubur

    I'd be more for a shield that last until certain damage and make it a sundie utility.
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  9. Quiiliitiila

    I'm just waiting on Engineers actually being able to BUILD stuff. Hell, a few walls here and there would go a LOOOOOOOONG way to making the class a bit more fun/versatile.
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  10. MajiinBuu

    So you want sunderers to have their own invincible personal warpgate shield? That can't be destroyed and lasts 20 minutes?
    Sounds balanced.

    And use better sunderer placement, a single guy should never be able to take out a crowded spawn point.
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  11. TyranEndlos

    I agree with the whole it's not balanced thing. But I see single guys taking out crowded sundy's all the time. XD
  12. ronjahn

    I like the idea, just think it needs some counters.

    Being able to sit there for 20 minutes without fear of death? Boring.

    Introducing intuitive ways to destroy/disable the shield? Fun gameplay.
  13. NC_agent00kevin

    I like the idea of a deployable mini base better than a shield. Mini base is still assaultable (not a real word) but tougher and more dug in. Cannot undeploy, must remain in place when set up until destroyed.
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  14. TopVanuTroll

    Yeah, but they'll still probably get spawn camped. I mean, the shields in towers are the same, but that doesn't stop them from being spawn camped so I don't think this'll be any different.
  15. ironeddie

    I would also prefer a shield that drops after taking X amount of damage.

    I like the basic premise though. Giving sunderes extra defensive capabilities isn't a bad idea.
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  16. SierraAR

    Thats more people being oblivious than anything else.
  17. Atis

    So 5 deployed sundies with shields, some more backup repair sundies around corner and indefensible bases become even more prone to be captured? Easiness of deploying multiple sundies is countered by easiness of destroying them.

    This idea would make sense if bases became real fortresses.
  18. Bine

    Yeah its not that hard to take out a crowded sundy w/o blockade armor. Personally I use blockade armor and don't have to worry about C4 most of the time. Takes a couple extra hits even after C4 with it :)
  19. Govedo13

    With the two new ribbons sundie is more then fine.
    They create finally reason to sit in your sundie protect and repair it while getting the same certs like going to the base fight
    Just play organised in platoon use only blokade for ams and double basilisks with a lot of ammo reserve, other guns are too situational and 2x basilisk gives great dps in all positions vs everything with good gunners.
    You get spawn XP repairs XP kills XP ams ribbon XP and squad spawn XP.10 sundie spawns give you ams ribbon while if some are from your squad you get closer to squad ribbon also 10 spawns.
    24-24 40 min fight brought me 50 certs by defense and repair only. Mind this is basic without boost and membership. The only three things that can **** over protected firesupression blockade sundie are tank mine engie AP MBT and Lib, if you are in good platoon they can be stopped by single Max with various loadouts that stay to protect the sundie with the single engie owner and by the casual help by platoonmates called for help.No c4 delivery can drop 7 bricks to instant me in fact C4s give you kill bonus and repair bonus.
  20. Rikkit

    when a whole squad can't stop a singel man, who rush the sunderer with tankmines or c4,
    there are two options:
    the sunderer placing was terrible, or there was noone loooking for soldiers who made all the way from their spawn to the sunderer.
    in both cases, i see the fault in the hands of the attackers.
    i mean, things can be so easy, deploy a motion spotter near the sunderer, and kill everything on the minimap...

    and 20 min are to long, most bases just need 5 or less minutes to cap. if you are kindfull, we can talk about 5 minutes.

    but wait, not only the attackers get this sunderer, also the defenders.. so mind this:
    there is no nodeploy zone for defenders.... so the defenders can deploy their sunderer right next to the cap point. this means, there is an invulnurable spawnpoint next to the cappoint. maybe you can also stand on the node, why still in the shield... :D happy capping :p