What buy for Tomcat utility slot.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bortasz, Jun 8, 2014.

  1. Bortasz

    Lock range, lock time ore reload. What is you're opinion?
  2. Crayv

    Lock time is probably the most versatile and the one I would go for. In second place I would say lock range, you get a range boost but if they are closer than that range it is basically worthless. Reload is the weakest, it only benefits only after you have fired and you can improve your fire rate (while not as strong) with lock time by not having to spend as much time locking on (and they have less warning time and thus less time to evade). Range is good if you spend a lot of time just outside of the range without closing the distance like for runners or trying to avoid Libs, otherwise go with lock-time.
  3. applepienation

    As he said, lock time will probably be the most useful. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the lock range isn't that much of an improvement. Something like 15 meters I think? I don't think it was long enough to be worth the cert investment.
  4. Bortasz

    Lock range is 50 meters extra. 10 Per level.
  5. Burevestnik

    Go with range. Coyotes fill mid to close range so the niche of tomcats is obviously long range thus your role should be likewise in specializing at engaging/intercepting long range targets and chase aircraft in a racer 3.

    At level four at least as long as i can keep the target within the last 30-40 meters from maximum range i can refire missiles without breaking lock. This is because the missile travel time till impact is longer than the reload cycle and the tracking process does not reset if there is another missile in air by the time the first one connects with enemy airframe. Getting rangefinder implant might be useful too.

    Note that i'm not sure if it's a bug or a feature. Technically because it favors range so much which is the role tomcats fill very confidentaly i've been considering it a feature. Because of the missile travel time the TTK doesn't seem to be much different from firing them from mid range either.
  6. Frotang

    If you find yourself having trouble keeping lock (like I do) then go for lock on time. Before the Tomcat change that now requires your aim remain on target for duration of lock I had range certed and it was nice but ever since the change I've maxed out lock on time and it's much easier to get locks.
  7. Cyrek

    I have them fully invested in lock time, but I will tell you with the pronounced amount of side to side skirmishes specially during alerts, you'll go better with lock range, since you have more space of not exposing yourself to flak and missiles.
  8. Silkensmooth

    Just learn to aim and stop cheezing people. A2A missiles are boring OP and ruin people's fun.

    I send people tells all the time after dogfights, GF man! Whether i win or lose.

    You think anyone ever sent someone a GF after they used A2A missiles?

    What does that tell you?