Warpgate Kills

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DK22, Jun 5, 2014.

  1. DK22

    Please bring back the Immunity to the warp gate.
    I swear to God I'm going to make another character and play Policeman in the Warpgate!
    When I'm doing real cash transactions I don't need some moron shooting and killing me.
    so watch out waterson TR. You want to start a WAR in the warpgate I'll give you one!
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  2. Owen W.

    I agree that this issue needs to be sorted, it's becoming annoying on Miller aswell...
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  3. Huxer

    You guys know they took the immunity in the warpgate to stop the immunity bug exploit some had started to use yea? I'd like to see a permanent fix yes but I also like this solution better than immune enemies at all bases.
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  4. Gemenai

    Wasn´t invincibilty at warp gates shut down, because SOE couldn´t handle the invincible bug and cheater using cheats like that?
    If you cant´t handle it at least give weapon lock inside warp gate shields, so those scrubs do not longer annoy the gamers.
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  5. Iridar51

    What's most puzzling to me is why people even do that.
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  6. DK22

    Its just frustrating not having a 'safe zone' so after a battle you can go and take a minute to manage your character then continue playing.
  7. Huxer

    you can always press "U" to redeploy then do whatever cert management or weapon changes etc you want. also your implants don't continue to run if you are sitting in redeploy status, AND you can't be killed like that as well, AND you can pick a new location to spawn when you are done. I'm just saying, there are other ways to be 100% safe.
  8. KnightCole

    Yeah, as soon as I spawn in, I press U and run up stairs.......If there is anything I need to do in the menu's I do it in the redeploy screen....

    TKs in this game...ugh.

    PS2 has been over run by CoD kids, cheaters and terrible hit detect...
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  9. Morti

    I used to practice my aim on people in the warpgate. Only place you could get moving target practice in this game bar actual warfare.
  10. Wobulator

    Any solution SOE puts into the WG, they run the risk of occasionally putting out into the whole game. Weapons lock in warp gate? Due to bug, you are now perma-locked. Have fun!
  11. Nanomorph

    You can do that on the redeploy screen.
  12. Corporate Thug

    But I was Tk'd twice in the past week by redeploying to another continent and while trying to redeploy a second time to get to a fight on that continent I was killed before my timer was up. How do you switch continents and not get tk'd in the spawn tube?

    I also hate those morons who think they're motivating you to leave the spawn room and have absolutely no clue that you just ran in to heal after clearing a few hostiles camping and TK you because you were being "useless", when you probably did much more to help your team than they ever have or ever will. I'm sure some of those same idiots are killing you in the warp gate, thinking that you should be out there helping.
  13. Klypto

    I was really pissed ther other weekend. 115 killstreak ended by some scrub who knifed me in the warpgate when I was at a terminal.
  14. Iridar51

    Haven't been TKed by a hit detection yet :rolleyes:
  15. DK22

    Ok, thanks for the advice guys, redeploy it is.
    I really didn't wanna go all tk nuts anyways.
  16. dstock

    How is the guy who wants to be my #1 killer going to achieve his goal, if he can't sticky grenade me in the gate?
  17. andy_m

    Same here, 'cept I run outside and behind the bike sheds and hope I don't get hit...

    Are you absolutely sure about that? I could have sworn I could see my charger counting down while in deploy status.
  18. Astoral

    I had some T WA T! come up on the landing pad when I came back to repair my ESF and he just stood there and blasted the last bit of life out of it then he ran off. I was fuming!! I yelled out what a TW AT he was and went to hunt him down and kill him. And before I've been killed in the Warp gate by these TK JERKS!! It makes my blood boil!! i send them all sorts of abusive's. just want to rip their fckg hearts out!! fckg JERKS!!
    Surely a piece of code can detect who TK's in a warp gate and get a life ban for it !! Fckg TW ATS!! Hate them !!
  19. Nanomorph

    Implants only work when you're deployed.
  20. Wafflepancake

    Nothing more annoying than sitting at the warp gate in your gal, waiting for the second half of your squad to file in when some idiot comes crashing down after unloading a salvo into your tail, killing you and 6+ others at the same time.

    I would love something to be done :(