[Suggestion] Customisable Red Dot Sights

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DoctorPC, Jun 5, 2014.

  1. DoctorPC

    Hello! I've got a quick, simple and cheap way to improve the game.

    Make red dot sights (every faction has own name for them...) customisable, simple colour option would do wonders to the feel of your own gun. It wouls also be very simple, cheap and quick to implement, and would be another place for player to put some certs n, helping with the cert economy.

    Thank you for reading, be sure to write your thoughts below! :)
  2. Brenold

    good idea. but it would have to be SC items, since it's more cosmetic than functional.
    ie. laser sights for commish and underboss
  3. LibertyRevolution

    Yep, they would cost 450 SC and not be available for certs.
  4. DoctorPC

    maybe something like following:

    Colour configuration module: 100 SC, includes one colour of choice.
    Extra/Individual colours (selectable from "full" triangle spectrum): 25/50 certs each.
    • Up x 2
  5. DoctorPC

    Well, that's what the Sony wants, for sure, but is it really good for the community? :p
  6. Brenold

    yea that sounds good. the prices are never going to be that low though
    and if this was implemented it would probably be per gun which would suck. maybe per gun class would be more acceptable.

    lets not talk specifics

    instead they should let us customize sights, period. customize size and color of crosshairs, red dot, the stripe things (forgot what theyre called)... that would be awesome. charge us or not, whatevs.
  7. DoctorPC

    I was thinking those prices to be gun specific, so that's why they are so low. another thing is, well, the development costs of such a simple feature would be minimal to low, and it would really help as an cert-sink, player could use thousands and thousands of certs to get al the colours they want...
    More extensive sight customization (swappable iron sights for instance.) would be welcome, but not something they could "easily" pull off in few hours of development time.