So The New Ribbons ..

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HadesR, Jun 3, 2014.

  1. HadesR

    How and where can we view them ?

    Be silly to add news ones without the ability to view how many individual ones of each type we have ..

    So i'm guessing It's me not being able to find them :)
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  2. Xebov

    My Outfit also searched for them. It looks like they are currently only awarded but not dispalyed anywhere. Hope they will fix it soon so we can see them. At least the awarding seems to work.
  3. Rogueghost

    I've been collecting them but I have yet to find a location where I can view them, very disappointing.
  4. GaBeRock

    Got my first air-defense ribbon today (spamming rockets/flak turrets/tank shells) at aircraft. I'd like to see how many more I can get :)
  5. HadesR

    Be nice if there was a separate Ribbon page but also if they showed on your loadout / weapons screen .. For easy viewing of which ribbons you have for which weapons..


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  6. Mezinov

    I think this would also be a nice addition to the kill screen. Especially because one day I am going to be killed by a flash bang, and on that day I will also see that the person has an Air Defense Ribbon on their flash bang.
  7. Malorn

    Sorry we don't have a better ribbon/medal summary at this time. Rest assured that your medal count is being tracked. Directives will expose a few of them. We've had some talk of a better summary page, but no work has been committed yet.
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  8. Tommyp2006

    They all show up in the stats screen where you can find your weapon medals, there's a ribbon tab.
  9. CEGrif

    the new ones dont show up at all
  10. MostlyClueless

    Every time I've got a Recon Ribbon the graphic for it was completely clear. Either that's to indicate how ninja I am as an Infil... or they're not displaying properly.
  11. NikkoJT

    Maybe you could put the ribbon summary on the cert screen
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  12. Acceleratio

    I dont really get how you could NOT put them there? YYou already have a ribbon page why do you have to do a brainstrom session to find out where to put them? o_O

    PS You may also put the cert screen back :)
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  13. andy_m

    I'm enjoying getting my marksman and recon ribbons... shame we can't see them.

    Talking of the marksman ribbon. How about one for headshots over 200 metres? 70 metres ain't that far after all.
  14. Hibiki54

    Will there be some forum of having ribbon bars like in PS1?