Enough is Enough!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ILoveLucy, Jun 3, 2014.

  1. ILoveLucy

    That's all I can Stands, and I can't stands no more!
    Everything about this game makes me mad! You need to add things that make me happy, all the time. You need to remove things that make me unhappy, some of the time. You also need to stop nerfing things that don't need to be nerfed. You need to nerf things that are too over powered and are not nerfed enough!

    Sony, this is your last warning! if you do not create a song that I can mambo to, I will stop feeding the birds in my back yard!

    I am so angry that this video game fails to solve all of the problems in my life! I demand satisfaction! You have two choices, either you create a utopia where I am happy 100% of the time, or else I will dedicate my life to complaining on your forums about every little flaw in your game until you give up and send me a travelers check for 3 millions dollars!

    Sony, the move is yours.
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  2. VSDerp

    lol best thread in a long time.
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  3. MaxDamage

    And the purpose of this post is?
  4. skilcox

    @MaxDamage satire
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  5. OldCuban

    Love the Popeye quote!

    But yeah, that just about sums up every single rant post.

    Thanks for the laugh Lucy!
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  6. MajiinBuu

    You won the internet
  7. Nanomorph

    ai crai evri taim
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  8. minhalexus

    The medic update made me kind of happy.
    They did a fine job with the new AR.

    My client has also stopped crashing ever since the 64 bit client came out.
  9. Kislany

    You should write a book. You have talent. Immensely.
  10. Zar

    I ..... I..... you win I'm speechless well done sir /ma'am
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  11. Solidpew

    This thread was almost perfect, but it's missing Planetside 2's official mascot: :eek:
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  12. Ronin Oni

    I like the new shield aura

    It's great for xpeees!
  13. Astriania

    Well played
  14. Degenatron

    The only thing missing:

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  15. KariH

    Yep! Music is everything! I agree! ;D
  16. GoEErs

    Thanks for the laugh Lucy. I needed it.
  17. ironeddie

    This thread is highly constructive.
  18. biterwylie

    Ironic. Made in satire but actually true.

    Edit: had to edit as that is a little unfair. It was once true.. Now the game just needs a reason to play beyond team death match at bases.
  19. PhantomOfKrankor

    We've had several good threads locked recently (like asking for the return of cert screen, with plenty of possible solutions) because they 'weren't constructive.' Waiting to see how long it takes to close this one...