Libs are too versatile

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by IamnotAmazing, Jun 2, 2014.

  1. Hoki

    OP has to fight lib crews like Globemaster's TB/shredder/walker team on waterson.

    Trust me, aint no mossie countering that.
  2. z1967

    Well, considering my AA guns and AV guns are really bad outside of their roles, I kind of expect that to apply to all weapons in the game. Even so, I would only remove OHK (and nerf AP HMG v. ESFs) if the mobility of the Lib was not nerfed so that their belly ups become less effective.
  3. jarree

    Not sure I follow or how that relates to my post, but 3/3 lib with shredder+walker is near impossible to take down with a single ESF I agree. But since it's 3 guys in a lib I don't see a problem, still relatively easy to take down with 2 ESFs.
  4. FBVanu

    Eh ? When you nerf the shredder, the skill cap goes UP.. it will take more skill/experience to use it and get kills with it.. no?
    the original poster is correct, IMHO... most Lib weapons are too easy to use, too wide an angle in which to use them, with too much dps .. that can kill anything within seconds.... the ueber-lib....
  5. Dreadnaut

    I see really high level ESF pilots with this ability. Sure, there aren't a lot of them, but there are great ESF pilots that won't get close enough for your Shredder or Walker to do much damage.

    Walker though? That's junk, use the Bulldog.
  6. IamnotAmazing

    it's av, why should it have splash damage of a he tank?

    Um, please read the description of the dalton
    "The C150 Dalton fires 150mm High Explosive
    rounds that inflict massive damage in a single shot"
    sure you can, just when there's not 6 c150 lockons reavers shooting you also, taking on one crew isn't hard at all, I've died to zelp once and that's the only time I can remember being killed by a lib in a long while
  7. Inex

    That is a thing of pure beauty.

    Though I'm actually kind of surprised nobody picked on the Vanu only having KDR in the teens as some sort of 'Buff Mag' balance issue.
  8. JackD

    ut with the difference that you guys ask to nerf it into the ground. Nobondy but very experienced crews used the Lib till the last update for the simple reason that it was gimped. Now the Lib got a minor buff. (Tailgun angle) and comp armour buff to Tank Shels (Maybe 10% of pilots use that). In return Dalton got nerfed and ESF recived a damage buff against Libs with the ESF update.

    If you nerf the Lib its bacl to beeing gimped.

    Yeah, that happnes when you nerf 2 out of 3 guns all the time. The logic is ****, if we bring down the Shredder to 150 in your example the dalton is to stron and needs a nerf. I would rather buff the Dalton and Zepher.
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  9. Alarox

    The Liberator was never gimped. It just wasn't as popular as it is now.
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  10. JackD

    Cause it does vehicle splash. Why shouldnt a AV weapon not damage vehicles

    You clearly havent flewn a Shredder Lib. Let me guess, you just gun Libs? The angle and the range of the Shredder is very limited. Sure it´s great for hover famring but if you actually fly you notice the difference.

    Just that you dont have anything to back up your claim. Dalton is great at AV, Zepher is great at AI, Shredder is not on one level with those guns at these tasks

    Says the guy with 9k kills in a Mossi who wants to nerf LIbs. When i want to pad my k/d or xp/hour a Lib is the last thing i use.
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  11. JackD

    It wasnt as popular because it was gimped. No new pilots were able to leanr how to fly it, because it wasnt wrth the effort. Even now with the Lib update there arent many new PIlots, just a bunch of scrubs that get in a Lib hover a spawn and get shot down first time a ESF comes.
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  12. Alarox

    You mean the BR40s who hover over my tank and kill me and fly away once AA hits them? Or do you mean the BR30s who suicide themselves in order to kill me? Or the BR50s who pull a composite Liberator with the sole intent of killing me because they got mad? Or the BR20s who sit at 600m over a fight plinking away at me? Or do you mean the competent BR100s who only use things when they're blatantly OP and now farm all day long?

    Because I've seen a whole lot more of them since the update.

    The Liberator was always worth using. The Liberator has always been the most profitable playstyle in the game (except at release with super HE tanks). The thing is, now even terrible players with almost stock Liberators can make them work.
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  13. McToast


    I hate infantry weapons. They kill me so damn often. I die 90% to infantry weapons. Please nerf them all.
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  14. JackD

    lol the Lib is not the most profitable playstyle.
  15. Demetrios

    I-it's not? What is? I want to do that instead.
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  16. Hoki

    Wtb a video of anyone solo GM's shredder lib in an ESF
  17. jarree

    High Explosive = HE, I don't get what you even mean or are you trolling? I don't even care about descriptions, but since it has splash dmg against vehicles, would be kind of funny to not have splash against infantry.
  18. GaBeRock

    Actually, there is. ESFs are supposed to be the hard counter to liberators, just like liberators are the hard counter to tanks. Liberators should have the ability to kill ESFs quickly, if they use skill and the element of surprise (like AA MBTs should be doing to air) but for a liberator that gets jumped by an ESF, running away or calling for friendly air support should be its only feasible options, unless the ESF is particularly bad. I say this as someone who does quite a bit of liberating myself, by the way.
  19. Mxiter

    ATM eveyone that certed a little bit them libs fly them.
    Lib was only gimpend against TR while Striker were OP.
    The lib updade wasn't a minor buff:
    Tail gun improved vieux + composite heavy buff (from 10% to 45% flak resistances + tanks/dumbfire rocket/dalton insane resitances) without mentionning the basic tanks shell/dumbfire rockets/dalton resistances wich never been deserved.

    If you're hitten 4 times by P120, 3 time by stock RL, and 2 times by Deci/Titan/supernova/dalton: you suck and deserve death since it's easier to kill an MBT with explosive darts.

    ESF never received a damage buffs:
    Rocketpods nerfed at AA, nose guns nerfed against infantries.
    Stock guns received a slight mag size buff with the stock nose gun, but VS & TR rotaries DPS and the vortek DPM were nerfed during that nose gun revamp.

    Maybe those weapons were nerfed because is was much more effective than any weapons in the game.

    But that picture show howoverperforming ar libs:
  20. dstock

    Sorry, no can do. Globemaster plays NC, which means we couldn't use the AH to kill him.

    Read the patch notes, actual flak resistance was adjusted ~1%? The tank/Dalton round resistances are the only real change.
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