Give eradini 167/600+ damage modal

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Codex561, May 30, 2014.

  1. isaidhi3

    You managed to misread my comment, somehow. I said nothing about having less damage per magazine, only less bullets per magazine.
  2. isaidhi3

    No they don't. VS magazine sizes are usually medium compared to NC and TR with the exception of LMGs. It's the NC who get smaller magazines sometimes.
  3. Mongychops

    And you misread the intention of someone's post with yours.

    Right, and 24x200 damage is still 12% more damage/magazine than 30x143.
  4. isaidhi3

    You're previous comment was uncalled for. The initial statement was that small magazines was a VS trait. I responded saying that small magazine size is not a VS trait. You responded saying that damage per magazine is a VS trait. We are talking about magazine size, not damage per magazine. Sure, they're related, but the statement that VS have small magazines is just generally wrong.
  5. Mongychops

    In reply to someone clamining that the Eridani is undermined by its small magazine, another person said that that was a VS trait. They did not say small magazines were a VS trait, but the feeling that weapons consistently have too few bullets, it isn't the same thing. Especially considering everyone is well aware the Cyclone has the same number of bullets, but a higher damage profile on them.
  6. isaidhi3

    Lets look at the conversation again shall we?
    First dBMachine said:

    In response Prudentia said:
    He literally said that small magazines is a VS trait. If he had meant that VS magazines were too small, he would have said so. Instead, he said that small magazines were a VS trait.
  7. Prudentia

    why does everyone always ***** around about syntax?
    VS have comparable DPS(Reload included) to other Factions weapons. however other factions have more killing potential. sp oter factions get the bonus of more kills before a reload while VS are just bland and boring "Balanced"
  8. isaidhi3

    Because syntax is what gets your message across and tells us what you mean by it. How do you expect people to accept your ideas if they can't even understand it? Do you even English 101?
  9. Prudentia

    nope i german. english.exe is just a buggy addon that only runs half the time.
  10. isaidhi3

    Even so, you should understand syntax is important.
  11. Epic High Five

    This is literally the worst derail
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  12. zaspacer

    Agreed from the perspective of an Infiltrator.

    Unfortunately, you didn't list any stats. And so many ignorant players are going to just be contrarion and disagree just cause they're NC/TR, or just because they don't get it.

    So let me expand on your post. (if the above data below is outdated, then I apologize in advance and look forward to learning about the new numbers and how they change the weapon comparisons)

    Armistice, Cyclone, and Eridani are 1st Generation SMGs. Hailstorm, Blitz, and Sirius are 2nd Generation SMGs. 1st Gen SMGs all have smaller Damage/Magazine than the 2nd Gen SMGs, but faster Ideal Damage/sec.

    Looking at the 1st Gen SMGs, Armistice has the best kill speed (1866.7 Damage/sec) at closer ranges and 2nd biggest default Damage/Mag (3750), Cyclone has the 2nd best kill speed (1814.7 D/s) and best range effectiveness and best default Damage/Mag (4175), and the Eradani is 3rd (last) in kill speed (1787.5 D/s) and 3rd (last) in default Damage/Mag (3575). Armistice is a close range beast, Cyclone is a solid close range with great reach, and Eridani is outclassed. Eridani does have easier to steer Horizontal Recoil Bias (right vs. right/left for the other two), but at the close ranges it is effective at, this is not gonna matter unless you are a headshot aim master.

    In addition, the Eridani kill speed is so close to the Sirius (Eridani only 1.52% faster), there is little reason to take the Eridani over the Sirius. Sirius delivers 42.8% more Damage/Mag, while the Eridani has more steerable Recoil. Choose which fits better for you.

    Looking at the 2nd Gen SMGs, Blitz and Sirius share the best kill speed (1760.4 Damage/sec) and share the 2nd best (last) Damage/Mag (6250), while the Hailstorm has the 2nd best (last) kill speed (1666.7 D/s) and the best Damage/Mag (7500). But while the Blitz and Sirius matchup in those stats, the Blitz outclasses the Sirius due to both Horizontal Recoil Bias and Horizontal Min/Max Recoil, meaning it is much easier to steer the Blitz bullets on target than the Sirius. Blitz > Sirius. I personally hated the Hailstorm ("Failstorm") and it's horrendous kill time, but that may be more of a problem for me because I was using an Infiltrator.

    I run Infils of all 3 classes. And my preference is Armistice and Cyclone as my favorites. After that my preference is for the Blitz. Sirius and Eridani land after that. And Hailstorm is in last.

    I agree on this except for your non-love of the Armistice.

    I LOVE my Armistice. It has absolutely ridiculous fast kill speed. Armistice is my #1 Infil close range killer. I love Armistice and Cyclone the most of all SMGs: my Armistice for sick close range kill speed, my Cyclone for very good close range kill speed and really good reach. I love both these guns.

    I can only say for Infil SMG, ESF Nosegun, and HA Lock-On Launcher I TOTALLY disagree. Armistice is amazing (super fast kill speed), Needler is amazing for how I use my ESF (huge Mag, huge Ammo Supply, and great accuracy over Range), and (even nerfed) Striker is Amazing for me (lock on ground or air with serious bite).

    I have Infil/ESF Certed in all factions and then AA+AV Lock-On Rocket HA for my TR. And I am playing my TR almost full time now because I love his options in those areas SO much more. I dig my NC, but he doesn't get a Striker and the Vortek low Ammo and limited Range and aim bug me. And I do not play my VS anymore (though he's my highest level and has the most Certs) cause even Racer 3 + Fuel Pod Scythe is too slow for my style, no Striker access, and the VS SMGs are not in the same league as Armistice/Cyclone.
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  13. z1967

    I think the Eridani should get 5 extra rounds. IMO, Armistice should have 35 rounds by default (45 with ex mags, maybe 50). What makes the cyclone so powerful is the ability to be very viable without ex mags, meanwhile, the Armistice and Eridani usually are pigeon holed into ex-mags or else they run out of bullets too quickly. Just my opinion on it.
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  14. CallMeBob

    You're all using it wrong, it's no wonder you hate it.

    The Eridani is an oddity and need to be understood for his real powers, i won't spoon feed you on this forum for fear of the eridani getting nerfed but here's some of it.

    It's the only weapon in the VS arsenal with 143 damage model and a 0.05 hipfire cof bloom per shot.
    Also funny that everyone forgot to mention it is has the best ttk in ranges between 11m to 15m out of all the SMGs.
    Sorry for being cryptic but you can go back to your little drawboards and compare the eridani to the orion and HV-45 instead of the sirius.
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  15. Epic High Five

    The Eridani is a superior NS-7 PDW. It is a machine that is purpose built to manufacture headshots, as the superior damage range and recoil point out.

    The Cyclone is just a monster of a gun in general, but within 10m or so the Armistice is an IWIN button, especially on a heavy
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  16. Kite Carling

    The Eridani is an ancient tool for training Vanu initiates' reflexes at pulling their sidearm.

    Its rough translation in English is "Crap, a third guy?!"
  17. zaspacer

    What are you talking about?

    Looks at the comparable damage/sec chart:

    Sirius damage/sec is almost the same as Eridani (Eridani is only 1.52% faster), and both those SMGs have the 0.05 hipfire cof bloom.

    Eridani damage/sec never beats the Armistice. Eridani doesn't beat the Cyclone's damage/sec until after ~12.5m, and by that range the Cyclone's better accuracy (due to better Recoil Horiz. Min/Max) at ranges still will make the Cyclone the better damage/sec.

    What? Eridani does not have the Recoil Horiz. Min/Max quality or bullet speed that the NS-7 does. The NS-7 is usable in CQC but outclassed by the SMGs, and the NS-7 is usable at farther ranges than the SMGs but is outclassed at those ranges by Scout Rifles (for Infils, dunno what other classes have).

    But I do agree that the Eridani has much better Recoil Horiz. Bias that makes it easier to steer than many SMGs and should make it solid for landing headshots in closer ranges.

    Agreed. Cyclone and Armistice are beasts in their respective roles.
  18. Mustarde

    The eridani might be my favorite SMG in the entire game. Since I've spent more time playing NC and VS I have fallen in love. As others have eluded to, the strength of the eridani lies in it's killing power at ranges between 10-20m. It is one of the easiest to control SMG's, similar to the NS weapons but with a higher ROF. It is a headshot machine.

    Now that I've fallen in love with it, don't you dare ruin this gun for me!
  19. Roll Fizzlebeef

    I kind of like where all 1st gen SMG's are currently. Though I think the Eridani is the weakest of the three, it really isn't bad anymore.

    Cyclone - Fastest firing 167 damage weapon. An absolute beast at mowing down enemies. I tend to be less cautious when using this weapon due to it's pure killing potential.

    Armistice - An SMG I love equally to the Cyclone. The blistering RoF coupled with the slightly higher magazine size to sustain it allows me to kill enemies before they even know what hit them.

    Eridani - Requiring significantly more skill to use, players must position themselves better and engage enemies with caution. Though it has the same magazine size as the Cyclone, it has a lightning fast reload time and the damage drop off starts 4m further than the other SMG's. The best tactic is to flank enemies one at a time, cloak, reload, and pick off another target.

    Extended magazines are strongly recommended for all 1st gen SMG's... Especially after the nerf to Adv. Laser Sights.

    Note: I do wish the minimum damage was raised to 100 and extended to 46m like the Cyclone.
  20. HighestDefinition

    I like it because it is a lot like the Orion with a 15 rounder smaller mag for infiltrators.