No ammo

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by sestun, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. sestun

    Please Engineers if you run by a shooting MAX drop him some love. Time after time I yell for ammo only to run back to a spawn room full of Engineers.
  2. Brenold

    just found this out the other day:
    if you don't have ammo pack in your utility slot, pull out your turret. press "b" or whatever your cycle firemode button is and the ghostly green or red outline of the turret will change to an ammo pack,
  3. SevenTwo

    Yeah... A lot of people don't know about this and I really think SOE needs to specify on the Mana Turret tool tip, that this is actually a thing. That and I think more engineers should get in the habit of just dropping an ammo box now and then, even when no-one specifically calls for ammo.

    I mean, it's easy xp just dropping one in a high traffic area, as people always run around reloading and infiltrators love spamming their darts.

    I also didn't know about it for a long, long time - I think I was BR22 when someone wrote it in RE chat, otherwise I'd probably have been ignorant about it for even longer. It is kinda of alluded to somewhere in a description somewhere that the ACE tool, which you use for building the turret, also includes an ammo box building, but I don't think it says "press alternate fire to switch the turret for an ammo box" in any of the in-game tips though.
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  4. kokocabana85

    I think it teaches you to switch between them in the tutorial, but it's easily forgotten since you're just starting the game and mistaken for the utility slot once you finish.
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  5. ironeddie

    When I started playing I played a lot of engie. Always used to drop ammo near groups of players even without it being requested. No idea why more engineers don't do this. As much as anything it's a great way to earn quite a bit of XP.
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  6. Gaulwa

    I dunno since when, but the Turret description does mention the utility kit can be turned into an ammo pack or a turret. However, they do not mention how.
  7. EngiNC

    Indeed. Repar, give ammo and place mines: that is what an Eng is supposed to do, imho.
  8. Gearlock

    Maxxes are XP fountains for engineers. When theyre not firing full mags every 2 seconds feeding us resupply XP they're stumbling around drunk getting shot to sh*# so we can repair them.

    I'll take an ammo pack away from a half dozen dorks to give it to a max any day. Half dozen dorks prolly got an ammo pack already anyways
  9. Pelojian

    heh was attacking an NC held tower today. placed an ammo box down on the second floor and easily reached the XP cap for ammo.

    I think it's down to a support mentality really. there's supporting maxes/tanks,placing a turret and ammo when requested it's another thing to place ammo or make repairs without receiving requests or staying behind and repairing the facility's trashed turrets/generators so if the offensive fails you can fall back with ready to go turrets.
  10. ironeddie

    Yes. Essentially most players want to go shoot at the other guy. Just providing support I suppose isn't many people's idea of fun.
  11. RaidsRUs

    This. So much this. I realize that an offensive has to maintain its momentum, but I end up spending >80% of my time in game fixing the stuff you broke before you moved on without a second thought.
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