Would a Nanite Systems Private Military Company be a good new faction?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DragonOps, May 31, 2014.

  1. DragonOps

  2. Cinnamon

    But NC are the nanite systems PMC.
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  3. Dasubur

    What he said NC are made of every company in auraxis pushing for their own capitalist paradise

    TR are trying to restore order and regain control for terra and reestablish contact with terra

    VS want their way of humanities future to see the light of day, that alein technology is super cool and should be incorperated in everything they do.

    Plus a 4th faction would literally **** all balance and suck even more life out of the already existing factions plus how are you going to come up with another combat style?
  4. DragonOps

    In gameplay, they are only represent as a weapons manufacturer. The main idea is they should be a new faction, like active field PMC in real life.

    Edit: If you really meany NC, I am sure they are freedom fighters.
  5. DragonOps

    Hired PMC could assist under populated factions, thus balancing them. What do you mean another combat style? This isn't blitzkrieg vs trench warfare.
  6. Dasubur

    every faction has a distinct strength and feel, TR are fast and shooty, NC are slow but strong and heavy hitting, and Vanu are in between

    adding a computer aid would just make artificial padding and be hard to explain story wise
  7. DragonOps

    I never said the new faction would be ai controlled? Also, how is a NS PMC bad story wise?
  8. FateJH

    So, theoretically-speaking, would the PMC only use NS weaponry? Even if you gave them the opportunity to buy into other faction defaults, that's a pretty small armament. And there'd be gaps that have to be filled by new NS weaponry that we don't have yet.
  9. DragonOps

    So your logic is, don't make a new faction because it would need new weapons? Well obviously, that would be part of a new faction. We don't have the faction yet, theoretically speaking, so the weapons could come out with the faction.

    PS If you read the original thread, having a character unlock NS Prototype common pool weapons through a hard-to-play faction would be a nice challenge.
  10. FateJH

    Do not put words into my mouth. I am neither for nor against the inclusion of a new faction at this time, but I wish to understand the technicalities of youtr idea through better clarification. (If I have to cross-post, I will.)
  11. Snicklefritzll

    I always thought it would be cool if SOE did an event for releasing new NS weapons, where a select group of players become a "Nanite System Mercenary Faction" During the event, the NS team would spawn in the middle of the map and can only use NS weapons or vehicles and would have to fend off the other three factions and they also gain access to early access of the new NS weapon/vehicle, but only to use during the event. If the TR/NC/VS win, the gun gets released early for those players. If the NS factions wins, they get the gun released early for them.
  12. Rienholt

    He means NC. NC are the PMC of a conglomerate of terran mega corporations who want out the Republic because they don't like regulations like safety standards and fair wage laws.
  13. Heyitsrobbie1984

    i would like to know what their colour scheme should be?

    id opt for a mostly white colour scheme with a splash of black and gold on their equipment
  14. DragonOps

    Would you mind posting a link? What is on the wiki is different.

    It would be like their current weapons, most likely.
  15. Obstruction

    if there was a 4th faction it would be too hard for all the 5th factioners to decide who is currently more OP.
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  16. iller

    NS is already the master race
  17. Taemien

    We barely have the population for 3 factions, much less splitting them off to a fourth.
  18. Rienholt

    Planetside Universe has a pretty good summary that is free of the constant revisions on the official wiki that try to paint as the NC as nothing but good guys.

    For a more official source, , at 1:17 Higby mentions NC corporate sponsors.

    The official timeline, http://planetside.wikia.com/wiki/Timeline_of_Events , makes it very clear the new Conglomerate is a business cartel.

    There are also mentions in various official posts pre release to NC corporations and NC soldiers receiving pay.

    Current canon status of this some of this background is unknown but the last three NC titles, earned at BR 98, 99, 100 are all corporate titles.
  19. Goretzu

    I'm not sure a fully fledged fourth faction would be a good idea (3 factions is the most efficent in a PvP game for a few reasons).

    They could however do something like PS1's "Black Ops".
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  20. Exonis

    Let me set some things straight.

    1. Before Auraxis; The NC Helped fund Connery's expedition to the moon fragment where he found the Vanu's figurine which spoke to Briggs. (Making NC the oldest True Faction :D)

    2. Connery (who was former leader of the Terran Republic) asked to go on an expedition through the wormhole.

    3. The Fleet waits at the wormhole's predicted location but when it opens there's a massive gravity well that drags them in; as it collapses mid-way, it destroys half of the fleet and strands the rest.

    4. The NC was had both hired guns (mercenaries) and rebels. (had planned what ever beyond the wormhole a place free of TR encroachment on Business) But the mercenaries stopped when they realized 'No way back home = no pay'. This left the NC with only the Rebels.

    5. Things get desperate after drifting while lost in space so Connery and NC leaders plan peace agreements and as they finish; the ship they were on gets blown up by a bomb, killing everyone on board.

    6. The bomb was planted by the TR guy who was in charge of the security force/military police so he could kill Connery and start being dictator of his new authoritarian autocratic Terran Republic, promising to lift the restrictions on the people when they found a planet; which he never did once they did find one.

    7. The TR (Which is now nothing like The TR back on Earth) and NC begin full-scale war after peace talks are interrupted by confusing reports of armed conflict on the continent of Kaorr. The followers of Vanu declare themselves an independent Sovereignty and declare war on all

    8. Present Time? (Although I think it mentions the war has been going on decades, if not for hundreds of years)

    • Nanite Systems was one of founders of The New Conglomerate
    • At some point NS betrays/leaves The NC
    • At night on you can see the collapsed wormhole rift, which makes no sense, since it wasn't anywhere near Auraxis at all in the first place
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