What are some good implants for tankers?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ransurian, May 29, 2014.

  1. Ransurian

    I've been out of the loop for a good while. I'd like to know which implants work while in vehicles, and which implants are most worth using. I'm also unsure as to whether any up-to-date implant lists exist out there.
  2. Tommyp2006

    They will specifically say if they don't work in vehicles, or max suits. Most of them do though. Many of them just aren't very useful while in a tank, like sensor shield, clear vision, etc. The default enhanced targeting is great in a vehicle, as it lets you see just how much health the enemy has left, helps you pick your engagements better.
  3. Calisai

    Personally, I think it's a choice between Enhanced Targeting and EOD HUD.... that's it.

    I'm currently running EOD HUD, but will probably try out Enhanced Targeting for awhile and see which I prefer. I remember prior to them nerfing Q-spot and taking away the ability to view health it was nice... but I've gotten so used to not knowing nowadays... shrug.

    It's a toss-up. It's nice not having to worry about mines.
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  4. eggy

    What Calisai said ^^.
    If your in a multiple occupancy vehicle. The driver needs EOD HUD and the gunners should have Enhanced Targeting.
    If your playing solo then its personal preference.
  5. Calisai

    Heh, My gunner got EOD before I did, and he saved us by yelling out in TS causing me to stop.

    So really... As long as 1 has it and 1 has the other, you get benefit of both if you are on voice comms and have good communication.

    I'd prefer Enh Targeting as driver in this case because decisions as to who shoots what are usually made by the driver in the first place, so it helps the decision making. The problem with this idea, is that the gunner is usually useful for watching rear and sides during flanking maneuvers... in which case he's not watching forward.

    Meh, as EOD HUDs become more prevalent, Mine usage will probably drop and thus we probably won't need EOD HUDS anymore... lol...
  6. Alarox

    Not sure yet.
  7. Frozen-K

    I use enhanced targeting, my gunner uses EOD hud. Both are nice.
  8. AssaultPig

    enhanced targeting does not seem that interesting to me really, since vehicles already have the 'smoking' tell for when they're at low health. Ideally you'd prioritize targeting a 75% health vehicle over a 100% health one of course, but I doubt you'd run into that many situations where the implant would help you make a relevant decision.

    EOD has some obvious minor defensive utility so I'd probably use that, but in general I'd prefer to save implant energy for other things.
  9. Calisai

    I was thinking about it... and I might switch over to using enhanced more.... EOD is nice, but i'm not sure it really saves that many tanks.

    However, I come into situations like this quite often (2:30 min in if you want to skip the flanking):

  10. lNeBl

    EOD hud and the auto target peopel that shoot you are the best IMO. BUT EOD hud is not really reliable. After some testing sometimes it wont do anything
  11. EliteEskimo

    Most impressive part of the whole video was not getting Tank Bust cheesed by a Liberator while trying to flank while around no allies. I've lost so many tanks to Liberators these days, because they are just so much more prevalent and shooting at them is normally pointless....

    Also nice choice in music, people don't use classic rock and roll like ACDC that much in their videos.:cool:
  12. Chal

    I used EOD for abit until I noticed some NC mines right next to my tank that it didn't spot, since then I switched to enchanced targeting.
    Niether make a big difference but enhanced targeting can be handy for picking out weak targets in a group at a glance or for seeing how fast the sundy/tank you are trying to kill is being repaired.
  13. Linus

    DO you think guys that counter intelligence is a good one for stealthy vehicles (flankers)?
    I tried it shortly but it does not seem to work at all inside a vehicle. Any feedback?
  14. HighestDefinition

    if you run an MBT with a halberd gunner, suggest that your gunner uses Range-Finder, it will help land the first shot. I would suggest the AOD hud indicator for you. I don't think that you really need the Enhanced targeter because you can usually tell just by looking at how much smoke they produce.
    You could also use Counter Intelligence, as an implant. Especially if you usually play using stealth as a defence, knowing when you are spotted is great.
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  15. eldarfalcongravtank

    i guess EOD hud makes the most sense for a tanker but dont bother with tier 1 or 2 since you wont see mines/explosives quickly enough when going fullspeed with a tank
  16. Klypto

    Even tier 3 of EOD hud doesn't work out well in a racer Vanguard.
  17. ronjahn

    I've been using enhanced targeting and my gunner has EOD. Seems like a nice setup; I call targets he calls out mines. I might give the counter intelligence a whirl though, seems like it would be nice to know when I'm spotted.
  18. dstock

    I'd like to try counter-intelligence, but the RNG gods have seen fit to equip me with only hold breath, battle hardened, and the occasional EOD Hud or Marker.

    EOD Hud 1 is my choice for Harassing, though. It seems to work most of the time, friendly and enemy explosives, and at 10m, that's still enough time to dodge with the buggy's agility.
  19. Alarox

    I've been using Awareness a lot lately. I think this will be my implant of choice while tanking.

    You're going to be hit by surprise. It is just a fact. Whether it be a Liberator from 600m, a random HA assault's dumbfire from 50m away, or a Harasser/Tank from 300m away behind a rock.

    What I like about Awareness is that I don't need to spend those precious few seconds trying to locate my target. I usually already know their general direction, but Awareness lets me see exactly where they are for 10s. Pretty damn nice.

    Although, it has taken me a bit getting used to looking at the mini-map after getting shot.
  20. Moz

    I would say either:

    Enhanced Targeting
    Range Finder (my personal fave)
    EOD HUD (normally request the gunner uses this as he is higher up and has a better view of the road ahead)

    Think those are the only options really.