False war IMPLANTS

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by asdfghjkl, May 27, 2014.

  1. asdfghjkl

    Hello many people likes implants and others noMy Sugestion is:

    Implants are a esay way to kill and survive like false skills to fight in PS2 So when we known to play and. a bad doldier with implants kill us How it feel? I think is a false fight to see Who have the best implant and making things like hacks so I want to retun at the old system or just quit that powerful action. I dont want these FalseSkills letsmake Clean and True Kill
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  2. qwertyuiop´´

    Right just implants are making the game like $%&$# Now a noob can beat a pro
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  3. ShortRovnd

    In on foreign thread.
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  4. Dieter Perras

    err which implant exactly?
  5. AuchHank

    Like this one Auto spot enemies who damage or kill you, unless they're using a silenced weapon. I hate when the game brings this at players who dont need it And the "noobs" are cheering now.:/
  6. Zerocoool

    Just quit 'em SOE we want a real war with NO implantswars c mon :/
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  7. Zerocoool

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  8. Dieter Perras

    in my experience noobs don't check their mini maps often enough to make this a problem for vets to still outplay them.
  9. qwertyuiop´´

    Think like a noob use the regeneration implant Kill someone with a rocket laucher it gives you damage just hide and wait to up your health thats bad
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  10. qwertyuiop´´

    Ugh... :/
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  11. Dieter Perras

    cause you know noobs are the only ones using rockets to kill infantry, also in that same situation he could just as easily find a medic or use a utility.
  12. Ripshaft

    /////////// TRANSLATION:
    Hello my name is asdfghjkl and I am concerned with the state of implants in PS2. I believe they provide kills where kills would otherwise not come naturally to the player, and do so to a level that I believe is comparable to the act of hacking. Furthermore I submit to you that as you can purchase these items using real currency, that the action is tantamount to buying "dirty" kills.

    I humbly suggest that we abandon the concept of implants to eliminate the potential for ill gotten kills of this nature.
    ////////// END TRANSLATION

    I expect that further evidence or reasoning is required to push your position forward as an argument mr. asdfghjkl.
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  13. asdfghjkl

    My friend Im agree with your translation but Im spanish and I kown others guys wont understand other leguaje than English I made the try
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  14. AuchHank

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  15. asdfghjkl

    Haha Rgiht bro
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  16. asdfghjkl

    Implants still being like "LEGAL HACKS" this have to stop
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  17. qwertyuiop´´

    Man today 4 new playes killed using the auto spot imp´lant just I killed him with the Sas-r with a headshoot then other kill me by the back by that implant,All were using that implant so How It can BE A REAL WAR??!
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  18. Whatupwidat

    So...you'd rather we had a situation where elite players can roam with impunity and crap all over lower level ones?

    Oh wait...silly me, that's what we already have - and it's why we have no new players.