1337 guys, how do you do it?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by cheekychaffinch, May 27, 2014.

  1. Gearlock

    Fast rate of fire weapons will require control at medium range. Several bursts at 30m will yield more damage than holding the trigger down going full auto for the same amount of time. Youll also likely land more head shots. It will also teach you to fire, adjust, fire, adjust, fire which will make you a better marksman.

    Understanding enemy point of view helps too. If there's a wall of friendlies cowering behind a rock getting shelled and chain dying/rezzing, guess where your enemy's attention is going to go when they approach the battlefield after dying? That rock. Perhaps a nearby rock or ledge is more suitable cover because it's not drawing attention saying "OH HAI THERES THIRTY OF US RIGHT HERE IN ONE SPOT". Also the Y axis is your friend. So many times I've been above "normal field of view" on a ledge or upper level and picked off someone who was only looking straight ahead who, for instance, was running out of a building or spawn room. Again, enemy point of view used to your advantage. Think like a ninja, shoot like a marine.

    Patience. As mentioned previously situational awareness is critical, and once you've gotten more comfortable with it you can learn to take advantage of a given situation, which in many cases includes being patient. Hear enemy gunfire up ahead, notice friendly icons disappear in the next building? Run gung ho into what is assuredly your ally's grave to join him, or hang back and wait for an enemy to deliver themselves to you? At the very least go door-to-door gunfire instead of charging in.

    It's the little things that matter once you master basics such as 'point and click to fire' and have an understanding of the game, it's flow, as well as the weapons.

    Also I found that lowering my mouse pointer speed helped immensely as it was cranked to near max for playing other types of games, but was completely inappropriate for a FPS that required more measured movements.

    I'm not L33T but these are some of the things that helped me be (or at least FEEL) successful.
  2. Posse

    What's your ingame name? By seeing your stats I could probably see what your strengths and weaknesses are, some people need to improve their mechanical skills (accuracy, reaction, and all that), and some people need to improve their situational awareness, positioning, etc, etc.

    Also, if you're not getting consistently 45+ FPS (ideally 60 at almost all times), then there's a gap you won't be able to close, no matter how good you are.
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  3. cheekychaffinch

    Thanks again for replies. Personally put more value on big picture than 1v1, and for the record only drop to 45fps in big battles. My character name is the same as my name here, posse (cheekychaffinch).
  4. DrPapaPenguin

    I pre-aim corners, keep crosshairs at head height, and dick people around by making them chase me in cicrles through buildings.
  5. NCDaniel

  6. CerealBox

    In the big picture, have a rig that runs this game at 60+ fps constantly. In both large and small fights.

    Here's some surprisingly simple tips/tools for you.

    1) After each death, think to yourself. What did I do wrong? What can I do to improve upon the next life?

    2) Use the recursion real time stat tracker RTST. You'll be able to gauge your own abilities as you play.
  7. zu2


    Playtime. You've averaged 20 hours a month the past 7 months or so, and 300+ kills a month. Most of the really good players average 30+ hours a week (or have done so in the past for many months). I personally have averaged 40+ hours a week since the game went live 18 months ago. Due to my connection and distance from the server I'll never be one of the best on my server, but that amount of playtime has really helped hone my reaction time and situational awareness capabilities. I generally like to kill up close and personal and am the world leader in nighthawk kills and onslaught kills. But I am also a combat engie (was advanced engie in PS1) and lead the world in claymore kills and number 2 in tank mine kills. I like being a combat engie because you always have something you can be doing, you don't have to sit around waiting for a point to cap.

    So if you get bored or frustrated with HA, try combat engie with nighthawk or jaguar. For myself, I'm now branching out and getting more in a mosquito and also doing some sniper work.
  8. LibertyRevolution

    The more I play this, the more I realize movement skill is far more important than aiming skill.

    Being able to dodge and run your way out of a losing battle is important.
    You can gain better position and bait the enemy to fallow you around something so they put their head in your crosshair.

    I have started do this a lot more..
    Peak corner, shoot guy, back off, wait for him to get tired of waiting and come kill me, then drill him in the face.
  9. cheekychaffinch

    There are just not enough hours in the day! Massive yes to face drilling. Reckon a stat tracker will help
  10. Yuukikun

    Been playing the game with around 30 fps in average and yet here i am today. You can get used to this, yes it might be a hindrance, but it's not a reason to just stop trying.

    For OP, my best advice would be to get auraxium on the guns that are considered the most Under Powered, and not rely on cheese stuff. Playing vehicles (except for esf dogfighting) will only make you lose your sharpness.

    Also go in smaller fights first, like 6 vs 6 to capture or defend. It may be the selling point of PS2 but if you can't handle 6 ennemies moving in a map, then 48+ will only be frustrating and won't bring much to learn either.

    Try all classes to see how everyone thinks, this way you can somehow predict where and when things happen.

    If you want to improve your aim and recoil control the hard way, use the burst versions of guns, or battle rifle.

    Also when you die, think about how you died, and if there is a way to not die again the same way.

    I don't think of myself as pro, but that's what i do/did to become the way i am.
    here's my character if you want to see.

  11. NyaR

    I play quake 3 on timescale 2 with railgun_damage 9999 and 5 bots on q3dm16.
  12. Corporate Thug

    As others have stated your hardware is very important. You can still do well with out pro gear but don't expect to be at the same level as someone who spends lots of money on their gaming rig. I would recommend fixing your mouse surface over buying a better mouse due to me recently removing my old, dirty mouse pad and feeling a vast difference in aiming.

    Some of the things you can do are: Don't use AOE or spam weapons and expect them to help improve your aiming or survivability. Practice using cover and when and where to engage. Pay attention to everything, meaning look around you and more importantly, LISTEN to your environment. Most people talk non stop or listen to music and that seriously hinders you when hearing a person's footsteps or cloak/jump jets are very important. Again, look around as if your super paranoid. Lastly, put yourself in situations where success is unlikely but not impossible and you will grow exponentially. Those situations will also begin to scale up with your skill level as long as you analyze your mistakes, if any were made.

    Edit: My comp and connection suck and I'm not MLGPRO, but I also have no issue killing those who are because I improved to a point that I am no longer crippling myself. Hanging around too many friendlies can also hinder your growth as you become too dependent on them to achieve success. Small and medium sized battles are a bit easier to understand when trying to improve and analyzing your play sessions.
  13. IamnotAmazing

  14. kadney

    This is good the the beginning:

    Once you hit the ZOMG 720 noSc0pe MLG level you will pull of stuff like this:

    On a more serious note:
    Always keep an eye on the minimap and see what's going on around you. Choose your engagements wisely and try to surprise your opponent. And ensure you got at least stable 40+ FPS.
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  15. Tuco

    We memorized the map.

    I spent the last few days trying out Mechwarrior Online. Cool sound effects, slower paced FPS gameplay I like, nice graphics, but I'm reminded of why I switched to MMOFPS 14 years go. It's not so easy to memorize the map that's 500 miles by 500 miles, but it sure is with these tiny FPS maps.

    Even with these big maps, given enough time; and without the PS1 AMS, PS1 mines, PS1 spitfires, PS1 motion detectors to push the battles away from the 100 meter circle around each base spawn point; we will memorize the map.
  16. IamDH

    I was born MLG material. Legend says that when i was born it started raining gold.
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  17. Gearlock


    They said it was raining Cod, an entirely different sign of things to come.
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  18. Axehilt

    I feel this attitude has to be reversed to be truly great.

    The value of each playstyle a game offers changes based on the current state of the battle.

    So the right attitude is to constantly seek the playstyle that's right in the current battle.

    There are certain benefits to focusing on a single class of course: you'll reach higher tiers of play with that class sooner. But you'll sort of be stuck using a hammer to solve all your problems (problems where a screwdriver, a wrench, or drill might be far better tools.) So personally I try a variety of classes/vehicles in a variety of situations to learn which ones work best in each situation, and then stick to whatever is most effective in each situation -- my class/vehicle choice is made by the game rules, not by my own preference.
  19. Robes

    Actually playing in vehicles is one of the better ways to force yourself to pick up that dumb situational awareness thing, so while your aim and movement might suffer some, you pick up something much more valuable, you also learn where to not go as infantry, where armor is most likely to go from x base to the base your at, and there is no better twitch aim practice than gunning a dalton, although that is slightly less useful than the others for infantry.
  20. SSRemly

    Go spend some time practicing with the Orion. Proceed to get sponsored by doritos & mtn dew.
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