why is the NC14 Bolt driver unlocked by default?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by 60rockstar, May 24, 2014.

  1. 60rockstar

    Why isn't the default NC sniper weapon one of the lower damage semi auto rifles as TR and VS?

    TR and VS have to shell out Certs or cash for something with comparable damage (RAM .50 or V10).

    What is the point of BR when the battle is flooded with level 5 NC that can one shot kill any infantry class?
  2. M2_Bradley

    Because of the NC faction trait "high damage"...
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  3. IamDH

    BR is to show how much experience you have in the game.

    The NC sniper fits the NC trait of high damage/long reload as do TR/NC(TR high RoF, VS no drop). The RAMS/V10 have a longer OHK range and velocity i believe

    PS: Not sure whether the 99SV has more RoF or not
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  4. Hoki

    Real question should be, why are't the M-77B and vanu equivalent unlocked by default.

    The semi-autos are meh, you could delete them from the game and nobody would notice.
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  5. OddChelsea

    Because NC is the high damage faction, TR is the more dakka faction. It does make sense that NC starts with a bolt action while TR starts with a semi auto. The VS semi auto also has no bullet drop where as the bolt action does not, also fitting their traits. That being said it would probably be best if all factions started with the basic bolt. At the same time you can get a close range bolt action for free with the new player quiz, so it's less of an issue. The TSAR, SAS-R, VS variant which I don't know.
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  6. minhalexus

    Dude the BASR equivalent to the Bolt Driver costs 100 certs.
    Honestly, people complain about the smallest of things.

    I can get 100 certs in an hour.
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  7. Hoki

    And this little difference probably has a decent impact on the overall sniping proficiency of the different factions. No investment required to attain a perfectly capable sniper rifle can cause noobs to say, hey, this is fun, I like this.

    As opposed to an inf that starts with the semi-auto disappointments that quickly ask, wtf is the point of this, going back to HA.

    It isn't a big deal for you or me or anyone that asks for help on the forums, but mainly the new player. When you first start playing 100 certs is a lot cause you have so much stuff to buy with it.

    And for that reason alone, it wouldn't hurt anything to just have it unlocked by default. I don't blink at 100 cert investments. I only start considering if I really want something when its 400 or more.
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  8. \m/SLAYER\m/

    RAM .50 and V10 ≠ NC14
    OHK only head-shot.
    Hey NC, who was killed by low level TR and VS at close combat by their default guns?
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  9. TotalNoob

    Why is NC completely overpowered? You must be new here.

    Higby thinks there is one faction, that represents USA. The others are just poor cannon fodder and might as well be npc's.
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  10. minhalexus

    I didnt get your point there.

    Its entirely the new player's choice if he want to buy the BASR. You however can get a BASR (ghost, Sasr) for free by taking a quiz.
    If the new player really likes the BASR, then it shouldnt be a problem for him to buy it.

    Even if they did unlock it by default, they would have to lock the SASR too, which then would be a 100 certs.

    Semi-auto does not disappoint me lol, I can get decent amount of kills with my spectre.
    Although it does not give you the thrill of a headshot kill.

    BASR makes you feel like one of those movie heros, which I guess most new players want to be when they start off.

    Is the BASR an overall better gun than the SASR? No.
    Does it make you feel more bad ***? Yes!
  11. asmodraxus

    The scout rifles are quickly ditched, how many NC buy the scout rifles?

    Now how many VS and TR buy the bolt actions?

    If TR and VS pop wise 100% all get bolt actions using certs or cash then is there something badly wrong with the concept of a "rapid fire" sniper rifle that fails to kill with more then 1 shot?

    Do all NC spend certs and cash on scout rifles? If the answer is not yes then I think we might have a problem in terms of balance.
  12. Alarox

    Which is easier for a new player to use? A bolt-action that requires good accuracy and headshots, or a semi-automatic that allows missed shots and works well aiming at the body?

    From a pure effectiveness standpoint, I would rather my faction have the semi-automatic unlocked as default.

    If you are TR/VS, then you have nothing to complain about. If you're serious about sniping then you can unlock the bolt-action for a hundred certs. If you don't care about sniping, then you can rest assured knowing that your new players are more effective snipers than ours.
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  13. Hoki

    Honestly, a rhino or bull. New players aren't dead-set on sniping. And really the only effective sniper is one that is lethally threatening.
    To the point where if I hear a semi-auto wiz by my head, I prepare myself for free certs.

    Ultimately its only an issue of educating new players to not let the starter sniper rifles put you off from sniping, it gets better.
  14. Fenrisk

    Because of the NC faction trait "Higby"

    By your argument TR's default LMG should be a higher ROF one such as the chaingun. The NC default infiltrator weapon should of been in line with TR/Vanu. A mid range rifle with slightly more damage then TR/Vanu. Not a bolt action as that does offer a slight advantage for new NC players who want to be snipers in comparison to Tr/Vs players.

    Another example is the LMG's. Each faction should start with a short to mid range LMG rather then NC starting with the best LMG for long range engagements and arguably one of the best LMG's in PS2. TR have to spend certs on the TMG-50 which is just a poor man's SAW.

    There's hints of faction bias across the board towards NC.

    The current state of the striker in comparison to the Phoenix is a blatant example. If NC had the striker you can bet it would never be left in the state it is now and has been for almost a year.
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  15. Epic High Five

    Attracting all the F2P bush wookies because we have the free BASR is not a good thing guys
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  16. TheMercator

    Why are TR so whiny about NC having a LMG with ROF as high as the slowest shooting terran LMG?
  17. Codex561

    No! Dont you people touch my spectre!
  18. Taemien

    Do you all really want our newbies getting a 10 shot mag with semi-auto? Eventually they will hit and kill something.
  19. TotalNoob

    Substantiated with some good facts. NC absorbs ezmode pay-2-win weekend warriors and Higby gets a fat cheque from SOE CEO at the end of the month. Job done.
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  20. IamDH

    Honestly asking here, do you really find it easier to kill with the spectre? I mean, it takes quite a lot of body shots to kill but the weapon can be spammed well on target (i think, barely ever used this weapon and never want to again) so wouldn't that require better aim? My initial guess would be that it serves more of a close to mid range weapon but i think that it will still be significantly harder to get that amount of shots on a target at med range
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