Scout Radar nerfed

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lynoocs, May 21, 2014.

  1. AnnPerkins

    they never refunded us when they first nerfed scout radar, either. I blew over 1k certs on my flash because it was something I could hop out of and have a little radar station but they made it so you have to be in the thing for it to work and never refunded us.
  2. Get2dachoppa

    And you've tested it to be sure that scout radar is ONLY detecting moving players?
  3. Spoprockel

  4. siiix

    screw that ... who except whiny infiltrators ever complained about this ?! even they did not much ... so PUT IT BACK HOW IT WAS SOE
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  5. DFDelta

    I was kinda expecting that to happen sooner or later.
    After the nerfs the prox radar was getting last year it was only a matter of time until its the scout radars turn, too.

    Still a sad thing.
    I don't know s single person who considered it OP after it was made to only work if the vehicle is occupied, and it was only complained about very rarely (compared to a LOT of other things) on the forums.
  6. St0mpy

    Youve hit the nail on the head here. Virtually every FPS ive played in over 10 years have had snipers, and on pub servers they are hugely popular because every kid joins the game thinking cool ima be sniper, because snipers stand back in perfect safely and boomheadshot everyone, ima get real big scores

    but when it came to clan games in the same game almost no one ever played sniper (there was always a few genuinely talented guys, but otherwise no) because its just not an effective class for flag rushing against other troops.

    Now the planetside team have obviously noticed that every kid on the block wants to be a sniper and obviously have stats to say its one of the most popular classes here so have bent over backwards to please these whiny kids and buffed and buffed and buffed whats really a quite ineffective class without a vast majority of concessions, concessions SOE constantly give them.

    Now they get yet another thing they wanted, an uncountable skill (well, unless we walk 20 soldiers wide with darklights on just incase ones there) and SOE quite happy in nerfing all our long tested equipment just to give it to them. Now its out of balance.

    Whatever happened to rock paper scissors? Infiltrators just whinged and moaned till they got to be the rock and the paper too.
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    Spotting incoming C4 fairies is useless ?
  8. Stormsinger

    Eh, speaking as someone with 200+ hours on a scout radar flash (Have over 6000 certs in that little no-terrain-vehicle) ... This is disappointing. While not useless, scout radar was the only means of effectively countering permacloak camping infiltrators, short of combing every square meter with a darklight. One of my favorite support roles was driving my scout / stealth flash into buildings near the front lines of assaults / defenses, laying down ammo, and repairing from the back seat... secure in the knowledge that I was helping my team.

    With the radar avoidance implants and this nerf going in with the same patch (no surprise here) ... it eliminates a good portion of the usefulness. Heck, i'd have preferred a full removal of scout radar XP over this. At least i could still help my team to the same degree, even if my own cert gain rate suffers. I did it before, i'd do it again.

    I'd much have preferred a 'radar detection' suit option, or heck... default cert option for Infiltrators. Even an active radar jamming deployable would have been prefereble, or perhaps even radar resistance, preventing players from showing up at 20-40% of the radar's outer range radius. Adding random chance to expensive cert options' functionality is just bad design.

    Meh. Maybe this will be the straw that broke my subscription's back.
  9. Eyeklops

    I'm sorry, but Scout Radar detecting motionless enemies was broken as hell and this change is for the better. I do agree that a cert refund should be issued. And yes, Scout Radar is still better than an infiltrators dart in many situations.
    1. Scout Radar doesn't need an ammo pack.
    2. Scout Radar doesn't have a use timer.
    3. Scout Radar has more range.
    4. Scout Radar doesn't mark it's location on the map (if you invested in stealth)*.
    5. Scout Radar does not restrict you to playing Infiltrator.

    * - Scout Radar it's self is more "stealthy" than darts or a motion sensor as players do not have the mini-map marker to let them know they are on radar.
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  10. MorganM

    No the actual function was changed and then LATER the tooltip was changed. It wasn't even that long ago because I used my flash scout radar to hunt down stalker cloak infiltrators. I would find them standing still. You could see them on the minimap pinging in the same location; not moving.
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  11. Bankrotas

    Sorry, I was generally said to all people wanting refund. I had to reload page 20 times to even get to this page, where 4 people adressed me.
    The forums are almost dead for me today.
  12. Latrodectus


    You see now that they've broken the scout radar, they no longer have to put in any effort to fix the point-capture bug. "Hey, why isn't this point flipping?" you ask? Well it's clearly because there's a stalker cloaked infiltrator on the point, and you're just not looking hard enough. Now you'll never be able to know 100% for certain if there's a player on the point or if they just never bothered to fix the game-breaking point-capture bug. Bravo guys, this is exactly what I'd expect from the development team that left ZOE in its overpowered state for so many months. What a glorious return to form.
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  13. Udnknome

    It's not bull, I don't know when you logged on last, but since at least april (when I started playing again after a year break), it has only detected players while they were moving. It's one of the first things that I noticed had changed. Complaining about wanting your certs back after having used this for almost 2 months (at least) is moot.

    My guess is they changed it when they gave everyone the capability to shoot radar darts with the crossbow.

    If it worked differently for you, I'm unsure how.
  14. Pat22

  15. DFDelta

    Errm, nope.
    I'm using it since closed beta and it has always (until yesterday that is) shown standing enemies.
    I have used it literally the day before the patch to find and kill completely invisible crouching stalkers.
  16. Udnknome

    I also run scout flash all the time. I noticed that I couldn't see enemies that were standing still while hunting infiltrators. Most everyone else runs full force everywhere so it's not an issue, only (skilled) infiltrators (sometimes LAs) move slow enough and are still often enough to notice the nerf.

    I didn't use it last night, is it somehow not detecting slow moving players and is worse? If so, that is a bug and should be reported as such.
  17. Stormsinger

    I used it to detect stationary targets on May 19th or so, just a few days ago. They may have intended to change this a while ago, they failed to do so.
  18. dBMachine

    Which is bull.

    I run maxed scout radar every day I play.

    As of the day before the patch it would detect non-moving enemies. Now it's only a motion detector. This is definately more than a tool-tip change.

    I wanted my certs refunded after the first radar nerf. Now this??
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  19. maxkeiser

    This. Scout radar ALWAYS used to detect non-moving players.
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  20. OldMaster80

    I prefer to call it "adjustment" instead of nerf. The reason why the radar has been moved to the Defensive slot was that it's meant to detect C4ers running against your vehicle. It was instead used for aggressive purpose and it was clearly OP: once the radar was active the enemies had no way to understand they were detected and they had no way to escape.
    Putting 1 single scout radar in the game meant game over for Infiltrators who mainly rely on remaining unspotted and have no way to harm vehicles.

    Not the scout radar works exactly like every other detection device in the game.
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