Fundemental Problem with Miller Gameplay

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Crosi, May 20, 2014.

  1. Crosi

    This is gonna be a whine thread for healthy flaming.

    As a lone wolf VS player i get convod usually 2 times per session by a TR player wanting to rage at me or blame my ping of 60 on their death. This is quite funny, but after noticing the pattern of it only being TR players and not NC i thought it interesting enough to post here.

    My theory is, that on miller, the TR is such easy mode each night that when they are separated from the zerg or somehow (and rarely) dont have the pop they seriously whine and abuse other players. I can only assume this is because they are used to 2:1 population advantage and think they are better than they are?

    After my most recent pair of abusive conversations with TR players who felt unfairly treated by the server gods i misguidedly decided to post my thoughts here.

    Dont mistake my post for RP, i give them props. I find it terminally boring to fight an opponent so overwhelmingly outnumbered and log off if that ends up the case. Meanwhile TR have the resoluteness to stick it out with no opposition, 10:1 if needs be, theyll be zerging to the end on miller!

    This has been a PSA on behalf of the VS and NC on miller!
  2. reaven2

    Thats why theres actually a Squad/Platoon System.
  3. Venomoroth

    Reasons for TR players to complain about VS:

    1. Matt Higby himself said he knows about VS being op statwise, but can't do something against it (balance them) cause the VS will immediately stop playing if anything is nerfed, changed or even balanced.

    2. TR has the WORST infantry weaponary of all empires. All infantry weapons have more (and sometimes horrible) vertical recoil than those of other factions and, cause of their rof, very often have awful hit detection problems. Especially the Armistice SMG suffers from hit detection problems and you never know if it will be awesome or absolutely useless.

    Why NC doesn't complain:

    Their weapons work as intended, have a reasonable design (at least most of them) and so they are just more competitive.
  4. TheFamilyGhost

    Why. Why has the community gone this way.
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  5. Venomoroth

    1. read the spreadsheets

    2. your super cool internet "troll MUhahahaAHA style" doesn't make you right - it's just annoying and a bit too vanu for me
    and it is still a known fact that higher rates of fire cause worse hit detection problems and there have been multiple threads about the armistice cause of that. this is also the reason for the limited rof on all weapons. or have you seen a "2000rpm low damage per bullet gun" so far?! no? cause it doesnt work!
  6. Drudid

    i was fairly sure that it was high rof that had the advantage in laggy situations, a single 200 damage bullet being lost due to lag, is going to hurt ttk far more than a single 143 bullet being lost, due to each damage tier's associated RoF

    on the subject of miller TR, ofc they're a bit nuts. it takes a special type of crazy to sit at 44% pop for months and boast about how they win via skill and superior tactics, and then ***** and moan when NC got up to 38% for 2 weeks after PU02, but hey we're back to the old %'s (i never understand why miller VS is so .. empty..)
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  7. ohmikkie

    Without checking the figures I thought TR weapons had more overall horizontal recoil. In my experience I've noticed this. It can be argued that they have the best CQC fire from the hip weapons.
  8. Venomoroth

    1. the armistice deals 125 dpr, not 143
    2. it is a well known fact that higher rates of fire cause higher losses of packages/bullets/damage. so if you have a slow firing 200damage weapon, you will most likley suffer much less from any damage losses at all. IT IS THE TRUTH, BOY!
  9. Bennybones

    I read some spreadsheets but I didn't see where Higby had said himself that the VS were too OP and they couldn't change it. All I see are weapon stats which are largely identical or extremely similar to the TR stats when looking at the VS weapons.

    Or maybe I just genuinely believed you were a troll. It wouldn't have occurred to me that someone who played TR could ever claim that we have the worst weapons. Unless they hadn't tried the other empires and were just whining for the hell of it. And I assumed that you had tested the other empires. But I'm starting to doubt that now. I mean, seriously. Our carbines are amazing, our AR's are the best in the game, our LMGs are excellent, the MCG is great, our pistols are good. Maybe the prowler needs a little bit of rebalancing and of course individual weapons need some attention, but come on. Worst? I'm still not sure if I'm being trolled here.

    And I agreed with you that hit detection was a problem. No argument here. But it doesn't hit the TR so badly that it ***** our faction or has any major impact on our performance. And it hits the VS almost exactly as badly as it hits the TR and the NC only slightly less.
  10. Venomoroth

    yep, made a mistake and mixed up vertical and horizontal ;)
  11. bPostal

    Hmm, I see.
  12. Ruffdog

    Whining is outlawed . Tell them to report to center 2568 for reeducation
  13. MostlyClueless

    I can't remember a fight I've had in the past week where we had even a 2:1 pop, let alone 10:1. Every faction seems to think they and they alone never zerg and are always double teamed.

    Yes sometimes a fight will be going the VS way and they'll be hell dropped by BRTD or G00N or even MoX but that's down to organization not zerg tactics.

    I get that VS is short Global pop these days, but Indar or the Alert Cont is usually pretty even pop and we can't really zerg with equal numbers.
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  14. MrK

    Horizontal Recoil actually.
    Upside is that high RoF weapons get a better hipfire CoF and are better suited for CQC.
    TR upside is more about having more ammo per mag than pure RoF, considering VS also run high RoF, 143 Alpha weapons as base.

    and you overestimate the impact of hit detection imho. Never felt it to be that much of an issue, and not more on my TR/VS chars than my NC one. Perhaps it's hitting you badly, I don't know, but it's not a gamechanger for myself.
  15. Hasteras

    Worst post of the year. Golf clap?
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  16. DrPapaPenguin

    Welcome to TR. Aka Total Rowboats.

    Not sure wth you do, but I never get rage tells when I play my VS alt :(
  17. Paragon Exile

  18. St0mpy

    Its because he plays a large amount of his time as an SMG infil, hes not bad at it so yeah i see where the rage tells come from, but to pish and moan that its down to TR sometimes having slightly more pop (not always tho) is just stupid

    and what with the subsequent banned words coming out in some peoples posts in this thread, and the general uselessness of it I dont expect it to be open for long.
  19. iPlague

    TR doesn't have the worst weaponry of all empiers, no, in fact it has the strongest CQC arsenal of all the empires, with the exception of the Jackhammer being NC only :eek: At the cost of decent long range weaponry - which there are very few of.

    As a fellow miller player it's not as much the TR that's the problem, it's the 5-10 % world pop players that will change faction for an alert to make sure either TR or NC has the dominating pop to win alerts mostly, it's very rare and mostly only in the evenings that VS can muster a pop equal or higher then TR and NC during prime time.

    The fundamental problem with Miller is the lock ons, horrible server stability whenever there's an indar alert, and of course the biggest one. Zerging.
  20. phreec