Implant patch removes cert info functionality

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Halcyon, May 20, 2014.

  1. Halcyon

    By removing the cert screen and all of the information it contained, I cannot look at future ranks of certs to see what the effect is or how much they cost.
    All I can do is go to the ability in the character screen and see what the next rank costs and the bonus it gives.

    Why do you guys remove functionality from the game and call it "progress"?
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  2. Flamberge

    Can't you still go to the character loadout screen, and click on the -insert class name here- certifications button on the bottom?
  3. Halcyon

    All this shows are passive certs now.
    All active certs can be found in their respective ability slots on the character screen. Lost functionality.
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  4. Skooma Lord

    In my opinion they should of put the Implant button somewhere else or make the other buttons smaller so it can fit in the row. The cert button should of stayed where it was at. They shouldn't of removed the certifications menu completely.
  5. Kartaugh

    I had already been pissed off when they detached the weapon certs from the classes they belonged to, since that was an easy way to see which weapons still needed certain pieces.

    Now I have to go through the same ******** with the classes as well?

    This is ******** and unacceptable, I'm strongly considering just dropping my subscription. Removing easy-to-use functionality in favor of, what exactly? What in hell did we gain for this removal? Streamlining? That is often detrimental to good usability.

    The whole implants thing could've easily been made into an extra button on the menu, instead of completely replacing the Certs window.

    This is an idiotic change that is pissing me off.
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  6. Kartaugh

    Basically, they took a highly important feature (certs and where your characters has them or not) and made it a lot harder to visualize.

    Then, they took a new and relatively unimportant feature (implants and their ******** implementation) and made them a MAJOR part of the interface.

    **** THIS.
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  7. Halcyon

    Cancelled my sub a while back because of changes like this.
    To see them continuing the trend doesn't surprise me.
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  8. JP_Russell

    Yeah, I can't believe they did that. I have to open up the Steam browser and go to a wiki or something to plan out all my cert investments or to get a reminder of how much it cost me to unlock levels X through Y of a given cert option, which is ridiculous. I already thought it was dumb that I had to specifically go to the cert screen to find this info, and now that info simply doesn't exist.

    Christ. All. Mighty. These updates, man.
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  9. Kartaugh

    At first I thought it was a bug. They couldn't have replaced the certs screen with a useless, huge, major screen for the ****** implants, could they?

    It turns out, yes. Yes they could.
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  10. Takoita

    I'll have to agree with this. First loadout screen becomes a mess, then ammo counter gets much less readable (and eye-cutting) font, now this.

    The UI folks are making one blunder after another.
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  11. Grayson

    So you can buy charges faster......oh and dont forget to UPGRADE..
  12. Umrtvovacz

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  13. Halcyon

    That's great, but it should be in the freaking game, not some 3rd party website.
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  14. Umrtvovacz

    I know, I know... Still better than nothing, I guess.
  15. Kartaugh

    That site is basically exactly what we had in game before they started ******* it up with their harebrained ideas about layout.

    It's a very good viewer indeed, but goddamn it, we HAD that in the game....