Baron OP!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by eldarfalcongravtank, May 20, 2014.

  1. eldarfalcongravtank

    dat muzzle velocity :eek:

    seriously guiz. wif slugz dis gon be beast keke

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  2. z1967

    Well, at least it is not an implant thread.
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  3. DJPenguin

    I'm a fan as well. My only complaint is the lackluster sound effect. As a nc la there is just no love in the sexy sounding gun department. SMGs are ok i suppose.
  4. PurpleOtter

    Can't wait for the first Nerf call on it because the "victim" didn't know it was common pool! :p
  5. Revanmug

    I guess you are the kind of dumb people that can't understand that common pool weaponry can be as OP as ES weaponry.

    Do I have to make a list of all common pool item that got nerf over the year and, more often than not, for good reason?
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  6. Ronin Oni

    Viper most recently
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  7. Pikachu

    I notice no difference in slug velocity for this shotgun and other NC shotguns. Same p**s poor velocity.
  8. PieBringer

    What sort of vile heretic would DARE taint a shotgun with SLUG ROUNDS!?

    On a serious note, I'll have to actually take a look at the in-game experience before I chime in on the weapon.
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  9. Clay

    I made a couple of kills with it and dont thinkt its OP. Im not performing better than with other shotgun options. Its accuracy is nice but holy crap the long reload and the small magazine are huge downsides for a cqc weapon.
  10. AdamRah

    Ah the regular Forumside crew, well atleast half of it, let's wait for tommy, hoki and just about everyone else to make this thread funny as per usual when we all comment :p
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  11. Rogueghost

    The viper nerf was completely uncalled for, SOE is only allowed to nerf my toys when I'm done playing with them.
  12. anchorman

    I recently tried the baron on the vr and it is really strong for distant shots, it outdoes any other shotgun the NC have in their weapon pool at range, I haven' t tried the other empires yet . I added the 3.4 scope ,slug ammo and extended mag and this thing is a beast . It took me 5 shots to down a target it took about 12 with the jackhammer. It kinda sucks at cqc though to me.
  13. Goden

    It's hands down the best shotgun in the game beside the Jackhammer.

    There is no reason to use anything else right now. But then I would have expect nothing less from SOE.
  14. Prudentia

    I used it in Trial... it sucks... doesn't hit anything because the spread is like 1/10 of the CoF so it feels like hipfiring a Gauss SAW... just with only 6 bullets and an even longer reload...
  15. Skooma Lord

    Does anyone think that the slower firing pump action shotguns should have better range? I don't think they would be overpowered and right now the faster firing pump-actions(the one with 10 pellets I think) are superior to the 11 pellet shotguns. The only advantage I think is the extra pellet.
    In my opinion they should have higher velocity and bullet damage/less damage drop off.
  16. minhalexus

    You can go with either one you like.

    I still went with the 10 pellet one.
    No I do not think that the 11 pellet one needs a buff.
  17. Revanmug

    You heard it here first people. The Jackhammer sucks.
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  18. Codex561

    Im always late to threads these days... :(
  19. Malcmodnar

    Eh, I have no problems with the Baron as it stands. The range is nice, but it's got its fair share of downsides as well. It lacks the staying power and shorter reload of the semi-autos, the nightmarish lethality of the auto-shotguns, and the ambush potential of the pump-actions. Altogether, I'd say it's a hair weaker than it needs to be (it takes a bit too long to kill at the longer ranges), but is in a good position overall.

    It's got a nice, well-defined role and a fair share of pros and cons. A good weapon.
  20. Iridar51

    The Baron looks so sexy I don't really care what performance it has. Gonna get this baby with certs.
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