[Video] Angel with a Shotgun

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mustarde, May 18, 2014.

  1. Dis

    Ok now I see why they're buffing all shotguns. Thanks for clearing that up for us Mustarde.
    • Up x 3
  2. Tentakewls

    I like pump actions, unfortunately, they are awful with 30 fps. I've been debating whether to buy or not the full auto ones but it's cheap as hell.
  3. Mustarde

    I really tried to not make this video about my reddit post regarding shogtuns from the other week... but yeah... I think they are JUST FINE. Not OP, not UP. Just right.

    And I think the semi-auto and fully auto ones are noob friendly enough while not being broken. Sure, I have cursed a few times about shotguns on teamspeak. But when I really think about it, I probably over-extended and put myself into their killbox when I should have played smarter.
  4. AdamRah

    hey i was wondering, when are you going to do your sniping tutorials? eg hitting a moving target, only moukass did a video even then i didn't explain much :)
  5. Kanil

    You seem to get away with missing your shots more often that I would expect. Is that a montage bias thing? NC bad thing? Or are your tactics just particularly forgiving? Or even a mix of all three?
  6. Mustarde

    Sometimes it gets me killed (so there probably is a little montage bias). In some of the clips I am using cover. In others, I simply had the advantage of first attack so a miss could be forgiven with a quick second hit. In others, you see me strafing and ducking, trying to minimize incoming damage enough to survive. That pays off in a few kills.

    So probably a mix of all three.

    I might do some gameplay commentary, but I don't know how much more I can teach people about sniping. We'll see if I come up with anything good.
  7. Ripshaft

    How do you find the feel vs the two pump actions? I recently invested in the diemos as more reliably one shotting seemed a more notable advantage than slightly faster chamber time, but I'm interested in just how the differences actually factor in between them.

    Probably the thing I find the most advantageous about the pump actions is the lack of audible threat - the enemy generally wont react to a single shot nearby, it's usually not immediately apparent that it's an enemy, and the next shot they hear is usually as a load of shot is tearing through them.

    Very rewarding weapon if you're used to it and are having a decent enough day with ok fps. It's even usable on my 8$ mouse, which is a plus. Though if your fps isn't solid or you're not having a good day for fidelity there's no weapon that makes you look more hilariously useless lol - a keen tactical sense wont help if you miss that first shot most of the time haha

    Edit: and while im here, I really wish vs shotties had extremely distinct audio and animations - like venting turbo neon laser super plasma explosion of death... sigh.
  8. G.O.A.T

    LMFO taking Pride in instant killing/owning with the shotgun.

    Shotgun is a n00b weapon, no matter how much you suck, you should own almost anybody at close range.

    Sorry but doesn't deserve a montage.

    Get an actual gun where you have to aim constantly for sometime to kill em and go own people at close range.....then ill be impressed
  9. Nitrobudyn

    Mustarde, after some hesitating if i should bring this back, i thought why not?

    In the other topic i wrote that You'd be more effective with an LMG or a shotgun than with rocket primary. The noob-tube (rocket launcher) should give a lot of power for little amount of skill. Other weapons (shotguns in this case) should give a bit more power for a lot more skill. So, what works better for You, a shotgun or rocket primary?
  10. Reavx

    Hate the music.. by god why anyone would think to make a video with that boyband like trash is beyond me.

    Anyway shotguns, gotta hate em.
    They are the less skill required weapons anyway you look at it.
    You point and click in close range and bam.
    For me it's all about movement, if you are experienced enough and know how to move properly a shot gun will give you much more power in CQC than any other weapon.
    If you do not know how to move (like most people) then you will find your self outside of its effective range spamming crap dps.

    However knowing how to move to me does not equal much skill.
    Any player that invests enough time in PS2 eventually learns it. (in most cases)
    It does not make anyone who abuses shotguns MLG pros.
    They are just using a crutch that they know how to abuse.
  11. AngryPlayer

    It's always wise to know something about the person if you're to try and trash talk them... I'm not saying everyone should know who Mustarde is or how good of a player he is, but if you're going to sit here and try and tell him he's a n00b, you're gonna look like a total idiot.
  12. DooDooBreff

    i killed you last night on your mustardeNC and it felt good
  13. KnightCole

    No, hes on MAttherson, that is just an average day at the NC office.........4 guys, 1 max, grenade flash....and they all lose.....typical NC ********. I would so get off Mattherson if I could......I cant stand the Matthy NC...they are all a blubbering bunch of total absolute clueless morons.

    But Mustarde, I kinda like that song, sounds cool. I hate PA Shotties though...they really are OP as hell.
  14. Corporate Thug

    The TR on Mattherson make me really sad. It was extremely rare to see a faction lose a base with even pop until I came to Mattherson. Keep in mind that I started as NC and my home server is Connery :p

    As far as the video goes, I really hate shot guns. I think they're too easy to use and they perform about as well as other CQC weapons out to short-medium range(15-20m), BUT I love this video and how Mustarde tries to keep his opinion out of this thread and is just trying to provide us entertainment. If you don't like the video because of shotguns then you were still probably entertained and didn't have to twiddle your thumbs. Thanks and it really was good.
  15. KnightCole

    Yeah, video was cool, no issue....I just feel Shotties, esp PA and Slug shotties are a bit OP lol.

    BUt nothing to see here, not a shotty thread haha.


    Mustarde, you really got a lot of balls posting this garbage you hypocrite. you go from whining about "rocket primary" and its OHK ability to this, where you score multiple OHKs per magazine with PA shotguns.

    OHK rocket with a 5 second reload per shot = bad, skill-less, noob, etc., but spamming a PA shotgun in close quarters and racking up multiple cheeseball OHKs in seconds = A-Okay, perfectly hunky-dory!

    and then you have the balls to tell us not to engage in a balance discussion. everything's perfectly fine and balanced when you post about PA shotguns! so don't post about it! but god forbid anyone claim that rockets are working as intended.

    you're really something. and not in a good way.
  17. Mustarde

    The purpose of the rocket thread and video was to raise awareness and debate over the rocket primary concept. And after 18 pages I think everyone had a great chance to share their opinions. I have my own opinions but love reading from people who disagree or have different ideas about how to make changes.

    The purpose of this was to make an entertaining video. Meaning, I am not trying to say "nerf shotguns!" by making this. That doesn't mean you can't have an opinion or share it with everyone here. I actually hate fighting against shotguns. But the video is not an attempt to provide evidence of abuse or promote an idea for change.

    I know that I invite criticism by making threads and videos with personal opinion about a game mechanic. I am fine with that. But I also don't want to turn my channel into a "change the game the way I want" string of videos. My subscribers came to see diverse and unique gameplay and that is what I try to provide while occasionally using my platform to share thoughts about the game.

    Love or hate shotguns? Feel free to discuss! But this video is nothing more than a highlight reel, and doesn't prove anything. I actually made a very large reddit thread the other week advocating that SOE not buff shotguns as they had on PTS. And fortunately with today's patch, shotguns were left unchanged. So for those who were wondering, I actually do have opinions about shotgun balance but was trying to avoid using my channel or videos to push every single opinion I have.

    Sorry if it comes off the wrong way. I don't intend that.
  18. Boildown

    How much did you speed up the video? I use shotguns a lot, as they mesh well with my medic playstyle. And I couldn't help but notice that your reload times were quite faster than normal.

    I happen to think the full-auto shotguns are the best weapons in the game (and before anyone says anything different, the VS and TR have versions identical to the NC Piston). Better than the Jackhammer for sure. The pump actions are situationally better, when you have a room full of infantry who are distracted by other tasks, for example, like keeping a max up. But overall, the auto-shotties are the best infantry weapons in the game, the pump actions, not so much.

    For anyone who thinks shotguns are OP, I would disagree. Keep your ears open, they all make a distinctive sound. I can identify each faction's pump action(s) and auto-shotty by sound alone. Unless you're the first to get killed by one, once you hear it, look at your mini-map for the dot that pops up when its fired, and position yourself behind a blind corner or a bit further away than usual, and you should win.
  19. Mustarde

    I literally couldn't tell a difference. I know there is one intellectually. But functionally, they are not distinguishable (but I'm not an expert on PA shotguns).

    Just trying to fit the footage to the music - some of the footage is 1.5x, some is closer to 1x. Too much and people dislike the jumpiness. Too slow and I can't include everything I want, and/or the gameplay drags.