ReachCast Community Question #86 - If you could TK anyone...?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Deringer, May 18, 2014.

  1. Deringer

    This week's ReachCast Community question is ...

    “If you could TK anyone from the PS2 community, who would it be?”

    As always, respond here or e-mail us at or call us at (415)787-3224!
  2. z1967

    Stew360, maybe tieba
    • Up x 1
  3. Udnknome

    I've already done this, it's not as exciting as you might think.
    • Up x 1
  4. Paragon Exile


  5. Morti

    cliché but I'd love a chance to TK Higby.

    With the gauss SAW.
  6. Visk

    Josh Sanchez.
  7. doombro

  8. Deringer

    But Josh may/may not have named the TORQ-9 after our own Torkz!
  9. Prudentia

    he always TK me during a massive Zepher Killstreak by crashing into terrain. i would have a much higher K/D if he didn't :(
  10. Visk

    I bet he's fully torqed after getting a weapon named after him :p
  11. Negator

  12. Hibiki54

    Already did that.
  13. BlargKick

  14. footjam

    TKing Negator is a lot of fun. Join the V and you can TK him every time he calls for a recall.
  15. Genetic

    Smedley but I'd like to torture him 1st
  16. Posse

    Giggily, only to hear his reaction on TS.
  17. Nerp

    Koolblade because he is not mlg enough.