Making Rocket Primary Go Away

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by D3GGEY, May 13, 2014.

  1. D3GGEY

    Hear me out. Twofold solution.

    First, make firing your RL drop your shields. Explain it with backblast or whatever.

    Then, give all rocket launchers their normal splash, plus 600 splash damage for an additional meter.

    Boom, you now have a rocket launcher that kills its user if used at close range (like in a Bio Lab).

    Or it could do more damage the farther the projectile goes. LIke under 25m no OHK. Possee's idea in a different thread.
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  3. Krayus_Korianis

    I get killed by rockets. I don't ReachCat and moan about it.
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  4. IamDH

    How many Deggy's are there....
  5. gigastar

    Better solution would be to actually nerf the hip accuracy of dumbires, and nerf the moving-ADS accuracy and the CoF recovery.
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  6. D3GGEY

    I get killed by rockets, but I drive a tank so it's considered to be a valid use of them.

    I'm just enjoying offering different ideas. Expanding the splash radius of a RL could actually be a nerf to rocket primary players.

    Hush, hush. I have no idea who that person is.
  7. JorgeSarcos

    Seriously, its post like this that make me want to quit PlanetSide, i can understand all the patch delays, bugs and stuff because i know how thats handled, but man i cant stand so many kids asking for so many dumb stuff and seeing it get implemented... o_O
  8. doombro

    That wouldn't stop me from going rocket primary.
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  9. quatin

    This change will make RL 2 shot kill infantry within 6 meters. It will 3-shot kill lightnings. You don't see a problem with this? I guess if all you do is run around solo hoarding a K/D ratio, then this would solve your problem of RL primary users ruining your kill streak. However, this would make the game terrible for everyone else.
  10. KnightCole

    Umm, no!? That makes even less sense then a Skywhale out manuevering ESFs...
  11. Drippyskippy

    And threads like this is why the Devs don't read their own forums.
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  12. Bl4ckVoid

    And how are we supposed to deal with MAXes in rooms??? You failed to consider all aspects. Rocket primaries are not that big of a problem, I die to other causes a lot more.

    Flak armor (at a high level) should protect against direct rocket hit and the problem would be solved.
  13. PieBringer

    Fixed that for you.
  14. Lowback

    Rocket primaries are fine. It's rage inducing when it happens but it is a rare occurrence. It seems unfair because you hardly get a chance to fight back, but if you consider C4 from light assault and mines from multiple classes, and sniper headshots, we can see many examples where hard-to-fight-back is universal to infantry combat.
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  15. Moz

    I like this idea.

    A rpg / rocket should 100% be capable of clearing a camped enemy from a tower or gun turret, but the people using it like a shotgun should not be rewarded.

    On he filpside of the coin, its not that big of an issue anyway because actually being killed like this is rare.
  16. stalkish

    Its not 'being killed by a rocket' that annoys me. Its when the user is less than 3 feet from me but somehow walks off with 0 damage that is o_O.
  17. Whatupwidat

    Yeah, it's annoying - but no more so than being instakilled by a pump action shotgun, or seeing an enemy light-assault run over your tank split seconds before you explode into fiery muesli.
  18. D3GGEY

    Splash damage doesn't hurt Lightnings. I'm not sure what your problem is, but getting hit by two RL splash radii takes far longer than just getting shot to death with a gun.

    And this would fix that. People who use their RLs at close range would be killed by the backblast due to the shield damage.
  19. Odin

    Hope the rocket primary for insta kill on infantry goes away, I would come back to the game.
  20. z1967

    Many. Very, very many...
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