
Discussion in 'Player Support' started by KnightCole, May 14, 2014.

  1. KnightCole

    So im looking in my system tray or w/e its called for random programs I dont need.

    I cam across this Aweseomiumprocess.exe and opened its file location which led to my PS2 folder in the Launchpad libs file.

    Im now wondering, what happens if I delete it and do i need this file for the game to run?
  2. MichaelS

    Jea, sure PS2 is starting unneeded processes. If you really think this, just COPY the file away and start PS2.
  3. namd3

    Don't mess with it, really, why would you want to interfere with it?

    That process has no effect on performance leave it alone
  4. Speijker

    It's used for the "webbrowser" in your Launchpad, so don't remove it (I don't think it'll work without it).
    A lot of game launcher use it, actually.
  5. Tropopyte

    I'm pretty shure if u'd delete it, the launcher would just redownload it on start anyways...
  6. TeknoBug

    It's part of the SOE launchpad for PS2.
  7. Utrooperx