Things you didnt know

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bananathug, Dec 30, 2013.

  1. Lancener

    The more you jump the more slowly you move, stop bunny-hopping it'll hurt you more than anything. You can also jump over some walls and climb some areas by approaching it at an angle and spamming jump, which will make you extremely slow once you get over it.
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    Holding E button when coming up to a terminal or a deployed sundy will resupply you instantly. Don't even let off of it just hold it down and less than a split second you are resupplied and back at the battle before you can even blink.

    4 C-4 (Kinda):

    You can place 2 C-4 blocks then go to a terminal and resupply. Detonate, then place 2 more. Works good for enemy sundy when 2 bricks just doesn't do the job. Especially if they seem to get it repaired every time before you get back with C-4.

    Auto Run/Drive/Fly

    Pressing the + button once puts you into auto mode. And while in auto mode you can check the map, resupply your infantry resources, or even go to the restroom!
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  3. John_Aitc

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  4. Naejin

    You can knife kill or max punch someone through a spawn or gate shield if they're standing to close to it. Similarily, if you use the GSD on your sundy to drive through the shields into an enemy vehicle bay, then back it up so that it's up against the shield, friendlys can enter the vehicle from outside the shield and exit the vehicle inside the bay.
  5. Vixxing

    Can you be one of the 12 Strikermonkeys i C4'ed on an Esamir mountaintop pre-striker-nerf?
  6. JibbaJabba

    You can also accidentally mute them by hitting the enter button just below it.

    BTW - I dig this post!!
    A refreshing break from "Home > Forums > Planetside 2 Discussion > Nerf Everything that kills me Forums"
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  7. JibbaJabba

    This is not gameplay related. It is a built in IQ test and the resulting data is being sent off to the Harvard Medical Center. Sony gets compensation for this valuable data although I don't have all the details.
  8. Vixxing

    The new recon thing you drop saved my life 2000 times since i got it on all my infils and NEVER get that gun out anymore with mousewheel mid fights... :)
  9. John_Aitc

    Naejin's post reminded me:

    Vehicle terminals that are outside of a wall with the terminal behind the window inside - You can hack those from outside the base and any friendly can use it to pull a vehicle that way.

    If you are looking at an enemy on the inside of the base and they try and be cute and push their gun through the shield at you, you can knife them.
  10. FaLI3N

    Flak explodes through shields provided air is close enough to it so if you ever make an ESF panic and fly into the bottom of the biolab you can give him a nasty surprise.

    You can both hack and resupply through the walls if the terminal is within range, works well for hacking the bottom infantry terminal of a tower stealthily (well as stealthily as you can with the minimap giving you away).

    dw haha I edited to put that in then saw you said it ^^
  11. Ronin Oni

    I knew about numpad 'Enter' to quick-mute but not this one.

    Noice. Thx :D
  12. NC_agent00kevin



    I only use the Motion Spotter when I need to defend a static location. If Im roaming around and/or there are many enemies around to destroy it, I instead still use Recon Darts. Motion Spotters are also good bait though. Kinda depends on the situation.

    Also, that post is old.


    Man this one right here......I didn't know anything about this for months on end and as a noob couldn't figure out why folks were screaming at me for ammo as I thought, "I don't have that equipped to give" just for someone to finally (don't know why no one else bothered) tell me about it during a game just recently o_O

    The other nice tip was the one about the mini-map markers as I never knew you could alt out and mark it instead of going to the main map!!!
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  15. Vixxing

    When i wanna swap to commisioner i use mouswwheel sometimes when stressed... aaaaaand get that recon gun out and stand looking dumb til i get killed... never happens anymore :) with motion detector...
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  16. JibbaJabba

    To quickly break down a platoon (at end of alert, or whatever reason..)

    /platoon disband

    Which will reduce you to just the squad you are in. Then type:

    /squad disband

    Regarding the "fast elevator". What works best for me: Aim *exactly* 45 degrees up. Hold W and Space. Suparfast!
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  17. TriumphantJelly

    You can get in the friedly vehicles in the VR
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  18. DFDelta

    You can easiely get onto the roof of a techplant with every class, including the MAX.

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  19. KnightCole

    It was a nightmare where you decided to play Mattherson NC and assaulted a Biolab with 4 MAX suits and a wide assortment of other NC scrubs(The angry Monkeys).

    The rest of it is the part where the NC begin to get mad at each other and become greedy over who gets the kills and they stop caring about the base so they begin TKing each other. You end up being caught up in the mess and join them, grabbing your MAX suit and Tking all the NC as they enter the room youre in...
  20. KnightCole

    Sooo thaaaats how thats done.